Though I'm absolutely certain that this is dead in the water before it begins because overhauling the ratings system would be an absolute nightmare, I've always felt five stars (where zero is not an option) is an inadequate spectrum. As I see it, we need these six points to fully express a range of opinions:
6 Excellent
5 Very Good
4 Good
3 Average
2 Below Average
1 Terrible
I don't think it can be simplified below these six without actually compromising the range of verdicts available. I think what some people might say is "well, let's conflate 2 and 1 because the difference doesn't matter, you're saying don't buy the album both ways" and then we end up with a five point system. But in practice what actually happens is people conflate 4 and 5, resulting in the "If I like it a lot, it's a 5" problem that plagues the ratings on PA and pushes them way up. (In many years, the very worst album is a 3.5 or 3.6 or so. Come on, the worst album of the year gets 7/10? No. We're rating too high.)
Am I mad or does someone agree?