Further news from Pendragon: -
This is a new project/band that has been started up by John Jowitt [IQ,
Jadis] called Neo. The idea is for various members of different bands to get
together to play a kind of 'best of' material from their individual bands
and go out and play concerts in places they would not otherwise get much
The idea being to pave the way for bands like Pendragon, IQ and Arena to get
to these locations at a later date. What a great idea!
The line up is prone to all kinds of changes and possible variations, I
guess that's what makes it exciting, but at the moment it stands as Nick
Barrett, Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, Mark Westwood, Andy Edwards [IQ].
Neo plan to play Rosfest in America on April 28th, and will play about 30
minutes of Pendragon material."