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ForestFriend View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 11:58
Originally posted by lazland lazland wrote:

As an example of the silly rules in place here now, I can pop down the pub at lunchtime to have pie and chips with a drink of coke, and feel perfectly safe from Covid, but only as long as I finish by 6.00 p.m. when they, and restaurants/cafes, have to close. However, I am banned from having a pint of beer with said gastronomic treat, as that, apparently, would increase my chances of dying from the lurg. Go figure.

Having played a concert in a bar during the pandemic, I can see how alcohol consumption can lead to an increased chance of catching the virus. The rules were certainly not targeted towards the responsible drinker who just wants a pint with their meal. Just imagine trying to tell a rowdy drunk person that they must wear a mask when not at their table and keep their distance from everyone else.

But I do think there are some silly, misguided rules. At my store, I can't touch a customer's card, but I can touch their cash. I can touch all the items/boxes that they found at the store and touched, but I can't touch a bag/box that they brought from home, despite the fact that I have plenty of hand sanitizer within reach and I have gloves.

I think a lot of restrictions are being made solely considering the essentially of services, but not considering the actual risk. We had a fairly successful reopening here in the summer; you could go to restaurants, most retail businesses, etc. and cases were dropping until about September. Prior to that, we were complaining that the province wasn't providing enough support for schools to operate safely. Now cases are rising, schools are back in session with crowded classrooms full of kids in masks, and we're yelling at the government that we need to shut down restaurants and retail. Meanwhile, schools are operating normally, until a breakout happens and then they send a few kids home for a couple weeks.
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Easy Money View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 11:56
^ Thank you for reminding me again why I am staying away from people like you. Fortunately I have enough close friends who know better.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 11:26
Originally posted by Easy Money Easy Money wrote:

All you have to do is read some of the comments on the previous pages and you can see why this is still spreading and making people sick, and in some cases killing people or imparting permanent damage.

Whether or not government measures are too harsh or not harsh enough is of no concern to me. I know what causes this stuff to spread and for the sake of all those around me I am doing what I can to stop the spread.

If you are still not sure how to help stop the spread, talk to your doctor, they will tell you. Do not listen to politicians with an agenda or conspiracy kooks on youtube or farcebook.
Edit: I also do not care about arguing about statistics, I already know plenty of friends and relatives who have gotten this, plus I have a friend who works in the local covid unit. The reality of the situation is obvious, I don't need statistics.

I really haven't kept up with this thread at all but i have kept up with the covid madness for sure.

There are so many assumptions packed into your comments as well as those of others that i thought i'd drop in and share some of my research i've been engaging in since this all began months ago.

First of all did you know there is no consensus on what viruses are? That's right, what we are sold to by the medical establishment is nothing more than the best guess where they can create the most profitable model based around it. Research LOUIS PASTEUR VS ANTOINE BECHAMP. The germ theory is nothing more than a theory. Viruses haven't even been isolated and proven to be living entities. They seem to be nothing more than damaged RNA fragments from cells. Bechamp's terrain theory that postulates viruses are nothing more than the expression of cellular breakdown due to toxicity (via chemical or radioactive means) makes a lot more sense to me and is supported by many outlier medical professionals who dare to research outside of the paradigm of the consensus science establishment.

What you may deeming as conspiracy theories (not sure what you are referring to specifically) often is what's really going on and once one studies the possibilities of such a pandemic has been politicized so immensely things begin to make a little more sense. This is really a global reset.

While i don't want to go on and on and on (which i could for hours), i just want to express that the governments of the world are nothing more than service corporations masquerading as governments and should be distrusted in every way.

The covid 19 phenomenon like other outbreaks seems to be nothing more than a mass poisoning. Air pollution, water pollution and most importantly EMF overload are all contributing to toxicity that many with weakened immune systems cannot tolerate. One of the major reasons for a dysfunctional immune system is  acidic diets which keeps our blood and interstitial fluids in a perpetual acidic state which keeps the body from performing optimally.

There are hundreds if not thousands of doctors who are calling this whole thing a scam in how it's being portrayed and since 99% of all media outlets are owned by a very few corporations it is no surprise that what's really going on will never be broadcast to the masses. You literally have to investigate this from every possible angle and for me with a biology background, can navigate through the rhetoric easier due to the terminology brandished about.

