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Tom Kelly Appreciation Thread

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Snicolette Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 18 2021 at 13:50
Attention Hamerheads!

From the Department of I Love It When I Get Advance Notice of Upcoming Airplay Department:   

Our stalwart friend at Friday Night Progressive, Ron Marquiss, has deemed it that once again we shall be hearing a piece of music of Tom's on tonight's show, Friday, 19 November.  Ron's show is one of the best out there, with a solid following and airs from 6PM - 8PM-ish PST.  The chat room is usually full and always friendly, if you care to join in there.  Link to Friday Night Progressive:

In other news, Martian sighting occurred in the following locations since the last missive, beginning with "Remains of Childhood Lost," on Aural Moon 24/7 Progressive Rock Radio on 23 September. In addition to this play, Aural Moon keeps Tom's music on regular rotation, and "The Wayfarer Pt 1,""Catherine," and "Love Is Money," appeared on 24 October,  29 October, and 3 November, respectively.  Someone kindly requested "Spinning Through Eternity, as well, just last week.  Thank you so very much, you know who you are.     Link to Aural Moon:

Steven Davies-Morris over at Deep Nuggets chose to play Tom's music twice on his Through the Looking Glass Show, which airs every Wednesday from 5PM - 9PM PST.  On 22 September, in memoriam, he presented both the "Burnt Peas," and "Bookwife's," Suites in their entirety, and again on 29 September, in honouring the anniversary of the releases of Tom's music in 2018, he presented "A Slight Overture of Sorts," and "Sloppy Love At Bodie Flats."  Both were accompanied by lovely comments before and after from Steven.  Deep Nuggets plays 24/7 rock and progressive music, link to it's website is here:

Mike Sherrill has continued airing Tom creations on his W.T.A.U. Pea Ridge Nation show on Twitch TV.  To wit:  On 23 September, "The Tolling of St. John's Bells;" on 2 October, "The Keys;" "Nothing Ends, Nothing Begins," on 16 October; "Cows Appear Out Of Nowhere," on 23 October; on 30 October, "Ma & Pa Kettle Go To Hell; and lastly, but not leastly, "A Slight Overture of Sorts," on 13 November.  Mike's show airs on Saturdays from 4PM - 7PM PST. Link to WTAU:

AZUSA 24/7 Progressive Rock Station has also continued rotational airplay of Hamer's music, I happened to catch it spinning twice, on 22 October and 8 November, with "The Remains of Childhood Lost," and "Staring It In The Face, Pt. 2," respectively.  Link to AZUSA:

 Another milestone was reached, also, since the last Martian Mail.  On this Artist Appreciation Page on ProgArchives, on 23 October, the number of views went to over 10K.  Most of that is what most of you know already, it's just amazing to me that I reached that many views there, even though, of course, some are my own when I put in a new post, certainly not 10 thousand times.  

As always, many thanks to those still listening, those who come along for the ride to the various shows.  These are also all good resources for those here who may be seeking friendly ears to their music.  

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews:   

Edited by Snicolette - November 19 2021 at 07:53
"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Attention Hamerheads!  Martian Milestone

From The Department of Important Anniversaries Department, this just in:

No, not airplay (is that such a thing on Mars?) today, just a milestone and very grateful thanks to be given.

Three years ago, these three recordings of Tom Kelly’s music were released.  It took just a little more than a year to sort through, compile and prepare all of this material.  I could not have done it without the help of David Hurst, who did all of the technical studio work and also all of the artwork, outside of the original artwork done by Joel Stafford on “Spinning Through Eternity.”  My grateful thanks to them and also to all of the people below, who have played or reviewed Tom’s music over the last three years.  Some have become particular champions, the music is still being played on quite a few of these and is still being added to new stations and hosted shows alike.  Grateful thanks especially, to Kevin Feeley, for being “the man who makes the introductions,” and also to Tatsurou Ueda, the first person to purchase the discography, which led me to the world of progressive chat rooms.

I wish to thank the following for including Tom’s music on their terrestrial and internet radio programs:  Jim Brennan at Aural Moon Radio, for being the first one to add Tom to his station; Tom Gagliardi at The Gagliarchives on Aural Moon and House of Prog, for being the first host to play Tom on his revered show; Rick Dashiell at The Rickter Scale on Delicious Agony; Archie Patterson at The Eurock Show on HiLo Radio; Kevin Slaymaker at Between 2 Worlds on CRMK UK and Brackley Community Radio stations; Geo Warner at Music for All Occasions on KSQD Santa Cruz Community Radio;  Peter O’Neill at Epic Mondays, Chuck Simons at ProgRock for Beginners, and Zap Niles at Progscure, all on; Bob Prigmore at The Prog and Rock Show on Beat Route Radio UK; Tony Romero at his self-titled Show  and Steve Swayne at The 7th House on House of Prog; Ron Marquiss and Stephen Speelman at Friday Night Progressive; Larne Peters at Larne’s Finest on Progalley; Cliff Pearson at Live from Progzilla Towers, Graham Harfleet at his self-titled Show, Emma Roebuck at Northern Star, Steve Petch at The Progmeister and Shaun Geraghty at The Prog Mill, all on Progzilla Radio; Jules at Prog Rock Nation on KTAL, Las Cruces Community Radio; Stuffer White at Light Without Heat, Anita Bhatia Higgins at Melo’s Prog Bazaar, Paul Higgins at Aquarian Moons and Mike Sherrill at WTAU PeaRidge Nation, all on Spreaker; Alex Cruzeta at The Monday Chemistry Sets & Steven Davies-Morris at Through The Looking Glass, both on Deep Nuggets radio; Dave Davis at Independent Share on Mixcloud; and Cliff Broyhill at Progressively Indie on Bandwagon Network Radio.

