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Frasse View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 11 2007 at 19:35
The 14.00: Band meeting episode is outstandingLOL
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 11 2007 at 15:49
This get better by the episode. LOLClap
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Moogtron III View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 11 2007 at 15:21
Hello everyone, here's part 2 of my somewhat crazy story. Hope you enjoy it!
Day 2


11.30 AM

After Bill left on day one, spirits were really low and Jon thought it was a better idea to give the band the rest of the day off, and start again fresh the next day. Some discussions arose among band members about that strange note that was being pushed under the door. Most thought that it must have been put there by Bill himself after he left the room: an example of his wry humour. The incident was forgotten.


Next day, the band began improvising to make a start with their first piece of new music. Everybody was there, except Chris who still hadn’t recovered from a late night party. The first bits of music were being created in the rehearsal room.


Steve (pensive) : Perhaps a little Spanish guitar would be nice. Sort of a Segovia feel.

Peter: Spanish guitar? Spanish guitar? You mean like this? (Starts to play some wild Spanish guitar music). Or maybe some gypsy music ? (Plays some Hungarian music on his guitar, even wilder). Or maybe some Django Reinhardt? (Making uncontrolled music on his guitar). Or some Steve Vai ? (Plays at maniac speed, abusing his tremolo and dancing on his effect pedals). Whaddayasay ?

(Long silence)

Peter: Whaddayasay, huh?

(Some more silence)

Steve (finally nodding): Yes.

Peter: Yes?

Steve : Definitely.

Peter : You mean… ?

Steve : Yes, like I said, a little Spanish guitar would be definitely nice. I’m gonna try something. Listen to this. (Plays some gentle Spanish guitar music)


Peter groans like a hurt animal and makes some gestures, which indicated that he wishes to strangle Steve. At that moment Chris comes in. He takes Jon aside.


Chris: So how are things going?

Jon (whispers angrily) : You’re late !

Chris : Well, it’s not polite to leave a party before it’s over, is it ? But how’s the band doing ?

Jon (brightens up): Oh, such wonderful new music is being created! This is the Yes that I had in mind. Alan started with a dum-di-di-dum-dum-da-da-dum-dum-dum and I said: “Keep playing that! Keep playing that!” And then Steve came with a doo-doo-doo-di-doo and then Rick added some di-da-di-dum-di-dum-dum, and I came with this (starts singing): “In a state of consciousness making connection with your dreams, hoping for the sun to be witness of the moment you reach for the… for the…”  Um… now what was I reaching for again.

Chris: Alright, alright, I get the idea!

Jon: I have a working title for our new piece of music: The enlightening path to self-realisation. I have a storyline from a book that I read about UFO’s which materialize in the shape of Indian guru’s. The book says that all Indian guru’s are in fact highly advanced machines that were made millions of years ago on a distant planet! One of them, the honorable Sri Chutney Curry, knows everything about mind over matter, and his chakra’s are like vertigo’s that…

Chris (making impatient movements with his hands): Let’s talk about that later, shall we? But is everybody cooperating?

Jon: Well, sort off. Given the fact that we have 3 guitar players and 3 keyboard players, it’s not so bad. The keyboard players seem to be going on pretty well, but there is a bit of a problem at the guitar section. Steve and Peter aren’t really getting along with each other. Whenever Steve plays something, Peter plays something alike, but twice as loud and twice as fast, as if he wants to compete with Steve.

Chris: And Steve?

Jon: Well, he just ignores Pete, as if he isn’t in the same room with him. At one moment Steve literally walks over Peter. Steve seemed genuinely surprised and said he hadn’t noticed Peter. Strange, huh?

Chris: And Trevor?

Jon: He acts a bit apathetic, but adds some odds and bits here and there.

Chris: Well, that is a problem!


At that moment Trevor joins Chris and Steve.


Trevor: Listen you guys, this isn’t working out. Wouldn’t it be better if I go back to making some more movies soundtracks? You don’t really need 3 guitar players, do you?

Chris: You can’t leave!

Jon (smiling): Don’t worry, guys. I expected this problem. I dealt with it, and I’ll present the solution after lunch.

Trevor : Oh, one more thing… I have a working title for the new piece of music.

Jon and Chris: You do?

Trevor : Yes! My idea was to call it Keep on movin’ you oiled-up love machine. We should be writing some more heavy love songs !

Jon and Chris:


14.00: Band meeting

Jon: Okay, let’s do some talking. The great thing about Yes is that we are all entities that come from a different place in the universe and add our own vision to the grand vision of the band.

Rick: Grand visions, eh? And you’re the grandvizir? (Chuckles)

Jon: Let’s make it more concrete. What music do you listen to at the moment? I myself listen a lot to Sibelius sixth symphony, Delius and recently I have this tape of Chinese music that I like.

Chris: John Coltrane, Stravinsky’s Rite Of Spring, The Strokes and Lily Allen…

Alan: Daphnis and Chloë from Ravel, Balinese Music…

Trevor: Any Schoenberg and music with Vladimir Ashkenazy, the 1812 Ouverture…

Peter : Britten’s string quartet’s, Antonio Carlos Jobim with Elis Regina

Patrick: Keith Jarrett, Chopin impromptu’s… Keith Jarrett’s Bremen Concerto

Geoff : I like Abba.


