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Sean Trane
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Posted: September 25 2006 at 04:40 |
darksinger wrote:
very simple really-i do not like music that has emotional men crying about their woman leaving them or cheating on them (grow some damn balls!) or women shreiking like they got their tit caught in an iron door.
That's the Jen I know 
For everyone who does not know Jen yet, she is one hell of a character 
let's just stay above the moral melee prefer the sink to the gutter keep our sand-castle virtues content to be a doer as well as a thinker, prefer lifting our pen rather than un-sheath our sword
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Posted: September 29 2006 at 21:43 |
Atkingani wrote:
evenless wrote:
Well, I'm a regular Dutch guy who really likes prog. When I got to know my (Brazilian) wife she was completely unfamiliar with progressive rock, or as a matter of fact, with ROCK completely as she had only be listening to the more popular Brazilian genres like samba, salsa, foho and axé.
But I'm really happy to see that she likes quite a lot of the progressive rock music I listen to nowadays. She has even attended a RIVERSIDE concert with me and we'll be going to PAATOS / PORCUPINE TREE together on 27/09/'06. She also likes the German band SYLVAN and likes to listen to BLACKFIELD too. As she doesn't like the heavier stuff like OPETH and THE MARS VOLTA too much I suppose she likes the MELODIC prog-rock scene better than the heavier stuff.
(I suppose I can listen to THE MARS VOLTA, SYSTEM OF A DOWN and OPETH in my car or with my headphones on... )  |
Please don't tell me that in the other side you got into in foho, axé, pagode, etc.  |
Ó xente, and what's wrong with forró?

Alex Zambra
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Posted: September 29 2006 at 23:07 |
Most women dislike prog. rock has been my experience.
My wife will listen gladly to Jade Warrior (Particularly the Island ones); yet start playing Gentle Giant or early Genesis and she tires right away.
Must be the way our brains work?
Jazz music the same way.
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Posted: September 30 2006 at 23:46 |
It seems to me the question is why *don't* women appear to like prog in as many numbers. Firstly, I have no idea. Second, it seems to depend on the band, i.e.; I've known many women who *loved* Yes and Tull but aren't thrilled by ELP or Crimson.
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Posted: October 01 2006 at 17:20 |
Right, I had so much to say I couldn't stand to read the third through sixth pages, so bear with me if I repeat anything
I am one of those new females Ghostie was talking about, and I have a few theories about why most women don't like prog.
First, women tend to be much more social than men - and IMHO, prog is not by any means social music. Prog is intellectual music, it's music you think about, reflect upon, and absorb over many listenings. Also... it's distracting. I find that when I have prog on and a friend in the room, it's very hard to keep myself focused on the conversation... my mind keeps drifting back to the music. So if you have more social situations, you're less likely to get into prog rock.
As a further extension of the "social" characteristic, I'd claim that since prog appeals to individuals rather than groups, women are less likely to get into it because of social pressures. When was the last time you heard a girl described as a "lone wolf," and if you have, when have you heard another, unacquainted female speak even neutrally of her? I'm in college right now, and if I'm walking around campus after all classes are over, I never, never see another unaccompanied female. It's not just about safety: a girl out alone attracts strange looks from anyone, guy or girl, that they pass. I could just be being paranoid, and it could very well be that it's just because the occurrence is unusual, but in any case it demonstrates a point: in general, females don't like being alone. They will often go along with things they don't like just in order to remain part of the group, and eschew things they might like because they might make them stand out. I don't know if this is true once you get out of school, but by then the damage is likely already done.
Here's one that may draw some flak: I contend that the people most interested in prog tend to be heavily math- or logic-oriented people, people who are into abstract thinking and all that. Statistically, these people tend to be male. I am the only female prog lover I know personally, and I'm a linguistics/compsci double major; and the only males I've known to like prog are/were math, engineering, music, and creative writing majors. The last one seems like an aberration, but the two men I'm thinking of are both highly logical, just very creative as well. They could be engineers if they wanted to.