I would also like to thank the reviewers below for their time and energy in thoroughly reviewing the material and their thoughtful insights: 

Review Snippets:

"The late Tom Kelly recorded three masterpiece albums that combined every imaginable style of music to create a completely unique musical amalgam of electronic symphonic fusion that transcends any style or genre."  Archie Patterson, Promo for Eurock show #218 on HiLo Radio ~ Link to HiLo

“This isn't music designed to be played gentle in the background as the musician meanders through, but instead this is music with direction and force which demands to be heard front and centre….it is a real shame Tom didn't get to release it during his lifetime, as this is incredibly enjoyable and any fan of crossover or symphonic progressive rock should seek this out.” Kev Rowland, Prog Archives ~ Link to Review:

“It is a very clean album, so very easy to listen to, with a wonderful use of space as an additional instrument…the result being a complete piece of work which is a joy from start to end.” Kev Rowland, ProgArchives ~ Link to Review:

"…the majestic suite, (“The Book Wife Suite")…shows that Tom really shines when he has the time and space to really spread out his ideas.” Kev Rowland, ProgArchives ~ Link to Review:

"The posthumous release of the three albums is a fitting tribute to a skilful composer and multi-instrumentalist. Highly recommended for fans of symphonic prog."  Gareth Page, ProgBlog ~ Link to Review:

“…they constitute in their entirety an absolute master craft of melodic, harmonic and tuneful musical assembly.  It is in fact simply immense the depth and variety of the work which has been produced here.”  Geoff Penn, ~ Link to Review:

“…we can all now spend time with Tom Kelly and his individual, personal but still hugely engaging music.  It’s a varied, skilled and rewarding journey to be a part of.”  Steven Reid, Sea of Tranquility ~ Link to Review:

“Every now and then one comes across hidden gems of music, and one of my recent 'discoveries' … was the music of Tom Kelly”  John Simms, Flight of the Sky Pilot ~ Link to Review:

“…oddly winsome, maddeningly obtuse, whimsically melodic, captivatingly capricious music.”  Stephen Conrad, Progressive Rock Fanatics ~ Link to Review:

My grateful thanks also to all of those who have listened, known to me or not over these past three years, and to the many of you whom I've met on this path.

These are also all good resources for those here who may be seeking friendly ears to their music.  

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews:   

"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Snicolette Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2021 at 09:24

Attention Hamerheads!

Hitting the  Mother Lode of Deep Nuggets, Don’t Be Late!

From the Department of Just Enough Notice for Advance Notifications Department:

It has come to the attention of my earses that Tom Kelly music will be appearing for a second time this week, and a double dose in the show.  I was just informed by Steven Davies-Morris that he will feature Tom twice during his show today, Wednesday, 22 September, on Through The Looking Glass, his show on Deep Nuggets Radio.  There is no podcast, so try to catch it live, if you can.  Show airs from 5PM – 9PM PDT.  Link to Deep Nuggets:

Earlier this week, Alex Cruzeta kindly also played music by Tom, on Deep Nuggets, on20 September.  He selected “Remains of Childhood Lost,” for his Monday Chemistry Sets show, which airs each and every Monday from 5PM – 9PM PDT.

Hope some of you can give a listen.  If you would like to chat, there is a FB chat group, under the “Through The Looking Glass Radio Show,” name.

See you there and elsewhere, thanks always for your support!

These are also all good resources for those here who may be seeking friendly ears to their music.  

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews:   

"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Snicolette Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 19 2021 at 14:36
Attention Hamerheads!

From the Department of Continuing Memorial Musical During The Month of Septembrance Department, word has arrived that today, Monday, 20 September, Alex Cruzeta is planning on including music by Tom Kelly on his Monday Chemistry Sets Show, on 24/7 Deep Nuggets Radio.  He is planning on a special double Prog Hour, which starts around the second hour in, show airs from 5PM – 9PM PDT.  Please come along and support the show, Alex doesn’t provide a podcast, this is live only, so catch it while it’s in progress!  Link to Deep Nuggets:

Since last week’s notification of the debut of Tom on Prog Rock For Beginners on, I have caught his music being played in the following places:

On 13 September, Progressive Rock Radio AZUSA included “Sloppy Love At Bodie Flats,” in rotation on it’s fine site, also a 24/7 Station.  Link to AZUSA:

As mentioned above, the Prog Rock for Beginners show featured a “submissions,” section, which was in conjunction with many artists that Chuck discovered via visiting Friday Night Progressive, which has been a stalwart champion of Tom’s music for well over two years now.  Airing on, Chuck chose to intersperse selections from Burnt Peas/The Tolling of St John’s Bells, on 14 September.  He chose “Burnt Peas (Parts 3 & 4),” “Burnt Peas Finale,” “God and the Flatlanders (Acoustic Celtic Version),” and “Staring It in the Face (Part 1),” amongst pieces by many of the fine artists who inhabit the world of Friday Night Progressive.  Chuck promises to bring back more of Tom’s music on future shows.  This show airs every Tuesday from 3:30 – 6:30 PM PDT.  Link to podcast in case you missed it:

On Tom’s “angelversary,” as a friend coined it, Bob Prigmore of his self-titled Prog and Rock Shows on Beat Route Radio UK paid tribute to Tom, selecting “God and the Flatlanders (Waltz Version),” on 15 September.  Bob’s show is on air every Wednesday from 10AM – Noon PDT.Link to Beat Route:

The “Burnt Peas Finale,” was heard on Jim Brennan’s Progressive Rock station, 24/7 Aural Moon, in rotation.  Aural Moon has continuously kept Tom’s music in rotation since Jim first added it back in January of 2019.  Link to Aural Moon:

And, lastly but not leastly, after a week’s hiatus, on W.T.A.U. Pea Ridge Nation, Mike Sherrill chose to play Tom’s “Love IS Money.  This show airs on Twitch TV every Saturday from 4PM – 7PM PDT.  The podcast can be found at this link:

As always, thank you to so of you for your support, and for helping me to expand Tom’s audience and for keeping his music alive.  Being that the third anniversary is coming up for the initial releases, they've proven to have pretty long legs in a competitive progressive market.

