Phil wrote:
lunaticviolist wrote:
The only Syn song I've heard is 14 Hour
Technicolour Dream on the Nuggets box set. The music was great,
but the vocals were terrible. Does the new Syn have the same
vocalist as the original Syn? |
Steve Nardelli is the vocalist now, and was on most of the original Syn
material, though off hand I can't say about this particular track. I do
have "Orignal Syn" compilation which includes 14 Hour techniclour
dream, which I believe is the same version as you have. I'll check
later and post back.
I would say that the vocals on the new album "Syndestructable" are OK
but not great, however I still enjoyed the album (and the Syn launch
gig I saw last night!)
It is the same vocalist (Steve Nardelli) but it isn't representative of
how he now sounds, or what the music on the new album is like. I would recommend the new
Edited by Phil