I have known plenty of mathematical/logical women who weren't into prog, too; in fact, I went to a math and science magnet school, so that describes a healthy percentage of my former peer group. My mom also falls into this category. My attempts to introduce them to prog were an abysmal failure; but I asked my mom why she didn't like it, and I think her answer is illuminating.
My mom is an extremely practical person, like most of the logic-oriented women I have known. She uses music as a kind of self-medication - a way to relax, calm herself down, and escape. She could comprehend the intellectual side of music if she wanted to, but she doesn't - "I don't like to think about my music," she told me. And from a practical point of view, she's right: why 'waste' your brain power on music when you could be solving real-world problems? I can easily apply this to my more logical friends, too - they are all highly practical, and likely consider the investment of time which is necessary for an appreciation of prog impractical. Since they don't have any sense of how much better prog is once you've gotten used to it  , their judgment is a sound one.
In conclusion: Prog appeals most to independent-minded, logical yet impractical people. There are just a lot fewer of this kind of woman than man.
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Posted: October 01 2006 at 17:21 |
Wow, great post PaperDuck.
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Posted: October 01 2006 at 17:40 |
I'd also like to note that, though my boyfriend and I have similar music tastes, I'm the one who can't stand his Van Halen and AC/DC... and he's the one who can't stand my The Mars Volta
Not that Van Halen and AC/DC are particularly melodic or girly, quite the contrary - but they're certainly poppier.
Edited by PaperDuck - October 01 2006 at 17:41
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Posted: October 01 2006 at 17:57 |
PaperDuck; Quite interesting. Very funny about having a friend in the room with prog on, I've actually lost freinds thru it. I'm not sure about progsters being math-oriented, though. It could be true, but I've never been a math person-- much more internal and creative oriented.
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Posted: October 01 2006 at 20:33 |
Funny indeed, and quite true for me too. I prefer to hear some kind of soothing music, if any, while I hold a conversation.
As for logical and math-oriented people, PaperDuck, maybe those who like prog do so because they just like to think deeply about many things, including their music. This kind of thinking is fun for them.
Edited by Swanhild - October 01 2006 at 20:37
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Posted: October 01 2006 at 21:59 |
<---woman who likes (and plays) prog!
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Posted: October 01 2006 at 22:08 |
PaperDuck wrote:
Right, I had so much to say I couldn't stand to read the third through sixth pages, so bear with me if I repeat anything
I am one of those new females Ghostie was talking about, and I have a few theories about why most women don't like prog.
First, women tend to be much more social than men - and IMHO, prog is not by any means social music. Prog is intellectual music, it's music you think about, reflect upon, and absorb over many listenings. Also... it's distracting. I find that when I have prog on and a friend in the room, it's very hard to keep myself focused on the conversation... my mind keeps drifting back to the music. So if you have more social situations, you're less likely to get into prog rock.
As a further extension of the "social" characteristic, I'd claim that since prog appeals to individuals rather than groups, women are less likely to get into it because of social pressures. When was the last time you heard a girl described as a "lone wolf," and if you have, when have you heard another, unacquainted female speak even neutrally of her? I'm in college right now, and if I'm walking around campus after all classes are over, I never, never see another unaccompanied female. It's not just about safety: a girl out alone attracts strange looks from anyone, guy or girl, that they pass. I could just be being paranoid, and it could very well be that it's just because the occurrence is unusual, but in any case it demonstrates a point: in general, females don't like being alone. They will often go along with things they don't like just in order to remain part of the group, and eschew things they might like because they might make them stand out. I don't know if this is true once you get out of school, but by then the damage is likely already done.
Here's one that may draw some flak: I contend that the people most interested in prog tend to be heavily math- or logic-oriented people, people who are into abstract thinking and all that. Statistically, these people tend to be male. I am the only female prog lover I know personally, and I'm a linguistics/compsci double major; and the only males I've known to like prog are/were math, engineering, music, and creative writing majors. The last one seems like an aberration, but the two men I'm thinking of are both highly logical, just very creative as well. They could be engineers if they wanted to.