These are also all good resources for those here who may be seeking friendly ears to their music.  

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews:   

Edited by Snicolette - September 20 2021 at 08:03
"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Attention Hamerheads!  More Martian News:

From the Department of Announcements New Radio Show Airplay Announcement Department:

Don’t miss this one! Not only Tom, but many other fine artists that I’ve had the pleasure to get to know in the past 3 years will be featured today, Tuesday, 14th September on “ProgRock For Beginners,” hosted by Chuck Simons on  The show airs from 3:30PM – 6:30PM PDT and has a very active chat room.  Please stop by the chat if you’re so inspired.  Link to

September is a month of contrariness for me.  It is the month I released all three CDs, with the help of David Hurst in particular, devoting much time to preparing everything for publication, in 2018.  It’s also the time that I started to meet so many of you in the progressive music world and that has certainly been a pleasure.  It is also the 4th anniversary of Tom’s death, 15 September, 2017.  For those that wish to, I would like to invite you to play a piece of Tom’s music at 8AM PDT in his memory on Wednesday, for he loved nothing more than music.  

Since the last missive from Mars:

The WTAU Interview show garnered a whopping 190 views, I have no idea how many were catching it live, but the chat room was full.  If any of you missed it and would like to see it, let me know, I have a saved copy and can share my Dropbox link with you.  It is 3 hours and with video, so takes some time to load.  Mike Sherrill played all of “The Suites,” in their entirety, plus “Cows Appear Out of Nowhere,” “The Bend,” “Sloppy Love At Bodie Flats,” “Catherine,” and featured Mistress Quickly’s “Violent Pig Plaster.”

Regular Airplay since 12th August:

Friday Night Progressive once again championed Tom and his music by featuring “The Forks Suite,” on the 13 August show.  FNP has a dedicated chat following and airs every Friday from 6PM – 8PM PDT.  Link to FNP:

In addition to the entire show featuring music of Tom’s, Mike Sherrill also played “Forward,” on 14 August, “The Wayfarer Suite,” on 28 August, and “Violent Pig Plaster,” on 4 September, on his W.T.A.U. show on Twitch TV.  Show airs Saturdays from 4PM – 7PM PDT and has a friendly chat as well as the fun of watching Mike as he spins the various tunes he enjoys.  Link to W.T.A.U.:

16th August saw the return of airplay for Tom on Between Two Worlds, airing on Mondays from Noon until 3PM PDT on CRMK Radio UK.  Kev Slaymaker saw fit to play “Catherine,” during his show.  Link to CRMK:

DJ Tony Romero played “The Fork,” on his self-titled show on House of Prog on 21 August.  His show also has a very active chat room and is on Saturdays from 10AM – 1PM PDT.  Link to House of Prog:

Onward in the current month, Aural Moon played “The Fork,” in rotation on Jim Brennan’s 24/7 progressive music station.  Please give a listen to Aural Moon, lots of great progressive and related music airs there.  Link to Aural Moon:

AZUSA Progressive Rock Radio played “A Bookwife’s Dream of Her Own Imposter: Dedication,” on 9 September.  Sam Butters’ station is 24/7 and features a great mix of progressive rock.  Link to AZUSA:

Lastly, but not leastly, Paul Higgins and his lovely wife, Anita Bhatia Higgins collaborated on his Aquarian Moons show on 10th September, generously airing the entire “Burnt Peas Suite,” on Spreaker.  Paul plays great space, ambient and psych on his show, which plays on Fridays from 11AM – 2PM PDT, also with a worldwide participation in his chat room. Link to Aquarian Moons:

My grateful thanks to all who have listened.  These are also all good resources for those here who may be seeking friendly ears to their music.  

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews:   

Edited by Snicolette - September 14 2021 at 08:03
"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Attention Hamerheads!

From the Department of Early Notices Department, this just in from where else?  Mars, of course.  You can tell by the photo.  

I am delighted to announce this show to one and all, today, Saturday, 21 August from 4PM - 7PM PDT
Please join us as Mike Sherrill presents spaceship-loads of Tom Kelly's music.  I will be discussing some of the inspirations and backgrounds of the pieces here and there and in between.

I will eschew my usual listings of places recently playing Tom's music, as this is so close on the heels of the last missive from Mars.  

Link to W.T.A.U. Pead Ridge Nation on Twitch:

The third year from the original release dates of the trio of recordings is already nearing.  To still be getting such regular airplay is a testament to the artistry of Tom, who, even though he had to leave, he didn’t go without giving those who appreciate it, some truly memorable music to keep.  See you on Saturday.

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews:   

Edited by Snicolette - August 21 2021 at 07:44
"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Attention Hamerheads!   Fan Mail From Some Flounder?  Crusader Rabbit?  Son of Mr. Green Genes?

From the Department of No, There Is Nothing Wrong With Your Television Set, Do Not Attempt To Adjust The Picture, It’s Just Another Transmission From Mars Department:  Yep, you guessed it, it’s merely news for those interested of upcoming airplay of Tom Kelly’s music and a brief recap of Martian sightings from around the third stone from the sun. 

