Even though I was still a project in the early 70's, I can (from what I know) say that
- Lake's move didn't kill Crimson.. though it enhanced ELP
- Brufford's move didn't kill Yes, though it enhanced KC
- Barret's departure from Pink Floyd, in my view, actually helped the band which released their greatest albums without him and with new true master Gilmour
- Fripp killed KC but has resurrected it so many times that his 74's move is hardly dramatic.
- Fripp resurrecting KC in the 80's is important though the band (in my opinion) kind of.. sucked. But it was important for prog.
- Anderson/Wakeman leaving Yes - though important, both eventually returned, and the Andersonless album (Drama) is not bad at all.... the band remained the same...
The most dramatic for me:
- Waters leaving PF.. the end of one of the greatest bands ever... it would never be the same without him
- Peter Gabriel - now this was hard.. the great singer and writer and showman leaving prog's greatest band.. it changed history mostly because it was the start of the end of an era, which arrived with..
- Hackett leaving Genesis - the final nail in the coffin for Symphonic Genesis, and the beginning of the band's pop career. I love a few Hackett-less albums (ATTTWT, duke) but one can't deny that, for prog history, this move really changed things.
Edited by The T - May 06 2008 at 16:04