All stare in amazement at Geoff.


Jon: Errm… right, the point I was trying to make is that our different influences… Well, let’s leave it at that, shall we ? Well, as for our… big band… I have a solution for the triple keyboard and guitar section.

Peter : I hope you brought a conductor. That’s what we need !

Trevor : No, what we really need is a referee !

Jon (smiles mysteriously): Well, it’s funny that you say that… Come on out, Andrea Collina!


Suddenly a bald soccer referee enters the room, dressed in black, that is, the standard black referee outfit, with whistle and flags and all.


Jon: He’s some distant cousin from Pierluigi Collina, you know, the famous soccer referee, but Andrea’s a real proghead. Now, the idea is this : whenever somebody plays too much notes at the expense of someone else, Andrea will blow his whistle and wave his flag to that person and point his flag at somebody else who hasn’t scored yet, I mean, ho hasn’t added enough to the musical score.


All thought it was a crazy idea, but since they all agreed that Yes was never a normal band, and if it would be, it would sound horrible, they decided to give it a shot. And to everybody’s surprise it seemed to be working : the guitar players were actually content, because Andrea gave them each 33% playing time. But then…


Andrea blows his whistle and waves his flag at Rick and Patrick, and then points it to Geoff.

Patrick : Wait a minute, that’s not fair !

Rick : Geoff gets twice as much playing time as we get !!

Jon: I’m sure you have an explanation for this, ref?

Referee (shrugs his shoulders): Patreeck and Reek are playing twice as fast as Geoff, so they are getteeng half as much time. That’s logical, no ?


Before the civil war could break loose in the rehearsal room, the referee was kindly asked to leave. From that moment on, things really seemed to go well. Everybody was listening to each other, and at the end of the day, some great piece of music, about 10 minutes long, was more or less finished.


At night Steve Howe was mixing the piece of music in the control room. Peter Banks joined him.

Peter: Can I help you?

Steve: Actually, I’m almost done. Listen to this.

Peter (listening intensely, and jumps up after a while): Hey, wait a minute! Where are my guitar parts?

Steve: Your guitar parts? In this section? I didn’t hear any other guitar parts than mine. But I did hear some strange chainsaw noises. I don’t know how they got there. But I erased them.


After listening to Steve’s mix, Peter puts on a tape of the original session.


Peter (bursting out after a while): There! My guitar parts! What did you do with them, Howe??

Steve: Are those guitar parts? Sorry, I didn’t recognise them as such. I honestly thought it was a chainsaw.

Peter (his face had turned red): You didn’t… (gasping for breath) recognise them as… !! (almost choking by now) I knew this would happen! I hate this band! I always get mixed out! I’ve had it with this band! You can tell the rest that I quit!!


Peter leaves the room in anger.


Steve (mumbling): Guitar parts? Strange…


After a few minutes, Steve’s mobile phone beeps to inform him that he has a short text message waiting for him. Steve reads the message:


“Nine little proggers enjoyed the music they made,

one was structurally ignored and suddenly they were eight”


Steve (somewhat absentminded) : Strange…



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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2007 at 13:36
Originally posted by Moogtron III Moogtron III wrote:

Bill: You don’t seem to get the point ! What are we, Mike Oldfield ? Close To The Edge II, then Close To The Edge III? And then, the Millennium Edge?

Precious Clap

Simply can't wait for the next part
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This is my flipper, this is my hat.
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Moogtron III View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2007 at 01:39
Originally posted by Uroboros Uroboros wrote:

Bill was supposed to be my favourite character, but I guess he couldn't last long... that's just the way he is. I suspect Downes is the next to leave... Wink
He's my favourite character as well, but I couldn't stop him from acting the way he did LOL .
Downes? Hmmm... you never know Wink
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 09 2007 at 19:33
Bill was supposed to be my favourite character, but I guess he couldn't last long... that's just the way he is. I suspect Downes is the next to leave... Wink

Edited by Uroboros - March 09 2007 at 19:33
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Moogtron III View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 09 2007 at 19:12
Thanks, everyone, for your heartwarming reactions! I hope to write part 2 real soon.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 09 2007 at 18:59
A beutiful tale, well told!Star
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Frasse View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 09 2007 at 18:45
Clap Nice!
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Angelo View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 09 2007 at 18:34
LOL Poor Bill...

