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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2009 at 03:45
This debate has probably gone about as far as it can go without simply becoming a yes it is/no it isn't exchange. Unless there are any further points which have not yet been made, it is probably time to agree to differ and move on.
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Uncle Spooky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2009 at 03:05
Originally posted by Finnforest Finnforest wrote:

Mark, forgive the "whiner" comments, apologies for that. 
No problem.

Quote It's just that we go through some of these same issues over and over again.  Folks who have contributed little or nothing to the site come by and tell Collabs, who have worked unbelievably hard over many long hours, that what we are doing is wrong and worth little.

Again, I understand.  I've done my time on the front line and appreciate how stressful it can be and how easy it is to feel under appreciated, etc  but the truth is if the site wasn't so important I wouldn't be here putting my case. 

Quote Ya know, that is what the real "insult" here is, my friend.  Give the site a little credit please for the good it does rather than harping about your perceived injustices.

Heh, and now you're being insulting again Ouch

That anybody cares enough to stand up in front of you guys and risk the flak should be taken as a compliment...

Look, I am being totally reasonable in my arguments.  I've not presented anything in a whiny, aggressive, lame manner.  Just reasoned observation.  I appreciate that this has possibly been discussed before, but that shouldn't stop people speaking their mind in a reasonable way when something is perceived as wrong.  USA invades IRAQ?  It's happening as planned, why should anybody stand up and speak out against it?  Women don't get to vote?  Whatever?  etc.  OK, these are slightly different extremes, but the principle remains.

If a reasonable answer is given then people shut up and go away, but so far the only honest answer I've seen is that the system is designed to give collaborators weighting.  The inference being that non-collabs are at best mistrusted, at worst seen as saboteurs with hidden agendas. 

I find this unacceptable and have presented an argument for why.

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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2009 at 03:00
who the bloody hell cares about "ratings"..  I mean c'mon, the important things are the information via review, samples and links to other sources, and an excellent forum for communication

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Uncle Spooky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2009 at 02:53
Originally posted by NaturalScience NaturalScience wrote:

Plus any skew towards "collabs preferences" doesn't mean much - the tastes and preferences of the all the collaborators on this site span the prog spectrum.

To a certain extent, but as my Beardfish experiment showed the weighting is skewing the ratings.  How many genuinely better albums are being lost in the mix because weightings are artificially elevating lesser albums?  Or even pushing good albums down should a collab take a dislike to it?

I really don't see how a site that claims to care about Prog can sanction such moves?


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2009 at 02:51
The weighting system is not that bad. I only hope that it can deal with sometimes badly written templates, which become quite annoying after seeing nine similar "reviews" on the front page.

Edited by someone_else - January 06 2009 at 03:37
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Uncle Spooky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2009 at 02:50
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Uncle Spooky Uncle Spooky wrote:

Weighting skews the results towards the Collaborators votes because that is what it is designed to do

Yes, that is apparent.

and they are only effective on albums with a low total number of ratings to prevent nefarious people hyping-up an album - the weighting on albums with hundreds of ratings is less relevant.

Define "low".  As I showed with the Beardfish album, with 43 votes, there's a large skew caused by weighting towards collabs.  It's even worse with albums with low votes that contain collab reviews.

And as I've already said it's possible to automatically monitor voting patterns for sabotage and flag up suspect entries.  Sabotage voters can be transparently blocked, or percentages of votes can be dropped for all entries to account for sabotage and so on.  It doesn't take 24/7 effort once implemented.

Skewing for the in-crowd is parochial and disingenuous.

And if non-collab ratings are distrusted so much, why allow them?  It seems to me you should only allow ratings with reviews, that way you get to decide who is worthy?

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Failcore View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2009 at 02:13
I personally think the weighting system should just be less drastic, but I've already mentioned this before and been shot down. What I think could be done is only ranked members can vote on albums newer than 6 months old. Most of the reactionary bs is at release time, right? Then after 6 months, open it to everyone, you could still have a 2:1 ratio IMO and be fairly democratic, but the aforementioned 3.33:1 is waaaay too much.I however, like the less waiting of ratings w/o reviews. If someone writes a few  paragraphs about an album, you know they have to give at least 1/2 of a crap. Above all tho, even if I'm not listened to, I encourage the owners of this site to experiment and monkey with things. Btw, Beardfish owns.
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cobb2 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2009 at 01:39
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

The forum and the archive are two seperate items - many people who regularily review and rate albums do not spend hours of the day posting on the forum.
Personally, I would like to hear more views of non-collaborators on this issue.

I frequent the forum (don't take any notice of the low post rating, I am hopeless at remembering passwords). To tell the truth I don't even go to the archives sections. Ever since I have been here there has always been bias involved in the rating system, under different guises and this has always turned me off delving further. After 40 years of listening to prog I am quite capable of recognising what I like when I hear it, without needing a rating (flawed) rating system to point me in the right direction. What I do need is a site that has easily accessible new release info and this site doesn't. So for this I use another.