Mass shut downs seem to do more damage than good. Those who are easily susceptible should obviously take precautions but if one wants to survive a pandemic then the focus should really be geared towards optimal health. Keep an alkaline pH overall of 7.3 or above (easily obtained through urine litmus tests), avoid toxicities which means lots of detoxing action as well as finding protection from EMF sources which with 5G seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

There are definitely theories that disease in general can be caused by scalar weapons. Everything including matter has a unique energetic frequency and with Tesla technologies the evil powers that be have certainly mastered the ability to target populations with energetic waves that result in frequencies that display themselves by what we call as diseases. There have been numerous whistleblowers who have worked in these programs who have spilled the beans.

There is so much more i could get into but all i wanted to make clear is that things are much more complex than the public is being told and if anyone thinks government is looking out for their best interest clearly doesn't understand the nature of what these service corporations masquerading as governments really are and what their agendas align with. None of it is for the benefit of you and me.

BTW, most medical professionals are taught procedure and not how to think outside of the box they were placed into. I've had numerous debates with doctors and other status quo scientists and they have had to admit that they were not aware of a number of issues i've touched upon. I'm not asking anyone to believe any of what i've presented, i'm merely hoping everyone does more research on these topics in order to come to their own conclusions. I understand those who are illiterate in science and medicine will be lost and rely on their doctors but keep in mind that despite those doctors being good people may not understand how things work within the larger scheme of things.

Yadda yadda yadda. Be safe everybody.
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Easy Money View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 10:32
Fortunately are insane anti-science 'president' will not be in power anymore, although he in his loony followers will still cause problems from the sidelines I'm sure.
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SteveG View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 10:11
Whenever the government strays from medical advice or practice, or makes up it's own medical advice or practices, that is a concern to me. Governors and mayors are not doctors. Thank god.

Edited by SteveG - December 09 2020 at 10:14
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Easy Money View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 08:44
All you have to do is read some of the comments on the previous pages and you can see why this is still spreading and making people sick, and in some cases killing people or imparting permanent damage.

Whether or not government measures are too harsh or not harsh enough is of no concern to me. I know what causes this stuff to spread and for the sake of all those around me I am doing what I can to stop the spread.

If you are still not sure how to help stop the spread, talk to your doctor, they will tell you. Do not listen to politicians with an agenda or conspiracy kooks on youtube or farcebook.
Edit: I also do not care about arguing about statistics, I already know plenty of friends and relatives who have gotten this, plus I have a friend who works in the local covid unit. The reality of the situation is obvious, I don't need statistics.

Edited by Easy Money - December 09 2020 at 09:31
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progaardvark View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 08:14
Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

I don't know where the flu came into this but I shouldn't be surprised. But let me give a small factoid here. We in India have never had a flu problem. We just don't. But we ARE having a covid pandemic same as everywhere else. I know young fellows who came down badly with him and still have breathing issues months after getting it. But OK, keep believing it's just a flu made out as something else for some hidden agenda that would involve destroying millions of businesses as well as city and state budgets, whatever helps people get through the day. I am writing this from a covid center myself but I am a mostly asymptomatic case, nothing to worry. Except that, uh, had I not tested, my father who has hypertension could have got it and there's no saying what could have happened then.

Very good points. I'm sorry you caught this thing. I hope your case stays asymptomatic and that your recovery is smooth.
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progaardvark View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 08:08
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

These are the  latest figures on mortality rates in England and Wales from the Office of National Statistics on the government's own website:-
Main Points
1. In August 2020, there were 34,750 deaths registered in England, *2,060 deaths fewer* than the five-year average (2015 to 2019) for August; in Wales, there were 2,379 deaths registered, *116 deaths fewer* than the five-year average for August.
2. The coronavirus (COVID-19) did not feature in the top ten leading causes of death in August 2020, in England or Wales. In England, COVID-19 was the *24th* most common cause of death and in Wales it was the *19th* most common cause of death, for deaths registered in August 2020.
3. The age-standardised mortality rate of deaths in August due to COVID-19 was *7.2 per 100,000 persons* in England compared with *11.0 per 100,000 persons* in Wales; in both England and Wales, the COVID-19 mortality rate continued to decline for the fourth consecutive month.

Why are you only quoting data from the month of August? Where is the data from September to now?
i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
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SteveG View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 07:00
Originally posted by lazland lazland wrote:

Well yesterday the official scientific advisers to our devolved government (the Welsh equivalent of SAGE) asked the public to cancel their plans for Christmas and stay locked up in their own little hovels. Personally, I don’t care much for Christmas, but if they think that edict is going to be widely respected, then they really are pissing in the wind. The politicians aren’t being as stark just yet, but Gething (our Health Minister) was looking particularly hangdog on the news.