To whit:  Today,  Friday 13th (ooooooh) August, Ron Marquiss has kindly informed me that he will be presenting more music of Tom’s on Friday Night Progressive.  Following Tom, fellow friends, Tenk Van Dool's Temple of Switches, Nathan Ame's Sudler's Row, and The Marquess Catastrophy will be featured.  Not to mention many fine artists beforehand.  So don’t miss it.  6PM – 8PM PDT.  Stop by the chat room, if you’re so inclined.  Link to Friday Night Progressive:

Truly advance notice of a very special show also upcoming.  Mike Sherrill, who hosts W.T.A.U. Pea Ridge Nation has kindly bestowed an honour of an entire episode devoted to Tom and his music.  I will also be interviewed during the show (thank the heavens it’s not on a stage).  This will be on Saturday, 21 August 4PM – 7PM PDT, on Twitch.  There will be a reminder of this, next week.  Link to WTAU:

In airplay that I managed to catch here and there since the last missive from Mars:

Alex Cruzeta over at The Monday Chemistry Sets on Deep Nuggets decided to send some “Sloppy Love At Bodie Flats,” out over the netwaves on 26 July.  Alex’s show is on Mondays, 5PM – 9PM PDT, here is a link to Deep Nuggets:

Progressive Rock Radio AZUSA has featured Tom several times, including on 29 July, with “Love is Money,” then on 10 and 11 August, “Remains of Childhood Lost,” and “Burnt Peas (parts 1 & 2),” were played, respectively.  Link to 24/7 AZUSA:

Aural Moon, another 24/7 station aired Tom on rotation on 30 July, with ”Burnt Peas (Part 4),” and on 6 August, “A Bookwife’s Dream of Her Own Imposter.”  Aural Moon can be found here:

A replay offered by Stuffer White on 8 August on Light Without Heat included “Nothing Ends, Nothing Begins.”  Light Without Heat is on Sundays, 4PM – 7PM PDT.  Link to LWH:

Lastly, but not leastly, our friend, Mike Sherrill regularly plays Tom’s music on his W.T.A.U. Pea Ridge Nation show, which is aired every Saturdays from 4PM-7PM PDT.  For his 31 July show, he chose “Gold and the Flatlanders (Celtic Version), and on 7 August “A Slight Overture of Sorts.”  Link already shared above. 

Thank you, as always, to all of your support over the years, jeeze, the third year from the original release dates of the trio of recordings is already nearing.  To still be getting such regular airplay is a testament to the artistry of Tom, who, even though he had to leave us, he didn’t leave us without some truly memorable music.  See you on Friday.

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews:   

Edited by Snicolette - August 13 2021 at 07:55
"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Snicolette Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 26 2021 at 08:51
Attention Hamerheads!

From the Department of Inclusion In Upcoming Anniversarial (is that even a word?  Now it is) Airplay Department, I bring a little bit of advance notice of whereupon you might tune your earses upon an otherwise mundane Monday evening, or perhaps, morning (and make that perhaps, a terrestrial Tuesday), depending on what part of this little blue planet you might be calling home (you know who you are Emoji).

Alex Cruzeta will be presenting his 7th Anniversary show tonight on Deep Nuggets, airing from 5PM - 9PM PDT.  The Prog Hour is about the second hour in or so and one of his little birdies showed up in my message box, alerting me (as birdies do, perhaps it's a chicken, and may the sky not be falling, if that is the case) to the fact that he will indeed be including music by Tom Kelly.  There will be the usual reminders in FB, this is the only  notification here that will be issued, however, so mark your calendars, no matter which type you prefer, digital or analog.  Alex's shows are diverse and it's especially fun to listen in on his commentary, before and after his various sets.  So don't miss it!  Link to Deep Nuggets:

In other news, there will be a very special show airing late in August, so keep your eyes open for that notification. 

An auspicious number of hits on this Tom Kelly Appreciation topicwas achieved yesterday, 8888.  Granted, some of these are my sharing of information re airplay and such in there, but I found it particularly amusing to think of this being an indication of spinning through eternity, but on it's side.  A photo will be attached at the end of this missive.

And now on to airplay since last I figuratively picked up a pen (and sheathed my sword), a difficult trick when one is on Mars.  

Paul Higgins has featured Tom twice on Aquarian Moons on 28 May and 23 July, playing both "The Tolling of St. John's Bells," and "Catherine," respectively.  Aquarian Moons is space/psych/prog for the uninitiated, here is a link to the podcast:

Mike Sherrill continues to be a huge fan and consistently airs Tom's music on his W.T.A.U. Pea Ridge Nation show.  This is on Twitch television, so you are also treated to not only hearing, but watching the host as he spins everything from prog to bluegrass to growling, and everything in between.  Mike's recently played "The Tolling of St. John's Bells," on 29 May; 5 June "Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Hell," 12 June "The Keys," 19 June "Nothing Ends, Nothing Begins," 26 June "A Slight Overture of Sorts," 3 July "Sloppy Love At Bodie Flats," 17 July "Forward," and 24 July, those darned "Cows Appear(ed) Out Of Nowhere."  Link to Mike's Twitch podcast

Aural Moon continues with Tom's music on regular rotation, way back on 2 June, "West Fork," spookily wended it's way across the moon, on 13 June "Burnt Peas, Part 3," 20 June "Cows Appear Out Of Nowhere," (they were busy that week, apparently) and on 21 July "A Slight Overture of Sorts," showed up.  Link to Aural Moon Radio:

Bandwagon Network Radio has been playing less progressive music of late, not sure what happened to their regular show, but they have had some broadcast troubles last month.  Hopefully it will make a regular return soon.  In the meantime, I did happen to catch "The Bend," on 16 June and 21 June; "The Wayfarer (Part 1) " on 29 June and two plays of "A Bookwife's Dream of Her Own Imposter," on 18 and 20 June.  Link to Bandwagon:

Lastly, but not leastly, Progressive Rock AZUSA on 31 May played "Nothing Ends, Nothing Begins," on their Progressively Indie show and "Remains of Childhood Lost, on 15 July, in regular rotation.  Link to AZUSA:

Which all goes to show that you never know where you'll find Tom, but my guess is that he's usually out there somewhere.  With a guitar or piano not far away.

