Does anyone else here but me think that "12 top rated albums of sub-genre" in the reviews' section of each album - is pretty much useless ???? I would assume that everyone (or most of all) know what are top albums in each sub-genre.
The way this particular section was arranged before was more useful in my opinion, as it was highlighting which particular albums of the sub-genre are highly spoken as well by reviewer having submitted review with high rating on it.
For example: if i am not sure whether to buy A rio/avant-garde album, but I read a positive review from a person who also likes Univers Zero, Miriodor, Birdsongs of the mesozoic, I would probably jump at buying An album in question, but if such positive review comes from person whose preferences in sub-genre are Tipographica, Blast, or latest Art Zoyd works, I would not touch An album by a barge pole.
Unfortunately I cannot give you any practical suggestion as to how to re-arrange this section, but would you mind to think about it ??