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crimson thing
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Posted: May 18 2006 at 18:31 |
Darren said:
"I guess these bug me because I thought people who listen to prog would be more open minded and more appreciative of all forms of music."
Good grief no! There are lots of types of music where I'd rather eat the CD than listen to it! Naturally, I have interests outside of prog - I have a strange liking for the quirky early stuff from Dean Friedman, should you be interested - equally, many prog CDs have a future only as expensive menu items in this household. If I liked all forms of music I'd be an airhead....but we have to face facts; some music is inherently crap. 
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 01:55 |
I hate when a girlfriend asks my sister what ELP, Yes or Genesis CD I don't have to give me a present.
Usually my sister checks the web page of those bands, checks my albums (what is easy because I have all sorted by bands and in excell) and the ones I recieved are:
1.- Love Beach
2.- Invisible Touch
3.- Big Generator
4.- Re-Works Brain Salad Perjury (I sold it in 15 bucks the next day I ended with that girl)
5.- Genesis (Shapes): Changed it at the store (This girl had the good sense to give my sister the ticket)
When would they lear that if a Proghead doesn't own an ELP, Genesis or Yes albums after 30 years of being fans of this bands is because it sucks..
Jim Garten
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 03:40 |
Prog-Chick, the closet Umbro shirt wearing, lager swilling football fanatic, currently mourning the death of football in north London wrote:
My main rant this morning is ...........
"the emperors new clothes" When there is piles and piles of hype about an album (usually something new) folk get swept up in it and believe the hype......... no one dares to put their head up and say "sorry folks but that there emperor is butt naked!" i like to remain positive about stuff, and if there is something I really don't like I keep my gob shut............(in the main!) but sometimes it would be good if you could put your hand up and say "what is ALL the fuss about!" without getting your head bitten off!!! |
I couldn't agree more - how many more new bands are going to be foisted upon an ever more gullible public, hungry for yet another group of skinny undertalented teenagers desperate to be the next big thing? Two such bands have been mentioned elsewhere in this thread: 'The Libertines' and 'The Arctic Monkeys' - did nobody at the record companys' A&R department notice (between making their monumentally bad cocaine fuelled decisions on who the general public are to like in the next 18 months) both of these bands are fronted by vocalists who can't actually sing? No, I'd go further than that - the two croakers in question couldn't carry a tune in a very large bucket if their lives depended on it.
The Arctic Monkeys are now in a dilemma - usually, these bands "emerge" at the beginning of the year, coincidentally, just before the lineup is announced for the Glastonbury Festival, thereby guaranteeing them a place high on the bill on the main stage, usually on the Friday afternoon - this ensures maximum exposure to the target audience, many of whom will go away, convinced by the ecstatic audience reaction that they've seen THE NEXT BIG THING, but unaware that said reaction is 5% genuine & 95% "everyone else is cheering, so I'd better cheer louder, because if I don't, my friends will think I'm out of touch and I might not get laid tonight". This year, there is no Glastonbury, so The Arctic Monkeys will either (a) have to get their act together, and produce at least one more "quality" album at the end of 2006, thereby maybe getting their foot on the ladder for next year's Glastonbury (and in the process turning from "product" into a "band" who maybe worth hearing in the future), or (b) fade into obscurity.
Call me a cynic, but I think I know which option will be taken, and in a year from now The Arctic Monkeys' vocalist's highest words of wisdom will be "do you want fries with that?"
Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 03:51 |
And while I'm here...
BBC news this morning reported that Thierry Henri has (apparently) made the decision to remain with Arsenal, because he sees the fans as his family.
This will be nothing to do with the fact that a reported salary in excess of £110,000 per week has been put on the table for his due consideration will it?
Now I don't consider myself to be too gullible (although I did once buy the first Pallas album), and realise that such speculative reporting of alleged salaries is prone to exaggeration, but would I be completely off the mark if I considered the possibility that had Barcelona (or as they are apparently now called, "Barca") put a higher salary on the table, would Monsieur Henri then have considered his spiritual home to be in Spain?
