Encuentro Internacional de Stick (International Stick Encounter)
Featuring Cabezas de Cera (Mexico), Stick Drum Duo (France/Mexico) and Guillermo Cides (Argentina)
To be held Thursday October the 22nd In Tijuana, Mexico. About 5 minutes from the San Diego (CA) Mexico border.
This will interest US southern California and northwest Mexican prog fans and in particular fans of the Chapman Stick. The CDC website says it's a free event but you will notice on the flyer (above link) that it will actually cost $150 pesos or roughly $12 US dollars.
Tijuana (or TJ as the "gringos" call it) has been in the press in recent months for violent acts, the bast majority having drug trafficking links. So if you are an elite member of a drug cartel I would recommend caution otherwise you should have no problems. The venue is located about 5 minutes (probably a 15 min walk) from the US/Mexico border in the same square and in between City Hall and state Government Offices so it's the "safe" part of town for tourists.
As someone who was born, raised and hope to die in TJ I would fully recommend you "come down" for this event.
I'm just a prog fan and have nothing to do with organizing this event, but I would happily help out any one who decides to join us in a night of hopefully Stick heaven.