Don't forget to tune in tonight to Alex's show and I want to thank you all again for all of the support over these years.  I like to think that somewhere, Tom knows his music is heard and appreciated.

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews:   

Edited by Snicolette - July 26 2021 at 08:57
"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Attention Hamerheads!  From the Department of Talk About a Deadline Department……

It's been a while, and there's been a lot of Tom's music floating about in the known and unknown universes, but this time I have some advance notice.

Today, Friday, 28 May, on the space/psych/electronic rock music show, Aquarian Moons, the Electric Gypsy himself will play something of Tom's on his expansive 3 hour show.  Beginning at 11AM PDT until 2PM PDT, there is also a friendly international chat room attached.  Link to Aquarian Moons:

As previously stated, there hasn't been any lack of airplay since I last wrote, on 23 April, Friday Night Progressive generously played the entire "Bookwife Suite," in honour of Tom's birthday.  Clocking in at just under 23 minutes, it was greatly appreciated by me, to have this played, truly as it should be, as it is one piece of music, albeit broken into sections, as most of Tom's music was.  Link to Friday Night Progressive Podcast of this show:Fnp 455 04-23-2021

On a repeat of Stuffer White's Light Without Heat show, a reappearance was made of "Travels, Part 3," on 25 April.  Light Without Heat has a great international chat as well, every Sunday from 4PM - 7PM PDT.  Link to Light Without Heat:

Mike Sherrill, a continuous fan and supporter of Tom's music, has played various pieces 4 times in the ensuing weeks since 24 April.  WTAU Pea Ridge Nation, his show on Spreaker, appears every Saturday from 4PM - 7PMPDT Link to WTAU:

Tony Romero, another firm fan and radio host aired "A Slight Overture of Sorts," during his show on 1 May.  DJ Tony's show is every Saturday from 10AM - 1PM PDT on House of Prog.  He's also been conducting interviews with various people of interest from the musical world over the last month or so.  Link to House of Prog:

Also, there are three radio stations which continuously have Tom on rotation, so you can find his music there often.  The first is Progressive Rock AZUSA, Band Wagon Network Radio, as well as Aural Moon all are 24/7 stations. AZUSA has an indie only show from Noon - 3PM PDT on Mondays, BWNR recently moved their entirely progressive show to Thursdays from 7PM - 9PM PDT.  Links to all three follow.

So there you have it.  Come along on a trip to space tomorrow if you can.  Way less expensive than going that Elon Musk way, and probably a lot safer.

My grateful thanks to all of you for listening, passing along the info, and tuning in when you can.  These links etc are also all good for informing those of you here who produce your own music.

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews:   

Edited by Snicolette - May 28 2021 at 10:57
"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Snicolette Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 23 2021 at 10:46
Attention Hamerheads!

From the Department of Truly There Were Whirlwinds On Mars This Week Department:  Lots of airplay this week and yes, one more show upcoming to let everyone know about. 

Tonight, Friday, 23 April, Friday Night Progressive brings Tom to the show once again, along with a lot of other very fine artists.  FNP airs from 6PM - 8PM(ish, so don't be late) PDT and is always an exceptional show to listen to with a very active chat room.  Link to FNP:

Tom's birthday on Sunday, 18, April, prompted a flurry of airplay all week, which started with Graham Harfleet's show on Progzilla Radio, which airs from Noon - 2PM PDT.  He chose to play, "Catherine."  Link to Progzilla:

 Later in the day, as promised, "Spinning Through Eternity," appeared as the debut on Progressive Rock Azusa terrestrial radio out of Arizona (no it's not Azusa, CA).  This station plays a variety of nothing but progressive music and features several shows that the owner/manager advised me Tom would be appearing on.  Since then AZUSA has also played "String It In The Face (Part 2)," and another spin of "Spinning Through Eternity," and probably a few other times that I didn't personally happen to catch, as he's in regular rotation both in general and going to be on several of the dedicated shows upcoming. Tom will also be up on their "Indie Prog RockArtists,"page soon.  Link to AZUSA:

Also on 19th April, "A Bookwife's Dream Of Her Own Imposter ~ Dedication," appeared on Progressively Indie on Bandwagon Network Radio, as well as 20th April with a repeat of the same, plus "A Slight Overture of Sorts," and on both 21 April, "March of the Spirit Peas," cheerily made their way across those airwaves.  Link to BWNR:

A longtime champion of Tom's, Alex Cruzeta, brought "Spinning Through Eternity," to his Monday Chemistry Sets on 19 April as well.  April 19 was also the anniversary of our wedding in 2014 and, sadly, in 2018, when the family and I took his ashes to be spread where he wished them to be. Alex's show is every Monday on Deep Nuggets, link to DN here:

21st April brought not one, but three airings of music (the first of which was mentioned above).  Next was a debut on Creighton Beryl's show on WXOX out of Louisville, KY.  He chose "The Bend," to feature on his show, which was themed with both spring and new to him music.  This show runs on Wednesdays, 11AM - 1PM PDT.  Link to WXOX:

And thirdly, but for which I'm trebly grateful to Steven Davies-Morris for, his show, Through The Looking Glass on Deep Nuggets, play one song from each commercial release as a "Triple Shot," on 21st April.  He had wonderful commmentary and information, to impart as well, including a very complimentary opinion on Tom's composition, playing and even recording and mixing prowess.  He chose "A Slight Overture of Sorts," "A Bookwife's Dream of Her Own Imposter," and closed the set out with "Sloppy Love At Bodie Flats."  Link to Deep Nuggets is above.