Nobody is worth the sort of money per week which could (and I know this is a naive view) re-equip and re-staff failing hospitals - for playing football for God's sake.
That's better - I'm going to go away now, have a nice lie down, a cup of coffee, then get on with some work...
Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 03:59 |
I read your post Jim, sagely nodding in agreement...... then I read your header........
So we will be moving into "The Emmerites" stadium and waving a cheerio to Highbury..........with an empty trophy cupboard...........
I do keep things in perspective though, never wear umbro, or drink i think I might be salvagable as a human being!!!  .....
and I am still blinkin agrovated by those stoooopid flags on the cars right now!
What annoys me with some of these new clothes bands is that they feel as if they can by-pass the apprenticeship which can be long and arduous in the music business, but if you neglect the ground work (ie playing some seedy little venues to build your loyal fan base) you will tumble very quickly!
And no matter how much talent you have, (IF you have) you jerk folk off if you over hype yourself!
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 04:01 |
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 05:44 |
It all comes down to Pallas with you, doesn't it..
You gotta let these things go, man!
Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 08:45 |
Apparently Henry will be on £130,000 per week!!! And is he worth it?
Well, I watched a bit of the Arsenal-Barcelona game, I saw the world's best footballer (allegedly) Ronaldhino take 2 free kicks and miss the goal completely. I mean, I could do that for half that money!
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 08:50 |
Hey Chopper, I could miss alot more than two goals for the other half!!!
Bob Greece
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 08:53 |
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
I hate when a girlfriend asks my sister what ELP, Yes or Genesis CD I don't have to give me a present.
Usually my sister checks the web page of those bands, checks my albums (what is easy because I have all sorted by bands and in excell) and the ones I recieved are:
1.- Love Beach
2.- Invisible Touch
3.- Big Generator
4.- Re-Works Brain Salad Perjury (I sold it in 15 bucks the next day I ended with that girl)
5.- Genesis (Shapes): Changed it at the store (This girl had the good sense to give my sister the ticket)
When would they lear that if a Proghead doesn't own an ELP, Genesis or Yes albums after 30 years of being fans of this bands is because it sucks..
Ivαn |
You should be grateful. At least they know you like CDs and to know you like ELP, Yes and Genesis is commendable.
crimson thing
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 11:40 |
This ain't really an earthshattering rant, but it does peeve me frequently......
......when you're at the supermarket, and the till operators (90%+ female) have name badges in small print pinned to their chest - but (if you're male) you can never try to read the badge, so you can say "Thank you, Sharon" - or whatever - because then they always look at you as if you're ogling their _____ - SO WHY WEAR THE F+++ING BADGES IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!
I've just returned from Tesco, where the till operators were all wearing T-shirts with identical messages on them - but I just didn't dare even try to read them - for all I know they said "please grab my tits", or "smile! you've just been ripped off at Tesco" - but I'll bet there's not a male customer (barring the odd pervert) who can tell you what they really said!  
Jim Garten
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 12:18 |
I'd guess they probably said something along the lines of:
"service with a scowl"
"Brain currently de-activated - in case of query, call management"
"Bear with me, I've had a sense of humour bypass"
or the ever popular
"If you are over 65, please wait until I've finished ringing up your purchases, then ask me to deduct 1,275 coupons clipped from "Take A Break" magazine, approximately 50% of which will be out of date and 20% of which will be for completely different products, then try to pay the exact money using 1 & 2 pence pieces, whilst regaling me with your full medical history and grinning inanely at the person behind you in the queue who is in a hurry"
Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 12:34 |
Jim Garten wrote:
I'd guess they probably said something along the lines of:
"service with a scowl"
"Brain currently de-activated - in case of query, call management"
"Bear with me, I've had a sense of humour bypass"
or the ever popular
"If you are over 65, please wait until I've finished ringing up your purchases, then ask me to deduct 1,275 coupons clipped from "Take A Break" magazine, approximately 50% of which will be out of date and 20% of which will be for completely different products, then try to pay the exact money using 1 & 2 pence pieces, whilst regaling me with your full medical history and grinning inanely at the person behind you in the queue who is in a hurry" |
Jim, you've hit the nail again! There is always somone in the queue with an 'issue' it may be a stack of coupons which bewilders the checkout girl and holds up the queue, or maybe they have an item they want to change. Why cant people just pick what they want, pay for it and clear off.
