FragileDT wrote:
To "Dojonane":
"come off it already, don't fix a thing that isnt broken...your martyr to the
cause of disvalidating an entire cultural and artistic movement married to
your staunch remission of its original forebearers social plight PILED
ONTOP OF your inability to see how this pertains completely to why the
ideal of the sample served to heal and uplift a disenfranchised people just
makes your argument reek more and more of some kind of totalitarian
1984 brave new world style iron fisted monarchy deeming certain modes
of expression benign and others as enemies of the state."
^ That's only ONE sentence?
I'm just saying this because your tone of voice is talking down upon the
people in this forum without even saying anything negative (taking away
the negative comments towards Ivan.) You are acting like you are of
higher authority and we are all young children waiting to be enlightened.
Listen, my appeal obviously somehow greatly offends the comfort zones
of impatient proggies who dislike hip hop andwho now feel (almost as in
nationalism) it is 'their' territory being encroached upon. No one brought
this to you, respectfully. This thread was an overt attack on the validity of
hip-hop as even 'music' at all, FOUNDED on a staunch refusal to believe
that a.) Gentle Giant are receiving money from this sample which is an
assumption based on outmoded stereotypes of producers involved in
urban music as I happen to know for certain that it was cleared with the
band's good graces so poof there goes that bitter short-sighted
argument and b.) that hip-hop is music at all. And moreover, an
apparently 'contradictory' form of expression to what you cherish the
most does not tarnish the legacy of the things you love. Your acting like a
belief in the secret wonders of urban lyricism somehow directly negates
the glory of how groovy 'Fragile' sounds on vinyl.
This is not a matter of preference, as I have repeatedly and diplomatically
stated to 'the other camp' that its not about enjoying hip-hop on a
personal level or even giving it the time of day on an interpersonal level.
My interest lies not with creating mini-clone armies of my own musical
loves, however diverse, but rather to describe the cultural context into
which the art of sampling was born (as someone raised, this isnt about
black or white its about an economic climate, trumping the race card isnt
a stain on my collar my words exactly were 'poor disenfranchised youth.')
With this kind of objective, anthropological perpsective of where and
when this artform began and what endearingly positive ramifications
OUTSIDE of the commercial spotlight it has and continues to have for
many communities, I simply thought some of the nay sayers among you
would at least come away with the sense 'well it ain't my cup of tea, but
that doesnt mean it tastes like sh*t because obviously there are others
who drink it and are also discerning tea drinkers as am I." I'm not
interested in changing anyone's preference or converting them, so again
Yes, I was also defending a style but not from a subjective point of
reference in 'hey see this as I see it or I'll not respect you heathen' but in a
rational mode of trying to make those speaking with such
hatred and rashness against hip-hop in all its incarnations see there can
be a certain pervasive beauty in any media due solely to the boundless
realms of the human imagination itself.
And as for your 'well-wishing' and arbitrarily cruel appeal against my
writing style, I'll be sure to file your claim away in my 'archive of words
stolen from the thesaurus' next to my 120 GB external hard drive full of
'theif's booty stolen musical treasure' to create a massive, mythic time
capsule account of everything that is immoral and anti-art, as voted by
members of the clearly spoken, pure music magistrate of the prog
archives message board. Then perhaps our future seed will proliferate
in a more utopian age than our own grim, confused time of overwrought
verbosity and hip hop allowance. I'm sorry buddy, but I don't know you.
Don't act like you know me or have any pre-eminence to wax all literary
critic with how I choose to express myself.
Who made you 'brain police' of this forum. You, like a tough with a
sprained ankle whose head overcompensates, think I'm condescending to
you and challenging what you love and thus feel the infantile need to
character assasinate me based on any irrelevant, grasped at vestige of my
presence on this thread. Well, a standing ovation from the council on
literary debate at Oxford to you for producing a trite, baseless and hurtful
case against my vocabularic flair. Rest easy tonight knowing that you've
justified yourself to your God and rid the world of another redundant and
foolishly 'passionate speaker.' This is exactly what I'm talking about. Not
only 'what is allowed to be considered music' is being qualified here but
now 'the acceptable length of a sentence.' Its a bit like the powder-
wigged courtisan telling Mozart before a recital to the royal audience:
"Here is the maximum number of notes you may use before the King.
After all there are only so many notes the royal ear can hear in a single
Excuse me for putting a f*cking cherry bomb in your subliminal caste
system of what word-count I've been 'alotted.' I'm moving to Guam.
No thesarus' were used in the making of this farewell speech.
Edited by dojonane