Hospitals are filling up again, infections are rising, and “our health service” is in danger of falling apart. Strange how they don’t remark particularly on just how sh*te that health service is. Even an infection rate of 400 in every 100,000 is only 0.4% of the population (a figure you don’t hear on the news). Of these, only a very tiny proportion will require hospitalisation. We are basically all paying for years of underfunded healthcare, across the Western world, not just here.

Oh, and the news this morning says that 10% of health staff are either off sick, or isolating with the lurgy. Many of those staff have been treated like dirt for many years, and that, to me, is a far more plausible explanation for them being off work than all of them having the lurg. Either that, or hospitals are cesspits of infection, which is also deeply concerning.

Actually, talking about that, a 62 year old chap from our neighbouring village died last week, and as he contracted Covid in intensive care ward of the hospital, he is counted as a coronavirus victim on the official statistics. What those stats don’t tell you is that he had a heart condition for years, and had recently suffered badly from gangrene. He was carted into hospital for an operation, and had to be resuscitated during the op, after which the poor chap got sepsis, which is deadly serious. So, he really wasn’t a well bunny anyway, and the official statistics should not, in my opinion, show him as a virus victim. I’m sure getting it didn’t help a great deal, but that was not the full story.

As an example of the silly rules in place here now, I can pop down the pub at lunchtime to have pie and chips with a drink of coke, and feel perfectly safe from Covid, but only as long as I finish by 6.00 p.m. when they, and restaurants/cafes, have to close. However, I am banned from having a pint of beer with said gastronomic treat, as that, apparently, would increase my chances of dying from the lurg. Go figure.

My Dad lives on the Welsh side of the border. My sister lives 10 minutes away on the English side. My Dad, even if he was so inclined, cannot go out for a pint in his village. However, if he were to drive to where my sister lives, which is in Tier 2 restrictions in England, he could have a pint of beer until closing time, but only if it is with a “substantial meal”, although government have confirmed that a scotch egg is a substantial meal.

It is this type of micromanagement by government of people’s lives that so grates, and it is really starting to become very unpopular in the wider population, and not just ingrates such as I. There is only one thing worse than an authoritarian government. That is an incompetent authoritarian government. When we scream out for such people to save us, then we need to be extremely careful what we wish for. Hong Kong Phooey for President, anyone?
This is all becoming quite silly now. In California, which has the strictest of covid restrictions, the virus rates have been spiraling out of control and they are now implementing even stricter restrictions like banning all outdoor dinning. It's time for the populous to make up their own minds on this one. I see nothing wrong in wearing masks, but this is going overboard and is going to sink the restaurant industry in that state, as well as others that follow their lead. Their must be some kind of livable middle ground in all this.
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 06:39
These are the  latest figures on mortality rates in England and Wales from the Office of National Statistics on the government's own website:-
Main Points
1. In August 2020, there were 34,750 deaths registered in England, *2,060 deaths fewer* than the five-year average (2015 to 2019) for August; in Wales, there were 2,379 deaths registered, *116 deaths fewer* than the five-year average for August.
2. The coronavirus (COVID-19) did not feature in the top ten leading causes of death in August 2020, in England or Wales. In England, COVID-19 was the *24th* most common cause of death and in Wales it was the *19th* most common cause of death, for deaths registered in August 2020.
3. The age-standardised mortality rate of deaths in August due to COVID-19 was *7.2 per 100,000 persons* in England compared with *11.0 per 100,000 persons* in Wales; in both England and Wales, the COVID-19 mortality rate continued to decline for the fourth consecutive month.
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 06:16
I don't know where the flu came into this but I shouldn't be surprised. But let me give a small factoid here. We in India have never had a flu problem. We just don't. But we ARE having a covid pandemic same as everywhere else. I know young fellows who came down badly with him and still have breathing issues months after getting it. But OK, keep believing it's just a flu made out as something else for some hidden agenda that would involve destroying millions of businesses as well as city and state budgets, whatever helps people get through the day. I am writing this from a covid center myself but I am a mostly asymptomatic case, nothing to worry. Except that, uh, had I not tested, my father who has hypertension could have got it and there's no saying what could have happened then.
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Ronstein View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 06:02
Originally posted by lazland lazland wrote:

Well yesterday the official scientific advisers to our devolved government (the Welsh equivalent of SAGE) asked the public to cancel their plans for Christmas and stay locked up in their own little hovels. Personally, I don’t care much for Christmas, but if they think that edict is going to be widely respected, then they really are pissing in the wind. The politicians aren’t being as stark just yet, but Gething (our Health Minister) was looking particularly hangdog on the news.

