For a start apologies to 3F before I start....
but I went out and bought BSS about a month ago, after a discussion with 3F on the merits of ELP, whom I hadn;'t heard a lot of. She recommended a particualr best of, I couldn't find it, so prompted for BSS as a) it was on sale and b) it's supposed to be their corwning glory.
and .... I hate it. It just makes me laugh. I really wanted to like this record that is, apparently, so seminal, but to me it sounds like Spinal Tap. It's almost comical in its bombast, it's half-assed lyrics and its temerity. I liked parts of Karn Evil (couldn't tell you which impression) but ultimately I wish they'd done an impression of another band instead.
It's debt to the cheesier elements of the late 60s psyche/neophyte prog movement are for me unbearable and the whole Jerusalem debacle is just painful to my ears.
I had heard Pictures at an Exhibition before this but had dismissed that as a some kind of overblown error and was willing to investigate further but I now realise that all of ELP is like this. I know prog is over the top but come on!!! this is beyond the beyond.
The questions i have to ask are: were ELP the most bombastic band on earth? Are they the single greatest reason why prog is so reviled? And are they as awful and comical as I think they are?