The same happens at bank machines. When I use an ATM, I insert my card, enter my pin, withfraw my cash and go. It's over in a flash. There is always someone ahead of me scratching their head staring at the screen deciding whether to draw out a ten or a twenty. Why not decide before queuing?? Maybe their trying to arrange a mortgage through the machine or wondering why they cant get Google up. Whatever the reason it gets my goat..
Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 14:44 |
Found a rant!
I recently switched over to Verizon DSL, and I tried to send an e-mail
to my wife's work account from home this morning. Later, I check
my inbox and find a bounce back message from her company's e-mail
server, saying the mail had been sent from a "spam site" and can't be
delivered! Turns out that spammers had previously used IP
addresses in this particular range and Verizon is trying to hand them
out to their DSL customers!
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 15:52 |
Pallas appears to seperate the men from the boys. Those who see the light become the warriors, the alpha-males. Those who don't....
glass house
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 15:59 |
Recently got Digital TV, wasn't my choice, was forced by the TV cable company. I HATE it, Children upstairs have got a lousy reception, can not watch BBC in the upstairs rooms and cannot tape or record BBC, which I sometimes want to do ( Football ). I want my analog back !!!!!!!!!
mystic fred
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 16:23 |
Hibou wrote:
Won't they ever go away? And exactly what are we supposed to do? Move over to the ditch? Deliberately crash into other people who don't have babies? Ah, humbug...
i saw a red mini today containing a blonde bimbette....a similar sign to the above in PINK was in the rear window saying........
...what was i supposed to do?? take her picture? buy her some make up? be the umpteenth tw*t to ask her out for a date?????
Edited by mystic fred - May 19 2006 at 16:25
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crimson thing
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 18:03 |
Show her Your sign :
"Bored of Babe"
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 21:33 |
Bob Greece wrote:
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
I hate when a girlfriend asks my sister what ELP, Yes or Genesis CD I don't have to give me a present.
Usually my sister checks the web page of those bands, checks my albums (what is easy because I have all sorted by bands and in excell) and the ones I recieved are:
1.- Love Beach
2.- Invisible Touch
3.- Big Generator
4.- Re-Works Brain Salad Perjury (I sold it in 15 bucks the next day I ended with that girl)
5.- Genesis (Shapes): Changed it at the store (This girl had the good sense to give my sister the ticket)
When would they lear that if a Proghead doesn't own an ELP, Genesis or Yes albums after 30 years of being fans of this bands is because it sucks..
Ivαn |
You should be grateful. At least they know you like CDs and to know you like ELP, Yes and Genesis is commendable. |
Not so hard Bob, people after 5 minutes of knwing me will probably know I'¿m obsessed with music and any person who knows me even superficially will know I listen Prog Rock.
If I care gor somebody I normally find what she likes and what she needs, if a girlfriend is fan of Fleetwood Mac I won't give her Rumors, because it's 99.99999999999% possible she has already that album (Unless she lost it that morning or something as not probable as that).
Normally I would search for a rare bootleg version that I know she doesn't have, I even gave to a girlfriend who was a devote fan of them my original concert program signed by all the band during the TuskTour.
She has it framed and with a glass protecting it in her bedroom (At least she had it before she married).
It costed me nothing the person that went with me to the concert and got the stage passes gave me also her signed program (She really didn't cared too much), so I keep one extra, but I knew my ex would value very much the one I gave her.
Of course I never tod her I have an extra program. 
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Posted: May 19 2006 at 21:37 |
I'm a fan of Fleetwood Mac (the early years, with Peter Green, Jeremy Spencer and Danny Kirwan) and I'd never dream of owning "Rumours".
If I have any inkling of listening to it, I'll just pull out my father's vinyl copy.
Does she like the early years Iván?
Back to the topic:
One word:
That's all.
Edited by Geck0 - May 19 2006 at 21:38
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