It's been a tough week and also a week full of happy memories.  I am truly honoured by the hosts of the shows and station owners being so generous to Tom over the past two and a half years.  And all of the friendships gained through the love of music, which is such a fitting legacy, after all.

My grateful thanks to all of you for listening, passing along the info, and tuning in when you can.  These links etc are also all good for informing those of you here who produce your own music.

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews: 
"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Snicolette Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2021 at 08:09
Attention Hamerheads!  

From The Department of Busy Weeks On Mars Department, this just in.

Tom's music will be featured tonight, 19 April on Alex Cruzeta's "Monday Chemistry Sets," show that airs from 5PM - 9PM PDT on Deep Nuggets Radio, another 24/7 mostly progressive station.  Link to Deep Nuggets:

Also on Deep Nuggets this week,  on 21 April, more music from Tom will appear on "Through the Looking Glass," hosted by Steven Davies-Morris.  TtLG is on also from 5PM - 9PM PDT.  

As this is a very short transmission, I will forego the usual posting of various other links etc and will update all of that on the next message from Mars.

Edited to add one more, that of the inclusion of a piece of music by Tom on Louisville KY's WXOX 97.1 FM radio show, "The Exploded View," hosted by Creighton Beryl (ha!).  Typically a themed show, this one is about Springtime.  On air from 11AM - 1PM EDT, today, Wednesday, 21 April.  Link to WXOX:

Edited by Snicolette - April 21 2021 at 08:24
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Snicolette Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 18 2021 at 10:14
Attention Hamerheads!

From the Department of it’s Tom’s Birthday, No Matter Where He May Be Up in the Stars Department, I have recent news of some upcoming airplay.

Today, 18 April, a song of his will be on Graham Harfleet’s show on Progzilla Radio. This show runs from Noon – 2PM PDT on the 24/7 progressive music station, which can be found at the link following:

Also, upcoming on Wednesday, 21 April, Steven Davies-Morris has informed me that he will play something from Tom’s repertoire, between the hours of 5PM – 9PM PDT, during his Through The Looking Glass show on Deep Nuggets 24/7 radio station.  Link to Deep Nuggets:

Since 5th April, there have been some Martian sightings around the planet, which I will now detail.  Another fine 24/7 progressive station has informed me that Tom’s music will be added into their roster, “longer tunes,” according to the owner/manager, Sam Butters, of AZUSA radio, which is not, out of Azusa, but Arizona, hence the AZ.  Gary Creighton used to say, “Azusaphonaphobia is fear of getting a phone call from Azusa.”  Fear not, this was a very happy communication indeed.  AZUSA Radio Link:

Bandwagon Network Radio, also 24/7, with their progressive show, Progressively Indie, has been playing “March of the Spirit Peas,” “A Bookwife’s Dream of Her Own Imposter ~ Dedication,” “A Slight Overture of Sorts,” and “The Wayfarer (Part 1), in regular rotation on that show, which is moving to Thursdays, according to owner/manager, Cliff Broyhill, 7PM – 9PM PDT.  Link to BWNR:

Paul Higgins, over at Aquarian Moons featured, “Sloppy Love At Bodie Flats,” on his space/psychedelia/electronica/sometimes progressive show over at Spreaker,  Aquarian Moons now airs on Fridays again, from 11AM – 2PM PDT.  Link to podcast (this show was on 5 April) and live shows:

As late as yesterday, DJ Tony Romero on his show on 24/7 station House of Prog, aired “Staring It In The Face.”  He has regularly played Tom since being made aware of his music, his show runs from 10AM – 1PM PDT on Saturdays.  Link to House of Prog:

Also yesterday and then some, Mike Sherrill over on Spreaker at his weekly W.T.A.U. Pea Ridge Nation has played “Spinning Through Eternity,” and “Imagination or Knowledge,” in the last couple of weeks.  WTAU broadcasts on Twitch, which is actually live “television,” so you can see Mike in action on this one.  Link to show and podcasts here:

Aural Moon 24/7 progressive radio continues to keep Tom in their regular rotation, per owner/manager, Jim Brennan, he sees no reason for this to ever change.  In the past week, “A Bookwife’s Dream of Her Own Imposter ~ Dedication,” “The Fork,” and “Spinning Through Eternity,” played on three different dates.  Link to Aural Moon:

Additionally, Steve Swayne obtained a pre-release copy of Dyanne Potter Voegtlin’s cover of “Catherine,” which is just exquisite, btw.  He obtained permission to air it on his show “The Seventh House,” on House of Prog Radio on 12 April, to great appreciation in the chat room.  His show airs every Monday from 5PM – 7:30 PM PDT, the link to House of Prog already shared, above.  I will of course keep everyone informed of when this gorgeous cover version will be formally released.

Fitting that this should be able to be sent around on Tom’s birthday, he would have been 69 today.  Please play some music you love in his honour and enjoy the time you have with those you love.

My grateful thanks to all of you for listening, passing along the info, and tuning in when you can.  These links etc are also all good for informing those of you here who produce your own music.

