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Forum Senior Member
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Posted: December 03 2004 at 16:58 |
reading the forum at school and then that SH*T piopped UIP, the teacher
Dan Bobrowski
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Posted: December 03 2004 at 16:47 |
Butter Nips.... Hmmm, one of my favorite after dinner sips.
I vote for Greed Slobber!
Edited by danbo
Reed Lover
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Posted: December 03 2004 at 14:57 |
My manifesto is simple:
Vote for me:
Men I'll get you somebody like this:
Ladies I'll get you a body like this!!!!!
Say no more-it is in the bag!
Edited by Reed Lover
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Posted: December 03 2004 at 14:50 |
If I get elected as Emperor of the Progs I''ll:
1. Raise taxes to 100%
2. work you surfs 16 hours/day
3."let"you eat with the grazing livestock
4.change Sunday into worship Gdub day
5. April 11th will be National Gdub'll only work in the pits 12 hrs that day.
but those who have been nice to me will recieve special treatment.
Danbo will be my enforcer should you dregs get out of hand
Reed Lover will be the Ambassador of Proglands and use his gentle touch( a sledgehammer ) to bring you into my line of thinking
All the girls get to bathe and perfume my feet.
James Lee will be Internal Security and weed out you would be the woodchipper with those who would harm their benevolent emperor.
Peter will be my PR advisor to prop up my popularity by announcing it was me who parted the Red Sea and not that other guy, and such...
Maani will be the patriarch of the Holy Church of His Divine Illustrious Illuminence- Gdub...God of the Heavens , Earth and Beyond!!
Velvetclown will be the court fool, dance!!
Man Overboard and Eddy will be part of the armed services in case Danbo can't handle you mamby, pambys on his own.
Of course there will be LOTS of progressive rock being played too!!
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Posted: December 03 2004 at 12:46 |
Well we donīt need another Clown for President !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dan Bobrowski
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Posted: December 03 2004 at 11:23 |
So lemme get this straight. We have a few possible scenarios to examine:
A half clad Chippendale dancer popped out of Lake Michigan and tossed GDUB a rubber dildo. Now he professes Kingship of the Prog Archive Forum.
An aged Liverpoolian hooker stubbles from a pub and gives Reed Lover a toasted tomato and sausage sandwhich (sarnie) and now he claims the right to the PAF Throne.
A pencil necked English geek with a pocket protector hands Peter an Oxford Dictionary 345th Edition and he now owns the keys to the highway.
Greg Lake accidentall tapped the shoulder of the woman kneeling before him with his bass guitar and she swallows the spunk of Ra and now leads the unholy prog alliance by the sack.
A clown has killed off all competition and is the only possible candidate.
Our Canadian Comrade has supreme firepower and is blessed in the eyes of the Siren.
Slog the bunch and let each rule his own......
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Posted: December 03 2004 at 09:41 |
Hmmmm, reminds me of something...
ARTHUR: How do you do, good lady? I am Arthur, King of the Britons. Who's castle is that?
WOMAN: King of the who?
ARTHUR: The Britons.
WOMAN: Who are the Britons?
ARTHUR: Well, we all are. We are all Britons, and I am your king.
WOMAN: I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective.
DENNIS: You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship: a self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes--
WOMAN: Oh, there you go bringing class into it again.
DENNIS: That's what it's all about. If only people would hear of--
ARTHUR: Please! Please, good people. I am in haste. Who lives in that castle?
WOMAN: No one lives there.
ARTHUR: Then who is your lord?
WOMAN: We don't have a lord.
DENNIS: I told you. We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week,...
DENNIS: ...but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting...
ARTHUR: Yes, I see.
DENNIS: a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs,...
ARTHUR: Be quiet!
DENNIS: ...but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more major--
ARTHUR: Be quiet! I order you to be quiet!
WOMAN: Order, eh? Who does he think he is? Heh.
ARTHUR: I am your king!
WOMAN: Well, I didn't vote for you.
ARTHUR: You don't vote for kings.
WOMAN: Well, how did you become King, then?
ARTHUR: The Lady of the Lake,... [angels sing] ...her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water signifying by Divine Providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur.
[singing stops]
That is why I am your king!
DENNIS: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
ARTHUR: Be quiet!
DENNIS: Well, but you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!
ARTHUR: Shut up!
DENNIS: I mean, if I went 'round saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!
ARTHUR: Shut up, will you? Shut up!
I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill
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Posted: December 02 2004 at 22:12 |
pfft. this site woudlnt last long with gdub in command. he's too giddy.!!
Edited by Eddy
Reed Lover
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Posted: December 02 2004 at 17:31 |
All I get is:
You have already voted in this poll
Forum Guest Group
Posted: December 02 2004 at 17:27 |
Hey Reedlover....quit voting for yourself!!!
Gdub is da man!!
Reed Lover
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Posted: December 02 2004 at 17:00 |
Panoramic's Gay
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Posted: December 02 2004 at 16:58 |
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Posted: December 02 2004 at 15:25 |
Look at that...I'm did that happen??
They like me...they really like me!
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Posted: December 02 2004 at 15:23 |
Gdub is sooooooooooooooooooo cooooooooooooooooool!!
My feet hurt
Forum Guest Group
Posted: December 02 2004 at 15:21 |
I'm voting for gdub because he's smart , handsome and damned cuddly!!
Easy Livin
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Posted: December 02 2004 at 15:01 |
Reed Lover
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Posted: December 02 2004 at 12:32 |
Easy Livin wrote:
Surely it's a prerequisite that all Presidents have to be Clowns! |
Come Inaugaration Day, you're first on the list..........................
Let the blood flow, let the blood flow,MUHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Power will be mine!

err, vote for me?
Edited by Reed Lover
Easy Livin
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Posted: December 02 2004 at 12:30 |
Surely it's a prerequisite that all Presidents have to be Clowns!
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Posted: December 02 2004 at 09:30 |
I want to vote for Mariah!
Jim Garten
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Posted: December 02 2004 at 07:43 |
Reed Lover wrote:

So that's what Gdub looks like - I always wondered!
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