Father of day, Father of night, by Manfred Mann's. I heard the whole Solar fire album once on a very very late night radio show. Almost ten years later, I caught the first track on another radio, broadcasting at 5:00 a.m. (I was wating for my beloved girldfriend on a bus terminal, but that's a different tale). Just then I got the name of the band and the song title. The first thing after that was me, running to an specialized record store, asking for that band, and checking out the track lists. now, I have the album, and I listen to it every time I want to, but... ĦHow good it was to just catch that great song by accident, sitting on a bench, watching the stars on a strange place (I was way up north, away from home, etc.), and waiting for my girl to wake up and remember to pick me (she was quite sleppy, I waited for at least three hours). Pretty amazing.