I have known plenty of mathematical/logical women who weren't into prog, too; in fact, I went to a math and science magnet school, so that describes a healthy percentage of my former peer group. My mom also falls into this category. My attempts to introduce them to prog were an abysmal failure; but I asked my mom why she didn't like it, and I think her answer is illuminating.
My mom is an extremely practical person, like most of the logic-oriented women I have known. She uses music as a kind of self-medication - a way to relax, calm herself down, and escape. She could comprehend the intellectual side of music if she wanted to, but she doesn't - "I don't like to think about my music," she told me. And from a practical point of view, she's right: why 'waste' your brain power on music when you could be solving real-world problems? I can easily apply this to my more logical friends, too - they are all highly practical, and likely consider the investment of time which is necessary for an appreciation of prog impractical. Since they don't have any sense of how much better prog is once you've gotten used to it , their judgment is a sound one.
In conclusion: Prog appeals most to independent-minded, logical yet impractical people. There are just a lot fewer of this kind of woman than man. |
First - a great post there, Paper Duck and I personally think you or your mother have "hit the proverbial nail on the head". Lots of women I know just don't want to intellectualize over the music they are listening to. Those who do, are, generally speaking, intellectually inclined. It does not seem to matter if you are well educated in the art of Math - I am certainly not in that league however, I would admit being logic-oriented. I do agree that women in general, like to socialise or network and are very adept at such activities. This leaves them very little time to ponder the phillosophy of prog music. Men on the whole are not great socialisers but I think like to spend more time doing things on their own (The Lone Wolf syndrome). This of course gives rise to being able to spend time intellectualising over progressive music and forming very knowledgeable opinions on the subject.
Basically - women are the multi-taskers while men do better concentrating on one particular favourite past-time!!! 
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Posted: October 01 2006 at 22:13 |
valravennz wrote:
First - a great post there, Paper Duck and I personally think you or your mother have "hit the proverbial nail on the head". Lots of women I know just don't want to intellectualize over the music they are listening to. Those who do, are, generally speaking, intellectually inclined. It does not seem to matter if you are well educated in the art of Math - I am certainly not in that league however, I would admit being logic-oriented. I do agree that women in general, like to socialise or network and are very adept at such activities. This leaves them very little time to ponder the phillosophy of prog music. Men on the whole are not great socialisers but I think like to spend more time doing things on their own (The Lone Wolf syndrome). This of course gives rise to being able to spend time intellectualising over progressive music and forming very knowledgeable opinions on the subject.
Basically - women are the multi-taskers while men do better concentrating on one particular favourite past-time!!! 
That is true! I guess I am more logically-inclined than most women. I am also a classically-trained musician, so do appreciate virtuosity in all forms of music. (not just classical).
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Posted: October 01 2006 at 23:20 |
ViolinCyndee wrote:
valravennz wrote:
First - a great post there, Paper Duck and I personally think you or your mother have "hit the proverbial nail on the head". Lots of women I know just don't want to intellectualize over the music they are listening to. Those who do, are, generally speaking, intellectually inclined. It does not seem to matter if you are well educated in the art of Math - I am certainly not in that league however, I would admit being logic-oriented. I do agree that women in general, like to socialise or network and are very adept at such activities. This leaves them very little time to ponder the phillosophy of prog music. Men on the whole are not great socialisers but I think like to spend more time doing things on their own (The Lone Wolf syndrome). This of course gives rise to being able to spend time intellectualising over progressive music and forming very knowledgeable opinions on the subject.
Basically - women are the multi-taskers while men do better concentrating on one particular favourite past-time!!! 
That is true! I guess I am more logically-inclined than most women. I am also a classically-trained musician, so do appreciate virtuosity in all forms of music. (not just classical).