Keep it up - this should be in the BLOG section!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 09 2007 at 18:11
Amazing! LOL Clap
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glass house View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 09 2007 at 18:02
Great story. Waiting as well....................
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progadicto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 09 2007 at 17:55
Waiting for the next part, Moogtron III!!!
... E N E L B U N K E R...
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Moogtron III View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 09 2007 at 17:53

Progressive whodunnit: Close To The Edge part 2


From the bestseller writer of The Le Orme Code, The Collins Identity and Murder At The Marquee. No, just kidding, the story you’re about to read is written by me, Moogtron III, and I hope it lightens up your day a bit. It’s just another fantasy story I wrote, this time about what could happen if the Yes crew were ever coming together to make an album which could top the famous Close To The Edge. To keep things a bit more original, I put it in a new form: you are looking at the first progressive whodunnit, and the story’s being cut into 10 episodes. Each day represents an episode. This story is being called:


Return To The Edge


and the subtitle is…


10 little proggers


(inspired by Agatha Christie obviously Embarrassed)


Well, here we go.


Day 1


On a good day they were all coming together: Jon Anderson, Chris Squire, Steve Howe, Rick Wakeman, Alan White, Bill Bruford, Trevor Rabin, Patrick Moraz, Geoff Downes and Peter Banks, in a rehearsal-room-with–studio in London, to write another classic album. Not everyone was really eager to come. Rick wanted a legal guarantee that Jonathan Elias wasn’t to be involved in this project as producer, and even if the studio toaster was to be damaged, that Jonathan Elias would not try to fix it. Bill had no interest, except when he heard the news that the record company (Atlantic)  was willing to invest in the project, so he could earn enough money to do another year of Earthworks afterwards. All Yes, old and new, were invited, except newbies like Igor Koroshev and Billy Sherwood. The only two who declined, temporarily, were Trevor Horn, who was at that moment producing the next Seal album, and Tony Kaye who preferred managerial duties. Trevor Horn said he would come a few days later, though.


They had dinner in a health food restaurant to break the ice a little, though Rick slipped away to get a curry and Chris had to powder his nose and came back with something that looked like a steak sandwich.


After lunch, they all gathered, and this is the little chat that they had afterwards.


Jon: Welcome, everybody. I’m glad you could all make it on the reunion!


Immediately after these words, Rick was crying out loud.


Jon: Rick, what’s wrong?

Rick (still sobbing): You said it, the U-word. Don’t ever say that again.

Jon: What do you mean, what U – word?

Rick: Union! Or should I say onion?

Jon : I didn’t say…

Steve : You said re-union, and Rick’s still recovering from… well, you know which album, the album a.k.a. Onion because it makes him cry every time he hears it.

Jon : Oh… well… ermm… sorry ‘bout that Rick, but this is a good moment to tell you about what I had in mind, and that’s certainly not a new… you know… but rather. Well, what do you consider the best album Yes ever made ?


Steve, Rick, Bill, Alan, Chris: Close To The Edge !

Peter: I thought 90125 was much better.

Jon (slightly irritated): Well, Peter, I think you’re a minority here.

Geoff : The Yes Album was good too. And Drama…

Jon (annoyed): Yes, yes, that’s all true, but most of the fans, and at least six of us, consider Close To The Edge our best album. So, what I was trying to get across… I mean, we’ve done many good albums, but what great albums did we make in the last 20 years? And I know we could do it again. So, why I called you all here to this reuni… this gathering, is because I’d like us to put our shoulders under it and make another Close To The Edge. What do you say?

Bill: Another Close To The Edge?

Jon (smiling): That’s right!

Bill: What, may I ask, was wrong with the first one??

Jon: Nothing, but…

Bill: Then why make another Close To The Edge?

Jon: Well, I…

Bill: I thought we were going to create something fresh?

Jon: You see…

Bill: Is it going to be called Close To The Edge II?

Rick: Well, we could call it Return To The Edge, just like with my Journey To The Centre Of The Earth. I made some sort of sequel called…

Bill: You don’t seem to get the point ! What are we, Mike Oldfield ? Close To The Edge II, then Close To The Edge III? And then, the Millennium Edge?

Jon: Bill, don’t get edgy, I…

Bill: No, you listen to me! Once we start with this, where are we going to end ? Son Of Close To The Edge? Grandson Of Close To The Edge? The Christmas Close To The Edge, the Karaoke Close To The Edge? And the songs, are they being called something like Close To The Wedge, And Us And Them, Siberian Tattoo?

Jon: Now, really…

Bill: I tell you what we really should call it. Anything but Close To Edge ! We could call it As Far Away From The Edge As Possible.

Jon : I only meant…

Bill : You could call it anything but Close To The Edge! Call it Close To Bono, or Close To Larry Mullen, or Close To Adam Clayton, but not ...

Jon : Are you done ?

Bill : Yes, I’m done here ! Goodbye !

Jon: That's not what I...


Bill leaves the room in anger and slams with the door.


Jon (unsecure) : What I was trying to say was that I want us to make a record with the same attitude as Close To The Edge.

Rick: I think Bill has left the building.

Jon: That hits me like a ton of bricks.

Patrick: L’histoire se repète.

Jon: What?


Suddenly somebody pushed a note under the door. Patrick picked it up and read it out loud. It said :


Ten little proggers came together, with ideas real fine,

Then history took it’s toll and suddenly they were nine.


Geoff: What’s that, a progger?


TO BE CONTINUED ! Big%20smile

Edited by Moogtron III - March 09 2007 at 18:43
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