So which do you think is the best??
A couple of years ago when I got big into yes my dad decided to go over to his mams house to get his "Tales from topographic oceans" vinyl for me, as I already had "Close to the edge" and "Going for the one". I couldn't wait to get it! When he brought it home and I seen the cover, I thought this is gonna be good! My dad gave me a bit of advice he said, there's only four really long songs on there so just listen to one until you get used to it!, odd advice but I listened anyway. After a good few listens of the second track and sort of liked it, the interest slowly left me! After a while I got sort of bored really, so I never really got into side 3 or 4. Only recently i've decided I'd give it another go. Why not?
My vote without a doubt goes to "The revealing science of God", Although still not "Close to the edge" I enjoy this piece a lot, wonderful melodic guitar, that odd spoken word into, and Rick wakemans excellent synth freak out at the end! (he actually does sound pissed off)