Hi all, been reading the site for a while and I've finally decided to dive in and join, dunno why I didn't do it earlier. Actually I'm from Ireland but I'm in India at the mo for work - can be a bit of a slog sometimes but it's got some good points too.
Well, bit about me. I grew up in the 70s but was too young to get into prog. I did love punk strangely enough - firstly the Pistols, then Dead Kennedys, even Crass (those who've heard them will know what I mean !!!). I went to punk gigs, dressed in the garb even - didn't have a mohican though, my Mum wouldn't have approved
, good job she didn't hear those Crass records then. I listened avidly to John Peel's show with all that weirdo new wave stuff - The Fall, Slits etc. etc. Not too much prog to be had on that show I can tell ya.
It wasn't till I was introduced to 'Hemispheres' in 1982 that the transformation started. Woah, that blew me away. No more 'Holidays in Cambodia' then. I started listening to Tommy Vance (God rest his soul) on the Friday Rock Show, where I heard 'Awaken' - double woah - what the hell is THIS???
It's just escalated from then really. Yes became the supreme beings in my eyes. I know it's been said loads, but I'll say too, 'Close To The Edge' is the pinnacle of prog (in my opinion). I started finding out what this 'prog' thing was and tried out a couple of Genesis albums - liked them, then ELP - hmmm... wasn't so sure, Rush - wonderful. I even started playing the bass due to Messrs Lee and Squire.
Strangley enough, I bought the recent ELP 'Beyond The Beginning' DVD and as a result listened to ALL of 'Brain Salad Surgery' for the very 1st time - had it for years but only ever played 'Karn Evil 9' - I know, what a berk. Now I love all of it - especially 'Toccata', which is just amazingly brilliantly bonkers 
So I'm known as the prog freak at work - no matter, at least I make sure people know who these bands are and that prog didn't die in the 70s. Oddly enough, prog has also got me into other things like Nick Drake and Gram Parsons (more to do with the time period).
Well, hello all, nice to be here.