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Joren View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Exactly HOW MUCH do you love music?
    Posted: April 19 2005 at 21:41

I am sitting here, in the middle of the night (it's 3:23 AM over here), drinking absinthe (again, but I'm not drunk this time ), listening to pretty crappy, but still enjoyable music (Saga). I change my signature back to what it used to be: the picture of my biggest hero, with his best quote: "Music is THE BEST". And suddenly I realize: This is TRUE. If there was no music, I think life would not be worth it for me. I would probably go completely crazy if I would become deaf. Most of my best memories are linked with music ('Yes I remember that pub in that holiday, we were listening to "..." by "..."'). I mean, what else can be as beautiful as the right music at the right time? A beautiful painting? A nice view? A fabulous building from the Antiquity?

Or maybe LOVE?

I haven't been in love for a very long time. I have very close friends, and I really love them. But to be IN LOVE, that's a feeling I haven't had for a long time. Have I ever been truly in love with another person?

And then another question comes to my mind: What if I had to choose between never finding true love or growing deaf?


What do you all think. Just HOW MUCH do you really love music?

P.S. I know this is a stupid, senseless question, but isn't LIFE also one big STUPID, SENSELESS QUESTION?

Edited by Joren
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Cygnus X-2 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2005 at 21:43

That's deep...

I would have to agree with you. Music is a major component of my life, and I don't know what I'd do without it. I like you would also going crazy if I went deaf and couldn't listen to or write music.

Edited by Cygnus X-2
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aqualung28 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2005 at 23:32

Damn, that was profound.  Music is extremely important in my life.  Truthfully, I don't think I could live through deafness.  But hopefully that will be correctable when I come to the time where I need to worry about it!

"O' lady look up in time o' lady look out of love
'n you should have us all
O' you should have us fall"
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Cygnus X-2 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2005 at 23:33
Which brings up the question: Would you rather be blind or deaf?
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Sweetnighter View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2005 at 23:44
Originally posted by Cygnus X-2 Cygnus X-2 wrote:

Which brings up the question: Would you rather be blind or deaf?

what a dumbass question! what is this, a painting forum?!
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Cygnus X-2 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2005 at 23:46

Originally posted by Sweetnighter Sweetnighter wrote:

Originally posted by Cygnus X-2 Cygnus X-2 wrote:

Which brings up the question: Would you rather be blind or deaf?

what a dumbass question! what is this, a painting forum?!

well, soooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrry...


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Peter View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2005 at 00:54
Originally posted by Joren Joren wrote:


I haven't been in love for a very long time. I have very close friends, and I really love them. But to be IN LOVE, that's a feeling I haven't had for a long time. Have I ever been truly in love with another person?

And then another question comes to my mind: What if I had to choose between never finding true love or growing deaf?


What do you all think. Just HOW MUCH do you really love music?

P.S. I know this is a stupid, senseless question, but isn't LIFE also one big STUPID, SENSELESS QUESTION?

I really like music, but I NEED love. Take away my hearing, and I will cope -- take away my loved ones, and you will crush my spirit.

SmileLove yourself first -- become who you truly are, strive to rise to your potential, and love will likely find you. (Self confidence is VERY attractive -- pity is no basis for a real relationship.) You have to be worthy of true love to earn it, I believe.Ermm

Remember, young Joren, you haven't even been alive "for a very long time." Stern Smile I yearned for love as a young man too -- loneliness seemed  as if it would last forever -- but it didn't. Smile

Re life as "one big stupid, senseless question," find the intelligence and sense where you can (why not make some?), and learn to question it less, and LIVE it more. Our youth is full of questions, doubt, and despair -- give it time, my young friend, give it time. You won't make sense of it all, but you'll learn that you don't need to; you'll be too busy living and loving.

There's a new flower next to that dog turd. The ugliness makes the beauty all the sweeter!

Here endeth the lesson, Grasshopper.

Thus spake the toothless, wizened old fart with the twinkle in his rheumy eye, and his true love upstairs in bed....Wink

Edited by Peter
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Rob The Good View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2005 at 02:18
That's lovely.
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Jim Garten View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2005 at 03:33
Originally posted by Peter Peter wrote:

Re life as "one big stupid, senseless question," find the intelligence and sense where you can (why not make some?), and learn to question it less, and LIVE it more. Our youth is full of questions, doubt, and despair -- give it time, my young friend, give it time. You won't make sense of it all, but you'll learn that you don't need to; you'll be too busy living and loving.

There's a new flower next to that dog turd. The ugliness makes the beauty all the sweeter

Ah - the profound professor proposes personal progression; only in the Prog Forums can a lonely (if absinthe addled) soul find such solace across the oceans.

Meanwhile, back on thread - I was watching a TV programme about bailiffs the other night, and they were saying the easiest thing to shift at public auction is CD collections; one sequence showed a very large bailiff counting a chap's CDs in preparation for possible sale in payment of fines. That made me look around at the 750 or so CDs in our collection, and made me wonder how I would feel should the unthinkable happen, and I were to lose them....

Alternatively (and this has been mentioned before), the horror of succumbing to deafness, and never again hearing music - sure, I guess you'd eventually learn to cope as Peter rightly said, but can you imagine the hole left in your life?


Edited by Jim Garten

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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2005 at 03:42


I like Peter's advice!

