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Psychedelia View Drop Down
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    Posted: July 22 2006 at 12:23

What is your opinion on religion, to my mind it is an outdated concept that only serves to cause good people to do bad or misguided things. How can blind belief ever be a good thing. Anyway what is your opinion on the matter?

p.s there is an accompanying poll in the poll section
Another emotional suicide, overdosed on sentiment and pride
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 12:27
Despite my being perhaps the most pro-free speech proponent on the site, I would strongly suggest that this thread be closed: although it may be a well-intentioned attempt to engage in a legitimate discussion, it certainly seems on its face to be a deliberate provocation.
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Psychedelia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 12:29
no i assure you that it is well minded, i see no reason that there should not be a discussion on an interesting, relevant matter of today
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The Miracle View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 12:35

I'm an atheist and I used to totally hate religion in all its forms before I started realizing that it's a necessary element to keep society in order. I used to think the church can be completely replaced by the law. But nothing keeps people in line like belief in god, while a criminal can think he will hide from the law or might not even care if he gets punished, fear of a superior being that sees it all and will judge his deeds after death will make him think twice. It has a different side to it of course, i.e. it gives the terrorists a motive but IMO they're just uding it to cover up and if it wasn't there they would've just used something else. It's also important to understand that Islam is much younger than Christianity. Christians have been through the whole terrorism/violence phase back in the days of Spanish inquisition and crusades, and Muslims are going through it now. Every religion has this phase of violence, but it shall pass. So, I don't like it myself but I realize its importance. 

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Psychedelia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 12:48
i disagree that suicide bombers and other religious fanatics using violence are using religion as an excuse. I think that they are truly fanatical and that this is perfectly plausible. Going back to the crusades religion was clearly a large motive for them (especially the first one) and i believe it is the underlying motive for violence rather than anything else.
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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 12:51
I don't really know. I'm basically at a point in my life where I can choose to believe in God or not. I sit around thinking, something which normally hurts my brain, and I come to the conclusion: if I can't possibly know for sure whether there is a God or not, and if I believe that constantly praying for good things to happen to me instead of trying to make those things happen by myself, then believing in a God is superficial. I actually do think there is a God. I mean, it's plausible, and if you believe that a God is all-powerful and can do anything it wants, then obviously all the great occurances in the Bible/Torah/Koran could have happened. But what puts me in a state of dismay about religion is how people---evangelicals in CBN and Pat Robertson's show once in awhile---use the Bible as a weapon or means to get what they want out of ignorant people. I believe we should continue to move foreward in society, and these people, not necessarily religion, are trying very hard to bring it back to a point hundreds of years in the past. I may be completely wrong, but from my perspective, I believe with atheism comes even more depression at current evens than with those of religious background. It can be uplifting to think there's a God that will save us from this wretched world, and while that may be true, my overall mantra is that we should strive to make this world closer to any supposed Heaven than simply waiting to be delivered to that Heaven.

Edited by stonebeard - July 22 2006 at 12:53
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erik neuteboom View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 12:54

I was very curious to this thread but I have a problem with your opening, Psychedelia:

"C'est le ton qui fait la musique", the sentence "How can blind belief ever be a good thing" sounds rather provocative and will not contribute to an open, friendly discussion.
Personally I am not religious, I always point at the parallel in nature where most of the animals are prey for the strong and smart, in the human's world most people in Africa, Asia and Latin-America are very poor and unhappy, a perfect prey a few rich families to use them as cheap labor men for the multinationals. I can hardly live with this injustice, why I have almost everything I want while 80% of the world population is poor and living under bad circumstances, AIDS is ruining almost entire continents ..Cry
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The Miracle View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 13:01
Originally posted by Psychedelia Psychedelia wrote:

i disagree that suicide bombers and other religious fanatics using violence are using religion as an excuse. I think that they are truly fanatical and that this is perfectly plausible. Going back to the crusades religion was clearly a large motive for them (especially the first one) and i believe it is the underlying motive for violence rather than anything else.
Their motive was to reccapture the "holy land", in other words get Jerusalem back. Along the way they robbed, mrdered, raped huge amounts of population because they were non believers. Of course they had a holy goal but the bloodshed along the was was pretty bad. For the suicide bombers, their goal is just as holy as a crusader saw their goal. As for the Inquisition, it was even worse; they tortured to death everyone not quite agreeing with the church's teachings, so through fear they could keep Spain in perfect order and obedience.
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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 13:15
About fundamentalist Islamic terrorists:
Part (all?) of the reason bin Laden, perhaps even most of the terrorists plotting against us is not because of religious beliefs per se, but because they see our presence over there as a disgrace on their region, their home. Of course we are infidels, below their contempt, but do you really think they'd bother spending milions and millions of dollars, taking up decades planning attacks and having hundreds maybe thousands of supporters killed if we kept to ourselves? We fund the regimes that opress them or do not represent them properly. We demand oil from their land, and they are helpless to stop it when those opressive or poorly representative regimes easily sign it away. Iraq will most likely fail in the long run because, in essence, it is a government propped up by the United States, seen as a conductor to promote US policies in the region. How well will that go over with a people who see us as infidels?
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Bj-1 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 13:23

Im an atheist, and Im fine with that. I don't care if people believe in stuff etc.  Only if it isn't extreme, like christians who says: "Oh my, you are going to hell and will rotten there forever" everytime you say for example "damn" or "crap". That's typical stuff that makes me wanna' slay something! Otherwise, Im fine with it, I just don't care.

