Looking to start a fight! Let's get to it!
Meshuggah are absolutely awful. All of their songs sound exactly the same. EXACTLY THE SAME. Detuned, dull, droning guitars playing riffs in different time signatures as the drummer, who does the exact same drum beat in every song. And the singer (if ya wanna call him that) shouts the same, incomprehensible dribble over every song, using the exact same vocal melody (if ya wanna call it that) in every friggin' song!
Most of the people I went to uni with absolutely worship Meshuggah, but there's absolutely no musicality in what they do. You can't hum their songs, or barely sing them. Only music students who obsess with being the most intelligent, mathematical musicians obsess over them, as if playing guitar riffs in 7/3 over a 14/9 drum beat makes them superior musicians. It's not cool, it's not funny, and it's not clever.
In simple terms, they're utter sh*te. I'm calling out any Meshuggah fans to defend them and convince me of why they're worth listening to.
Oh, and 'Catch Thirty-Three' is probably the worst album I've ever heard.
Edited by Valarius - April 22 2015 at 08:16