piltdown man wrote:
I think that Frank Usher (the principal music writer for Fish) writes stuff that really compliments the type of sound that Fish wants. The rest of his many incarnations of his band also helped create good music to coincide with Fish's beautiful lyrics. |
Agreed. Though Fish really needs a consistant band to work with him.
Actually Frank Usher doesn´t write much music for Fish - I´d say only a handful of songs during Fish´s solo career, about 8 albums. Personally I like Mickey Simmonds work on Vigil... and Turrell/Daghorns music on Raingods best. But I agree the changes in line-up makes the it difficult to know if you´re going to like the next Fish-album.
I know later in his solo career (on his most recent album, Field of Crows, for example), Usher worked on most of the music. If Fish gets a consistent lineup to work with, then one may know what the next Fish album may sound like, because with all the different musicians he's had over the years, his sound has changed dramatically.