But I do love the forum...
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Petrovsk Mizinski View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2009 at 23:08
Originally posted by Finnforest Finnforest wrote:

Originally posted by King By-Tor King By-Tor wrote:

But you're right. The best thing that we can do is eliminate this problem. Let's go the way of the other websites and only let collaborators write for the site - if you want to write a review then please submit your resume and review, our newly appointed editors will read through and make their judgments. If you're lucky then your review should be online by the beginning of February.

That's much better now, isnt it?
Right on Mike, this is one of the most democratic sites you will find, sometimes so democratic that our impassioned staff are at each other's throats in the pursuit of making it better.  According to me. 

Not wanting to sound like an ass, but compared to some of the other forum boards/sites I go, which have the various levels/positions of people, PA isn't anywhere near as democratic as some of the other sites I've seen to be entirely honest.
I'm not saying this as an attack on PA, it's just how I feel.
Personally, when I was just a senior member, I was fine with that because you realize there are people in place because they know how to get the sh*t done.
And now, I'm a collab, which as the last post in this thread before be pointed out, is somewhere in between a normal member and the webmasters, and I'm happy with where I am, because I understand the stuff I need to do, know what I have to do in my given role and let others who know better and have greater expertise in their area do their stuff without people really getting in their way.
You know, it would be cool and all to own this site, be the webmaster and stuff, but geez, I wouldn't have a clue what to do anyway, that's why we have M@X and Proglucky.
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RaúlGuate View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2009 at 21:46
I'm giving my opinion from the perspective of a non-collab:

I don't if the problem can be fixed with the mathematics of the ratings, but I felt that my reviews became trivial when the layout was changed.

I think what UncleSpooky's point comes from the greater context of the discontent of being a non-collab. I tend to lurk around the forums a lot and I've seen that the site indeed isn't at all a democracy, but has the structure of a business (because it is actually a business). Max & ProgLucky are the owners. They are the ones that do the most work (because they have invested their money and are expecting revenue). Admins are like "big managers".  The "middle managers" are the collabs and reviewers. Because their work is free, their retribution (salary) is in the weighings.

The discontent in the non-collabs lies in the gap of  "unretributed" work that one has to do to become a collaborator. Some non-collabs do some work, but it isn't enough to get retribution... Guess we should form a union WinkLOL

Seriously, though, I think everything is ok as long as everyone is having fun in this process. We shouldn't take it too seriusly. But personally I'd like to be the breach between collabs and non-collabs gradually diminished. (By bringing the old layout, so I can resume the reviewing!Big smile)

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kenethlevine View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2009 at 20:49
I guess the argument being advanced here could be applied much more effectively against music critics for newspapers, books or websites where only a small number of people get to assess the value of a recording, and indeed influence its success.  At least here we provide a broad range of reviewers, and visitors can find their favourites - those they trust or whose taste more closely matches their own - and apply their own personal weighting system.  So, while I do understand the argument for equal weighting, and ultimately believe that the current weighting system is more sensible, I think that individual reviews provide value to the visitor, who need not care whether a particular  review was done by a site reviewer or a newbie.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2009 at 18:35
Damn, I went and reviewed all those Ange & Klaatu albums before I became a collab !
Why wasn't I told my opinion didn't matter ?
Oh well, back to the world juniors hockey final game ...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2009 at 18:01
Originally posted by Uncle Spooky Uncle Spooky wrote:

Originally posted by Henry Plainview Henry Plainview wrote:

Not at all, because your rating is meaningless if nobody else knows why you think that.

So every chart view on the site is worthless?  If so, why include them?

I grant you that reviews can be very helpful to offer insight into the album, to offer commentary on it etc, but when you just want a list of the top 50 best symphonic prog albums of 2008 so that you can fill up your shopping cart with the best prog has to offer this year wouldn't you rather it was based on accurate and honest ratings (so that you're not about to waste your money) and not ones distorted by some misguided conception that those who write reviews are better able to accurately rate albums than those who do not?


If there was a system to guarantee accurat and honest ratings on a site with as many visitors and raters as this one, you might have had a point here.
As pointed out earlier, but sadly misinterpreted in this thread: the written reviews explain the rating given - and reviews written by those who have proven insight rather than literary skills are weighted more, because they become the collaborators.
We even used to have a collaborator who spent years writing reviews in his native language, pull them through babelfish or google translator and then post the automatic english translation. We only removed the ones that were completely 'lost in translation' and those he happily rewrote. The guy had virtually NO English writing skills, but his little finger knows more about prog than you and I together.
Thus - in the end, the weighting serves two purposes: minimze the effect of lazy voting, and honour what prog fans apparently need: a knowledgeable explanation of a rating, while still allowing disagreement amongst reviewers. After all - it's the end result we are talking about.