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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 13:27
I concur, Blowie.

As long as they don't preach their religion, or tell me my own beliefs are wrong, then I'm fine with it.

I've come across people who don't preach it, but as soon as you mention you're an Aetheist, they cannot understand why.  It doesn't seem to be in their comprehension.  There is nothing wrong with that, but I feel they should understand that I have my views and they have theirs.  I'm also not saying that occurs with everyone who is religious either.
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heyitsthatguy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 13:39
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

I don't really know. I'm basically at a point in my life where I can choose to believe in God or not. I sit around thinking, something which normally hurts my brain, and I come to the conclusion: if I can't possibly know for sure whether there is a God or not, and if I believe that constantly praying for good things to happen to me instead of trying to make those things happen by myself, then believing in a God is superficial. I actually do think there is a God. I mean, it's plausible, and if you believe that a God is all-powerful and can do anything it wants, then obviously all the great occurances in the Bible/Torah/Koran could have happened. But what puts me in a state of dismay about religion is how people---evangelicals in CBN and Pat Robertson's show once in awhile---use the Bible as a weapon or means to get what they want out of ignorant people. I believe we should continue to move foreward in society, and these people, not necessarily religion, are trying very hard to bring it back to a point hundreds of years in the past. I may be completely wrong, but from my perspective, I believe with atheism comes even more depression at current evens than with those of religious background. It can be uplifting to think there's a God that will save us from this wretched world, and while that may be true, my overall mantra is that we should strive to make this world closer to any supposed Heaven than simply waiting to be delivered to that Heaven.

My opinion is that there will always be a section of people who will use religion to meet their own ends, and it doesnt mean that what they say is a fundamental or necessary value of that particular religion, despite what they want you to believe. I do believe that the worst people in a group sadly wind up being seen as a representative of that group, for the sheer fact that their views and actions are the most extreme, and are therefore much more visible. And I, a practicing Christian, am apalled and disgusted by televangelists and those who abuse something that should be for good for their own gain, often at the expense of many.

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bhikkhu View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 13:49
    I see one of the biggest problems as the difference between religion and spirituality. I know people who are very religious, and not very spiritual. This is the area that most of the fanatics fall in. They forget the essence of the teachings. All religions are based in the the idea of doing what is best. Basically, it's about understanding, compassion, generosity, and love. People get so wrapped up in the dogma, that they forget what the message is truly about. I don't think Jesus, or Muhammad, wanted atrocities comitted in their names, in order to make people behave. That is something the followers came up with. I think this comes from the punishment aspect of most organized religions. The 'be good or else' mentality causes justification of violence. You should do good things because it is the right thing to do, not because of an expected reward, or fear of retribution.
    I don't care what path someone chooses to follow, as long as the purpose is understood. It should be about becoming a better person, and thus helping to create a better world. That's why I am a Buddhist. It is very clear as to what its purpose is. No deity worship, no demeaning of other belief systems, just a spiritual path to enlightenment (it's actually not a religion). Buddhism is 500 years older than Christianity, and there has never been a war fought in its name.
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Empathy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 13:53
My primary issue with religion is this:

Almost all religions, IMO, involve an intensely _personal_ search for ultimate truth. Whenever dogma arises as a result, the focus then shifts from personal revelation to the comforts of dogma and ritual. I see this as a kind of mental laziness, in which people believe that by adhering to the comforts of the dogma and ritual, they feel that they have adequately proscribed to the religion, instead of actually trying to duplicate the revelations attained by the enlightened prophet.

My personal belief is that Jesus, Mohammed, Krishna, and the Bodhisattva have all reached the SAME essential eternal truths... they just came at it from different "angles", as it were.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 13:55
^ bhikku beat me to it! Guess I type too slow. LOL

In the long run, like heyitsthatguy... I worship HYPNOTOAD!

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 13:59
Originally posted by Empathy Empathy wrote:

^ bhikku beat me to it! Guess I type too slow. In the long run, like heyitsthatguy... I worship HYPNOTOAD!

Ooh, that's bad, because I thought I was the slowest typist on the planet.
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JrKASperov View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 14:00
Originally posted by Bj-1 Bj-1 wrote:

Only if it isn't extreme, like christians who says: "Oh my, you are going to hell and will rotten there forever" everytime you say for example "damn" or "crap"..

That's not extreme, that's hypocritical.

"Judge not, lest ye be judged in the same way"

Furthermore, I agree with mister maani that this should be ended. I can't really take anyone serious who basically says: "yeah let's talk about religion. I think it all sucks"

Edited by JrKASperov - July 22 2006 at 14:01
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 14:02
Originally posted by JrKASperov JrKASperov wrote:

Originally posted by Bj-1 Bj-1 wrote:

Only if it isn't extreme, like christians who says: "Oh my, you are going to hell and will rotten there forever" everytime you say for example "damn" or "crap"..

That's not extreme, that's hypocritical.

Actually I like that, because it means G.W. Bush is eternally condemned for saying sh*t at the G8 summit! Wink
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Tony R View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2006 at 14:16
My initial feeling was to let this thread stand.
However the initiator has not framed his opening question in a fair manner.It invites people to take a swing at people of faith dismissing them as "blind" adherents which basically suggests they are stupid.
Anyone who takes an "anti" position to the question is automatically on the back foot.
Come back with some exposition to embellish your question and I might let a subsequent similar thread develop.

Edited by Tony R - July 22 2006 at 14:16
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