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Bob Greece
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 07:17 |
Jim Garten wrote:
I agree with that to an extent, but is it really beyond the wit of mankind to invent a CD insert that lasts longer than the time it takes to open the CD case for the first time? How many times have you bought a brand new CD, opened it & had those little tags which are supposed to hold the disc in place fall out (followed closely by the disc itself if you're not quick enough)?
No - the kind of packaging which irritates me is the special edition box sets such as Genesis' "Archives"; great album, great to listen to & full of marvellous photos & interviews etc... but where am I supposed to store it? It's way too big for any of my CD racks & even though it looks like a book, it's too tall for any of my bookcases!
And what about import CDs which for some obscure reason have an immoveable sticker right across the top sealing the case completely? Half an hour of careful peeling results in several broken nails and one broken CD outer case... then the inner tags fall out, & because you're so busy stemming the blood from ripped cuticles, you don't see where the CD itself fell!
 You should have been a stand-up comedian.
Bob Greece
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 07:19 |
Jim Garten wrote:
Cillit Bang |
I expect when they thought of the name, they thought "ooh that sounds a bit dirty - people won't forget that".
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 07:21 |
Haha, my friend Louise calls it by the rude name!
Hi! Barry Scott Here!
BANG and it's GONE!
Was it formerly Jif and Cif, Jim? Somebody once told me it was.
Edited by Geck0 - May 23 2006 at 08:00
Jim Garten
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 07:42 |
prog-chick wrote:
It became MY FAULT that she overslept, MY FAULT that she is not going to Amber's house, MY FAULT that she didn't know where her sports kit was, MY FAULT her hair "wouldn't go right" etc etc etc (the etc marks are not for fun, I just lost the will to type out my list of misdemeanors!!!!)
SO to the main part of my rant this sunny morn.........
Well -
Speaking as one who has as yet declined to breed, and speaking to one whom I know shares my view on some aspects of modern childhood (got that cattle prod yet?), I can see and recommend only one answer...
A damned good thrashing, followed by their having to walk (yes! Walk!) to school - the time it takes them to get there being used constructively by your good self to contact their head teacher and arrange another damned good thrashing when they arrive for having the temerity to expect their hard working mother to join the masses of 4WD vehicles, clogging this country's main arteries for the sole reason to despatch one (yes, one - have you ever seen a school run car containing more than one child? Got three children? Fine - Three separate trips, then!!!) over-indulged school pupil in the road (not on the pavement, you'll note, always in the bloody road) outside their place of learning... Place of learning?!? Hah!! These days, they're too ready to "teach" media studies (ie - watching Barry bloody Scott on TV), and not the core subjects, reading, writing, proper grammar, arithmetic, history and real science (do you know there is actually a three page document issued to schools these days outlining what our nanny state refers to as a risk assessment for bunsen burners?!?), all liberally punctuated with more damned good thrashings!
What was the question again?
Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
Jim Garten
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 07:46 |
Geck0 wrote:
Was it formerly Jif and Cif, Jim? Somebody once told me it was. |
1 - What do I know about cleaning products? I'm male!
2 - Don't get me started on changing brand names...
Snickers bars are, always have been and always will be called Marathon bars in this house!
I think I need a lie down...
Edited by Jim Garten - May 23 2006 at 07:47
Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 07:56 |
I've never liked Marathon/Snickers Bars.
I've been told that Whispers have been discontinued, I'm rather annoyed!
And I've not been able to find Bassett's Sherbet Lemons anywhere (well, I've not looked that hard, they're bad for the teeth).
Apparently Jif was a rude word in some other language... so they changed it to Cif. I also heard it was confused wth Jiff Lemon day... how queer.
Any ideas why Oil of Ulay changed to Oil of Olay... girls?
You've been lying down a lot recently, Jim, I think you need some "fresh"* air.
*polluted, smoggy, dirty, horrible air, not fresh in any way.
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 07:59 |
Geck0 wrote:
Haha, my friend Louise cools it by the rude name!
Hi! Barry Scott Here!
BANG and it's GONE!
Was it formerly Jif and Cif, Jim? Somebody once told me it was.
What annoys me is the way he says "Hi I'm Barry Scott" like we're supposed to know who he is. I mean, is he famous? Has he ever done anything apart from Cillit Bang ads?
Jif did change its name to Cif, but I'm not sure if that's the same as Cillit Bang.
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:01 |
Ah, well who cares, washing up isn't something I do that often.
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:04 |
Prog - chick
I dont have kids, but as a rough guide, I stopped blaming my mum for everything when I was about 35..