Music is probably the most important cultural interest/hobby in my life and prog holds some 90% of that space. But this hobby takes only 75% percent of my free or leisure time.

On the other hand Peter talks about liking yourself , and that is a damn good point. This does not mean that one has to become some conceited A--hole, but self-confidence is really important.

Women can smell from a mile away guys with confidence problem and tend to steer far away from them. Unfortunately most women seem to be attracted to the same 35% of males, because of this self-confidence thing. I am convinced that when a stranger woman looks at you for the first time walking in a room with your mate, she is first asking herself what your mate might see in you so that she is your partner. Then she will try to steal you away from her .

I was also in a rut in the late 80's, (could not even approach some pussy for about 18 months) and when confidence did come back, I managed to find a girlfriend, then women started taking notice because I was not trying to hard anymore, confident and therefore not even really looking for opportunities. Around the mid-90's , I would not say that women flocked around me , but more than a few of them hinted that... well you get my drift.

So feeling good about yourself is the main thing and looks (although important to a lot of women) are not that important either. A statuesque blonde woman is probably way too concerned about herself and the image she gives that she will only look at the look of their mates and the thickness of their wallet. But there are exceptions (Esmeralda and Quasimodo)!!

Life is still so long for you that you have togive tourself the time and avoid this competition BS (like the good ole"R'NR song says: My girlfriend is red hot and yours is doodley-squat, that is complete rubbish).

Feeling good and self-confidence will stop you from becoming a nerd while avoiding shallowness of hip-trendy lifestyle.

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TBWART View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2005 at 03:58

oeh guys, you go deep here!

Firstly, I would rather go blind, and then sell all my paintings (they are worth more than my cd's...just kidding..LOL)

Prog has changed my viewing of live. The first prog cd I heard was 1984 by Wakeman. I cound't even hear it properly, let alone like it! But I found it interesting. And I compelled myself to listening to it! I pushed myself into understanding it. By understanding beauty at that level, it opens something in yourself, I think it changes you. I started creating Wakeman, and only Wakeman at first. I knew of nothing else until someone suggested YES to me. Nowadays I consider YES to be the One Band!

Prog is so challenging to listen to, it inevitably changes the way you look at yourself and thus your look on the world. It has me made more aware of who I am, and it has strengtened me. Prog has made myself into my own therapist at times!

''progression is trying to eliminate boundries''
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PROGMAN View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2005 at 04:19

I Love Music! I Listen to it Whenever I Can!

I Listen to Much More Music that Watching Television a lot more than tv!

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haas View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2005 at 04:20
Wow, a usefull discussion about life on a musicform!

I think love is the most beautifull thing in life. If your loved ones would fall away, and there won't be anyone to fill op the gap, you will not see any point of living anymore.

If there won't be any music, there still will be a lot of things to live for (like love ).

This doesn't take away the fact that music is damn important in my life and (obviously) in yours. Music can touch your feelings and there is always a part of music that can take your feelings out of your soul.

Like some very famous filosophers in the past said "music is the answer to a lott of our life questions".

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TBWART View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2005 at 04:23
In music the love of it's creator is transmitted, so If you really listen to music, you are listening to love.
''progression is trying to eliminate boundries''
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PROGMAN View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2005 at 04:50

I Can't Imagine Life Without Music Especially Prog!


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James Lee View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2005 at 06:25

Honestly, I don't see much point to life without love. Though it makes it simple when you love life- what's that like, by the way?

Music is love given shape, and a symbol of the true potential of listening, we create significance, and by making music we offer others that same opportunity. Losing music would test my ability to find meaning and value in humanity, and I suspect I might not want to continue like that. On the other hand, the option of ending my life has occurred to me regularly for decades, and it's not necessarily music that keeps me going but the people (and animals ) who I love, and who I believe love me.

That's about as open and honest as I get...time to get back to Mariah to steady myself.

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Joren View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2005 at 06:59

 Wow! Great to see so many responses!

First of all, this thread is NOT a cry for help, although I must admit that my post was a bit melancholic and dramatic.  I was just in the mood for a more serious thread.

Thanks for the kind words, Hugues and Uncle Peter  but I think I'm self-confident enough

And thanks all for your views on this. A very interesting subject...

Nice story, TBWART, about the same things happened to me, only my big discovery was Frank Zappa. And vert nicely put, Haas. And Jim: yeah, the fact that there is apossibility to lose all your CD's in a fire or something has always haunted me... that would be terrible...

Overall, most people think love is more important than music. But most of you forget (I'm glad James doesn't) that the most beautiful thing in life is the PHENOMENON that is...


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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2005 at 07:04

Beautyfully said Mr. Lee!

Life, love, music, reading are my favorite hobbies and maybe in that very order.

I just wish this frigging western society would not be so commercial and competitive, though!

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con safo View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2005 at 11:43

I hear you man... i find it hard to go a day without listening to music. It helps keep me going, and without id go absolutely crazy... i cant remember the last day i went without listening to any kind of music.

It is probably the most important thing in my life atm. listening, creating, sharing music.

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sigod View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2005 at 11:48
Most of the good stuff has been said and I couldn't agree more with what has been said above.

Next to my wife, it's music that brings me the most joy in life and even though I run the risk of sounding like a arse licking bast*rd, this place serves me as a perfect place to share the love...

...yeah, that was too arse lickky.
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