LOL - now that would be telling!!!!  
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Posted: October 01 2006 at 23:23 |
well it does strengthen the hand(s)
Edited by king of Siam - October 01 2006 at 23:27
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Posted: October 01 2006 at 23:29 |
valravennz wrote:
ViolinCyndee wrote:
valravennz wrote:
First - a great post there, Paper Duck and I personally think you or your mother have "hit the proverbial nail on the head". Lots of women I know just don't want to intellectualize over the music they are listening to. Those who do, are, generally speaking, intellectually inclined. It does not seem to matter if you are well educated in the art of Math - I am certainly not in that league however, I would admit being logic-oriented. I do agree that women in general, like to socialise or network and are very adept at such activities. This leaves them very little time to ponder the phillosophy of prog music. Men on the whole are not great socialisers but I think like to spend more time doing things on their own (The Lone Wolf syndrome). This of course gives rise to being able to spend time intellectualising over progressive music and forming very knowledgeable opinions on the subject.
Basically - women are the multi-taskers while men do better concentrating on one particular favourite past-time!!! 
That is true! I guess I am more logically-inclined than most women. I am also a classically-trained musician, so do appreciate virtuosity in all forms of music. (not just classical).
LOL - now that would be telling!!!!   |
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Posted: October 01 2006 at 23:34 |
king of Siam wrote:
well it does strengthen the hand(s) |
"Music is the Wine that fills the cup of Silence"
- Robert Fripp
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Posted: October 01 2006 at 23:36 |
ViolinCyndee wrote:
valravennz wrote:
ViolinCyndee wrote:
valravennz wrote:
First - a great post there, Paper Duck and I personally think you or your mother have "hit the proverbial nail on the head". Lots of women I know just don't want to intellectualize over the music they are listening to. Those who do, are, generally speaking, intellectually inclined. It does not seem to matter if you are well educated in the art of Math - I am certainly not in that league however, I would admit being logic-oriented. I do agree that women in general, like to socialise or network and are very adept at such activities. This leaves them very little time to ponder the phillosophy of prog music. Men on the whole are not great socialisers but I think like to spend more time doing things on their own (The Lone Wolf syndrome). This of course gives rise to being able to spend time intellectualising over progressive music and forming very knowledgeable opinions on the subject.
Basically - women are the multi-taskers while men do better concentrating on one particular favourite past-time!!! 
That is true! I guess I am more logically-inclined than most women. I am also a classically-trained musician, so do appreciate virtuosity in all forms of music. (not just classical).
LOL - now that would be telling!!!!   |
OOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo!!!  |
"Music is the Wine that fills the cup of Silence"
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Posted: October 01 2006 at 23:44 |
I really don't see this as a thing related to genre. Most men also don't like prog at all. Maybe it has more to do with activity or imagination.
¡Beware of the Bee!
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Posted: October 02 2006 at 05:07 |
I have to answer Paperduck. It seems very logical when reading it (Lone wolf, math-oriented, not practical : that's me !) but that does not explain why much more women than men listens to classic music. If that's was the case the same should be in this kind of music or in any kind of inteligent music, is'nt it ?
Personally I'm quite multi tasking and that helps to listen to prog while dealing with other things (right now I'm writing down these words while listening to Il baletto di bronzo's YS). So that's not persuading me either.
It's still a mystery to me !
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Posted: October 02 2006 at 05:21 |
cuncuna wrote:
I really don't see this as a thing related to genre. Most men also don't like prog at all. Maybe it has more to do with activity or imagination. |
Well said!  Let's face it, prog appeals to a minority of people, and I still think that most of the reasons why women are not into prog are related to social pressures more than to brain structure or such. We're all individuals, and some of us are more sensitive to aforesaid pressures than others. Sometimes it just takes a strong personality to embrace things that are not as popular as others, and by doing so set oneself aside from the majority of our fellow human beings.