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews: 
"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Snicolette Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 05 2021 at 08:47
Nice observation, Mike.  I still have that guitar, it's a beauty.
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He looks a little bit like David Gilmour especially with that guitar.
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Attention Hamerheads!  Time to Space Out on Monday

From the Department of Truly Spacy Music From Mars and Other Celestial Phenomena, I have just received word that some of Tom Kelly's music will appear once again appear on the internet radio program, "Aquarian Moons," tomorrow, 5 April from 10AM - Noon PDT.  Aquarian Moons is devoted to Space, Progressive and Psychedelic type musics and Tom will certainly fit right in and float right around with the best of them.  Friendly, intergalactic chat room attached.  Link to Aquarian Moons:

Of late, Tom continues to be played on Bandwagon Network Radio's Progressively Indie show and their regular rotation, they continue to air "The Wayfarer, Part 1," A Bookwife's Dream of Her Own Imposter," and "March of the Spirit Peas."  I believe the show is getting ready to switch to a weekly "prime time," spot, 7PM - 9PM PDT on Thursdays.  Link to BWNR:

Also, over at WTAU Pea Ridge Nation, Tom is still enjoying frequent appearances, since last Martian Missive, they've played, "The Fork," "Forward," and "Cows Appear Out of Nowhere."  WTAU is on every Saturday, from 4PM - 7PM PDT.  Link to WTAU:

Another consistent champion of Tom's, Tony Romero over at House Of Prog, has played a track or two of Tom's every show, pretty much, since he first heard the material.  This past weekend, he featured, "Catherine," from Spinning Through Eternity, his show airs on Saturdays, from 10AM - 1PM PDT.  Link to House of Prog:

In other, other news, Tom got a nice compliment from a listener over at Bandcamp this past week, a recommendation of "A Quail's House" 

artrockbands This guy had great talent. Beautiful searing lead guitar combined with dynamics and fluid time changes. I hear some Anthony Phillips and Mike Oldfield influences in there. A joy to listen to. Favorite track: The Fork.

Link to artrockbands page, for compliance with reviews links on PA:

Lastly, am going to post this photo that Tom's son created, putting his dad on Mars, it's pretty clever....For those who don't know, Tom's birthday is coming up, he was an Aries, so he always joked that he was from Mars, so this was a lot of fun to see.  

My grateful thanks to all of you for listening, passing along the info, and tuning in when you can.  I hope everyone is enjoying the emergence of spring!  

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews: 

"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Attention Hamerheads!  From the Department of Number One on the Chart Department:

Look what just happened!  Amazing!

I am so thankful to BWNR (Bandwagon Network Radio) for playing Tom's music on their Progressively Indie show.  It airs weekdays from 10AM - Noon PDT, but may be moving to a primetime spot soon, per the owner/operator of the station, Cliff Broyhill.

This station plays all kinds of music, so it's also gratifying to see progressive artists being so appreciated there.  Stop by and give it a listen sometime.  

"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Attention Hamerheads!

From the Department of Yet More Upcoming Airplay Department, I have gotten advanced notice of an appearance of Tom Kelly music on the fabulous Friday Night Progressive show #451 tonight, Friday, 20th March, in honour of FNP stalwart, Roland’s, birthday.  Friday Night Progressive airs as suspected from the title on Fridays, from 6PM – 8PM PT.  The chat room is busy and full of friendly folks and this should be a particularly hot show, given the number.  Come along for the fun and the great music, all are invited, whether you’ve been there before or not….certainly don’t miss the broadcast, as not only Tom, but many other favourites of the show will be represented.  Link to the live stream (some people have trouble with the link on the site):  and link for the site and chat:

In other news, Dyanne Potter’s/Potter’s Daughter crowdfunding not only met, but exceeded their flexible goal.  One of the perks was a cover of Tom’s “Catherine,” which she is presenting as a solo piano piece, and I can tell you that, having heard the final mix, it is exquisite.  Keep your ears pealed, it will be released in the near future and will likely have advanced airplay on the various shows.

Since my last Martian Mail, DJ Tony of House of Prog played, “March of the Spirit Peas,” and “God and the Flatlanders (Waltz Version), on 6th March  and “Burnt Peas, Pts 1 & 2,” on his 13th March shows.  He is going to have a weekend off next weekend, but promises to feature more Tom music when he returns.  Link to House of Prog:

On 22nd February, Tom had a banner day, with 4 tunes being played in just slightly over one hour, times and tunes listed below, with links to the shows:

10:20 AM Paul Higgins featured the entire Wayfarer Suite on Aquarian Moons, you can catch the podcast here:

10:36AM “Spinning Through Eternity,” appeared on the moon, Aural Moon, that is.  Aural Moon also aired, “The Wayfarer, Part 3,” and “Nothing Ends, Nothing Begins,” since the last Martian Mail was sent to one and all.  Link to Aural Moon Progressive 24/7 Radio:

10:45AM & 11:21AM, respectively, “A Bookwife’s Dream of Her Own Imposter ~ Dedication,” and “God and the Flatlanders (Waltz Version) were on Bandwagon Network Radio.  Bandwagon also continues to air, “The Wayfarer, Part 1,” “A Slight Overture of Sorts,” and debuted “March of the Spirit Peas,” just this past week. These are all on rotation and also appear on the “Progressively Indie, “ show, which is on weekdays, but is soon switching to a primetime show, expected to be on Thursdays, from 7PM – 9PM PT.  Link to Bandwagon Network Radio:

Lastly for this portion of this missive, but by far not leastly, is the continued support from Mike Sherrill over at W.T.A.U. Pea Ridge Nation.  Since the last Martian Mail on 19rd February, Mike has included, “God and the Flatlanders (Waltz Version,” “Chapter 1 ~ A Bookwife,” “March of the Spirit Peas,” and “A Slight Overture of Sorts,” on his very varied show.  Link to some replays, available on Twitch:

A first happened since the last Martian Mail as well, a Bandcamp, “Recommendation!”  Just a short blurb, these recommendations can be made when you purchase music on Bandcamp.  This one came from a new fan of Tom’s, who’d heard his music on Paul Higgins’ “Aquarian Moons,” show.  Here is a copy of what he had to say about his purchase: 

Bandcamp Recommendation/Review of A Bookwife’s Dream of Her Own Imposter ~ Dedication


Our Friends from The 🍄HILL🍄 Filled me in a wee bit on Tom, This was the song I Picked to listen to First while reading all the track titles. I had to Support this one. Glad to have this on The RADAR.
💥THE MAN BEHIND THE CHEESE💥  (Kelrod Kilwalski)  Link to Kelrod's fanpage:

In closing, thank you all again so very much for listening, for getting the word out, for remembering Tom via the thing he loved the most, music.  Every one of these I send out, I think it will be the last, I am so thankful that his music is played and loved by so many.  I sure hope he knows.  