Anyway, JIM, Cillit Bang has worked wonders in my kitchen, but any advert where someone is shouting at me to buy something really gets me seething. The wost is the advert for 'Safestyle UK' Windows. Now I can't remember the name of this loathsome, bearded northern d!ckhead, but he shouts, repeatedly 'You buy one, you get one free, I SAID YOU BUY ONE YOU GET ONE FREE!!!' This is repeated at great volume, maybe three times, perhaps for the benefit of the elderly or anyone with a short term memory problem. As for me, I find myself shouting back at the TV 'You shout at me you b&stard, you get my boot in your nuts. I SAID, YOU SHOUT AT ME YOU B&STARD, YOU GET MY BOOT IN YOUR NUTS!!'
Now, I couldn't let this years Big Brother (UK) slip through the net. Once again the program makers round up some of the most unstable, disfunctional people they can scrape from the bottom of socieites barrel, and dump them in that perspex house for 10 weeks, in the hope they will either shag or kill each other. Either way it's great telly, right? No. Wrong. It's cheap TV, and while it's on it dominates everything in the media. There's Big Brother, Big Brothers little Brother with that Dermot bloke who does everything on Channel 4 before 6pm, Big Brothers Big Mouth, with that hateful sh!t head of a commedian, who by all accounts is having it away with Kate Moss. The only thing BB is good for is making you realise how lucky you are, not to be as damaged as any of the contestants; knowing that you will never be so insecure as to need to seek the approval of millions of people through a TV show.
Now, excuse me. It's one oclock and time for lunch dom de dom de dom dom
Edited by Blacksword - May 23 2006 at 08:04
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:09 |
Oh Blacksword, you've hit a nerve!
I quite agree, that guy is the most annoying guy on television, I hate that advert. Thankfully it's not on all that often.
The other one, is that double-glazing advert with the soap opera guy (I don't watch many soap operas, so I do not know his name), but he is loathsome!
Big Brother... I've never understood that myself. You sum it up perfectly.
Who's having it away with Kate Moss?
Oh and one more rant, related to Channel 4.
June Sarpong.
I do not need to go into details, do I?
Edited by Geck0 - May 23 2006 at 08:11
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:13 |
I have only one coment to say about Big Brother,  it!!!
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:14 |
Geck0 wrote:
Oh Blacksword, you've hit a nerve!
I quite agree, that guy is the most annoying guy on television, I hate that advert. Thankfully it's not on all that often.
The other one, is that double-glazing advert with the soap opera guy (I don't watch many soap operas, so I do not know his name), but he is loathsome!
Big Brother... I've never understood that myself. You sum it up perfectly.
Who's having it away with Kate Moss?
Oh and one more rant, related to Channel 4.
June Sarpong.
I do not need to go into details, do I?
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:16 |
The girl with the annoying voice who works (works?) alongside Vernon Kaye (the northern monkey). You must have seen her, or at least heard her?
Google her and find out for yourself.
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:18 |
Geck0 wrote:
Oh Blacksword, you've hit a nerve!I quite agree, that guy is the most annoying guy on television, I hate that advert. Thankfully it's not on all that often.The other one, is that double-glazing advert with the soap opera guy (I don't watch many soap operas, so I do not know his name), but he is loathsome!Big Brother... I've never understood that myself. You sum it up perfectly.Who's having it away with Kate Moss?Oh and one more rant, related to Channel 4.June Sarpong.I do not need to go into details, do I?
I dont know the name of the guy. He's got long black hair, and dresses like an Edwardian drag act. He's an ex-heroin addict, so shacking up with an old sniffer dog like Kate Moss should do him the world of good.
Most people I know, think he is really funny, but I think I'm too old to appreciate the post ironic modernism of his sh!tty act.
Blimey, I've just read that back. I really am the most sarcastic horrible person I've never met..
Who is June Sarpong??
Edited by Blacksword - May 23 2006 at 08:19
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:19 |
^Thankfully I seem to avoid such rubbish so well I never even hear about it, though spot on description of "The Northen Monkey".
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:22 |
Just Googled June Sarpong. I know the one. I thought you may have meant the one with the long hair and the big thighs; she's ok.
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:23 |
I don't watch Big Brother, or Channel 4 all that much anymore, so I have no idea who you mean.
But you must know June Sarpong, surely? If you know who Vernon Kaye is, then you must know June Sarpong!
Not to be politically incorrect, but she's the black girl who hosts the Sunday morning show with Vernon Kaye.
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:24 |
Oh, her with the big thighs, oh aye, she's not too bad! I forget her name...
This thread is turning into The Velvet Room!
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:25 |
Geck0 wrote:
I don't watch Big Brother, or Channel 4 all that much anymore, so I have no idea who you mean.But you must know June Sarpong, surely? If you know who Vernon Kaye is, then you must know June Sarpong!Not to be politically incorrect, but she's the black girl who hosts the Sunday morning show with Vernon Kaye.
Saying she's black is not un-pc. She IS black..
Dont even get me started on political correctness. I'll be here all day...thinking about it I probably will be anyway..
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Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:25 |
^Now I know who your on about, yes she's anoying, but then thats a requirement for any channel 4 presenter.
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