Then again, the point is moot I guess - this discussion has occured many times, and so far we only ended up running in circles like in this one.

EDIT: final note - if you read the descriptions of the star system we have, only the whole stars have a real meaning. Each and every example Ive seen in this thread rounds to the same star regardless of the approach taken, so in the end - if M@X had decided not to show the decimals, we never would've had this discussion.

Edited by Angelo - January 05 2009 at 18:04
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2009 at 17:58
Weightings have particular value due to the potential for abuse, I think -- particularly when it comes to devaluing ratings without reviews.  And we once had a senior member who rated a huge number of albums in a short time based on fuzzy memory.  When one writes a review, I think it would be normal to put more effort into thinking about the rating.

One idea might be -- only if M@X was interested of course and I see no reason why he would be would be -- to offer preferences for the way we want to see the ratings: a) the way it is now b) collab and non-collab reviewers given equal weight with ratings without reviews having the same low-weight c) all ratings given equal weight -- with or without reviews.  However, I suspect that that would lead to more people trying to bump up and down albums with ratings only.

Incidentally, as an almost non-reviewer I don't think I should have greater weight, but then I am conservative with ratings and I would rather not rate/ review albums already reviewed if I were to do them.  Really, what I want is the ability to review without rating at all since I have some qualms with rating albums.  Truth be told, I rarely read reviews at this site, but the average rating of artists' albums often has got me into looking at album reviews (if there are reviews -- I tend to research quite obscure albums).

Where I do find ratings most useful with or without reviews is for checking out an individual's reviews list.   There are some prolific raters, who share very similar tastes to my own, whose lists I've found very useful as a reference/ guide.
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popeyethecat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2009 at 16:22
Sorry if I'm not contributing much to the debate here but despite not being a Collaborator I personally think that the weighting is a good idea! I would not like the idea of my votes having the same bearing as those of someone far more experienced when it comes to evaluating and rating music. As long as people are picked properly I think it's a great idea
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2009 at 15:54
Hmmm, this is a topic that really haven't engaged me previously - I couldn't care less for how my ratings are weighted or not. Never thought about it before I became a collab, never thought about it after either.

The weighted system sees to it that releases with few ratings will be skewed in favor of the collabs. And if I understand the system correctly; only if they write a review.

And if I have understood that one correctly, I don't see much of a problem.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2009 at 14:53
Mark, forgive the "whiner" comments, apologies for that. 
It's just that we go through some of these same issues over and over again.  Folks who have contributed little or nothing to the site come by and tell Collabs, who have worked unbelievably hard over many long hours, that what we are doing is wrong and worth little.  Ya know, that is what the real "insult" here is, my friend.  Give the site a little credit please for the good it does rather than harping about your perceived injustices.  And that's just what they are, perceived by you.   There is nothing wrong with the way Max has set up his site for the majority of users who frequent the place and LOVE it. 
I'll extract myself at this point and let the calmer heads take it from here. Big smile Cheers! 
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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2009 at 14:10
Originally posted by Uncle Spooky Uncle Spooky wrote:

Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Well, isn't the whole weighting thing about compensating for spurious ratings anyway?

But as I've argued weighting is not the correct way to do it because the ratings skew towards weighted raters' preferences and obscure the true rating.


Fine, I am going to have to weigh in with a lizard for now, but I'll be back...


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Padraic View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2009 at 13:55
Plus any skew towards "collabs preferences" doesn't mean much - the tastes and preferences of the all the collaborators on this site span the prog spectrum.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2009 at 13:50
Originally posted by Uncle Spooky Uncle Spooky wrote:

Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Well, isn't the whole weighting thing about compensating for spurious ratings anyway?

But as I've argued weighting is not the correct way to do it because the ratings skew towards weighted raters' preferences and obscure the true rating.


I'm not convinced you have demonstrated that with any degree of confidence; without analysing the content of the Collabs review with the numerical rating value, and taken that in relation to his other ratings and reviews. Even then it is difficult (nay impossible) to measure any bias or preference - for example we all know of a well known Collab who dislikes Dream Theater with a passion - yet he manages to review and rate Scenes From a Memory pt 2 with 4-stars - is that an indication of bias or personal preference? No. Compare that to some one who gives every DT album 1-star and every King Crimson album 5-star ratings-only. With ratings-only we cannot gauge the reviewers intent, only record their final vote, unless we fully analyse each and every rating they make across the board..
Weighting skews the results towards the Collaborators votes because that is what it is designed to do - and they are only effective on albums with a low total number of ratings to prevent nefarious people hyping-up an album - the weighting on albums with hundreds of ratings is less relevant.

Edited by Dean - January 05 2009 at 18:13
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