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews: 

Edited by Snicolette - March 19 2021 at 08:28
"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Attention Hamerheads!

No, it’s not from the Perseverance rover, it’s from the Department of (Semi) Debut on a New Show News Department of News:

Through a chance encounter in a chat with a DJ from a show/ of which I somehow, was unaware, arose an opportunity to share Tom’s music with a potential new-to-us host.  DJ Tony Romero’s Live show airs on Saturdays, from 10AM PT until about 1PM PT on House of Prog internet radio.  Tony was kind enough to do a surprise debut play last Saturday, of “Sloppy Love At Bodie Flats,” and has let me know he is going to be playing more of Tom’s music tomorrow, Saturday 20 February.   Come on over and give a listen, why dontcha?  Link to House of Prog:

In other exciting news (reported on in my last Martian Mail, but heck, why not repeat it anyway, in case you missed it), Dyanne Potter Voegtlin of Potter’s Daughter has kindly obtained permission to record a solo piano cover of Tom’s “Catherine,” which will be formally released in early 2022.  There are various ways to contribute to her crowdfunding effort on indiegogo with a much sooner available copy of this and also her upcoming group release.   She is planning on making “Catherine,”  available in April, for those who contribute and select it as a perk.  She is a fantastic pianist and I know she will do a fabulous job on this beautiful piece of music. 

Other Martian sightings since the last missive are as follows:

On current shows, Mike Sherrill continues to play Tom’s music on his W.T.A.U. Pea Ridge Nation show.  During the past two weeks he’s aired both “Burnt Peas (Part 4),” and “The Keys.”  His show airs every Saturday from 4PM -7PM PT on Twitch television.  Link to Twitch:

Prog Rock Nation featured “Spinning Through Eternity,” on KTAL Las Cruces Community Radio, back on 6 February.  PRN is on every week on KTAL from 7PM – 9PM PT.  Link to KTAL:

Also, Bandwagon Network Radio plays something by Tom almost every day, either in rotation or on their Progressively Indie show, which airs from 10AM – Noon PT every weekday.  They have continued to play, “A Bookwife’s Dream Of Her Own Imposter ~ Dedication,” “The Wayfarer (Part One),” “God and the Flatlanders (Waltz Version),” and “A Slight Overture of Sorts.”  Link to Bandwagon Network Radio:

A “reheated,” episode of Light Without Heat on 7 February included “The Keys.”  Stuffer White’s show appears on Spreaker, from 4PM to 7PM PT every Sunday.  He’s let us know the next show will be an all new and fresh one.  Link to Light Without Heat:

Sales have also continued steadily for Tom’s music, I am very grateful to all of the hosts and fans who keep playing the music and keeping his particular musical voice heard.

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews: 
"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Attention Hamerheads!  

From the Department of A Wee Bit of Notice of Upcoming Airplay Department:  Julie Sanchez has let me know that Tom’s music will be played on her show, “Prog Rock Nation,” tonight, Saturday, 6 February.  Her show airs from 7PM – 9PM PT on KTAL Las Cruces Community Radio and presents plenty of prog, from a feminine point of view.  Link to KTAL:

Also received very last-minute notice yesterday that Paul Higgins was going to premiere a piece of Tom’s on Aquarian Moons, his space and psychedelic rock show.  Paul very kindly selected “Spinning Through Eternity,” and it was met with great response in the chat room.  If you would like to hear the show, the podcast is at the link to follow.  Link to Aquarian Moons:

Other airplay since the last “Martian Mail,” included a very generous play of “The Travels Suite,” on Friday Night Progressive, on 22 January.  Friday Night Progressive has been a great champion of Tom’s music, ever since they received it, well over 2 years ago.  Link to Podcast:  Link to Friday Night Progressive Podcast:

As has been the case, Bandwagon Network Radio continues to play Tom’s music, almost daily, both on their “Progressively Indie,” show and also in regular rotation.  Progressively Indie airs every weekday from 10AM – Noon PT.  Link to Bandwagon Network Radio:

Also, Mike Sherrill of WTAU Pea Ridge Nation has played Tom’s music every time on his weekly shows over the last two+ weeks, with “Cows Appear Out of Nowhere,” and “The Wayfarer, Part 3,” being included.  Link to podcast & Link to WTAU:

Sales have also continued steadily for Tom’s music, I am very grateful to all of the hosts and fans who keep playing the music and keeping his particular musical voice heard.

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews: 

"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp
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Attention Hamerheads!  From the Department of Coming Right Up With Just a Little Advance Notice Department:

Probably the shortest of these I've done, coming up between now and 3PM PT today, Friday, 5 February, on the Aquarian Moons show on Spreaker, a premier for this show of Tom Kelly's music.  Catch it quick before it goes right back to outer space!  Link to Aquarian Moons:

Many thanks to Paul Higgins for this and to any who listen from this site.  Any others here with space rock may want to check out his show.  

Links to Kev Rowland's and Windhawk's Prog Archives reviews: 

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