Hospitals are filling up again, infections are rising, and “our health service” is in danger of falling apart. Strange how they don’t remark particularly on just how sh*te that health service is. Even an infection rate of 400 in every 100,000 is only 0.4% of the population (a figure you don’t hear on the news). Of these, only a very tiny proportion will require hospitalisation. We are basically all paying for years of underfunded healthcare, across the Western world, not just here.

Oh, and the news this morning says that 10% of health staff are either off sick, or isolating with the lurgy. Many of those staff have been treated like dirt for many years, and that, to me, is a far more plausible explanation for them being off work than all of them having the lurg. Either that, or hospitals are cesspits of infection, which is also deeply concerning.

Actually, talking about that, a 62 year old chap from our neighbouring village died last week, and as he contracted Covid in intensive care ward of the hospital, he is counted as a coronavirus victim on the official statistics. What those stats don’t tell you is that he had a heart condition for years, and had recently suffered badly from gangrene. He was carted into hospital for an operation, and had to be resuscitated during the op, after which the poor chap got sepsis, which is deadly serious. So, he really wasn’t a well bunny anyway, and the official statistics should not, in my opinion, show him as a virus victim. I’m sure getting it didn’t help a great deal, but that was not the full story.

As an example of the silly rules in place here now, I can pop down the pub at lunchtime to have pie and chips with a drink of coke, and feel perfectly safe from Covid, but only as long as I finish by 6.00 p.m. when they, and restaurants/cafes, have to close. However, I am banned from having a pint of beer with said gastronomic treat, as that, apparently, would increase my chances of dying from the lurg. Go figure.

My Dad lives on the Welsh side of the border. My sister lives 10 minutes away on the English side. My Dad, even if he was so inclined, cannot go out for a pint in his village. However, if he were to drive to where my sister lives, which is in Tier 2 restrictions in England, he could have a pint of beer until closing time, but only if it is with a “substantial meal”, although government have confirmed that a scotch egg is a substantial meal.

It is this type of micromanagement by government of people’s lives that so grates, and it is really starting to become very unpopular in the wider population, and not just ingrates such as I. There is only one thing worse than an authoritarian government. That is an incompetent authoritarian government. When we scream out for such people to save us, then we need to be extremely careful what we wish for. Hong Kong Phooey for President, anyone?

I can't help but think that Mark Drakeford has made a number of bad decisions because he feels the need to be different from the rest of the UK for political reasons and its going to bite him, but more importantly, the population of Wales, on the backside. All IMHO of course.
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DamoXt7942 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 03:41
Welcome back David. Hug

Anyway also in Japan there are very few flu patients yet ... wearing a mask and washing hands are good for both viral infections.
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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 02:33
Funny how nobody seems to catch the flu..and almost all flu-like symptoms are equalled with corona.
How easy is it to control a large number of people? Fairly easy. All it takes is something they’re afraid of.
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lazland View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2020 at 00:22
Well yesterday the official scientific advisers to our devolved government (the Welsh equivalent of SAGE) asked the public to cancel their plans for Christmas and stay locked up in their own little hovels. Personally, I don’t care much for Christmas, but if they think that edict is going to be widely respected, then they really are pissing in the wind. The politicians aren’t being as stark just yet, but Gething (our Health Minister) was looking particularly hangdog on the news.

Hospitals are filling up again, infections are rising, and “our health service” is in danger of falling apart. Strange how they don’t remark particularly on just how sh*te that health service is. Even an infection rate of 400 in every 100,000 is only 0.4% of the population (a figure you don’t hear on the news). Of these, only a very tiny proportion will require hospitalisation. We are basically all paying for years of underfunded healthcare, across the Western world, not just here.

Oh, and the news this morning says that 10% of health staff are either off sick, or isolating with the lurgy. Many of those staff have been treated like dirt for many years, and that, to me, is a far more plausible explanation for them being off work than all of them having the lurg. Either that, or hospitals are cesspits of infection, which is also deeply concerning.

Actually, talking about that, a 62 year old chap from our neighbouring village died last week, and as he contracted Covid in intensive care ward of the hospital, he is counted as a coronavirus victim on the official statistics. What those stats don’t tell you is that he had a heart condition for years, and had recently suffered badly from gangrene. He was carted into hospital for an operation, and had to be resuscitated during the op, after which the poor chap got sepsis, which is deadly serious. So, he really wasn’t a well bunny anyway, and the official statistics should not, in my opinion, show him as a virus victim. I’m sure getting it didn’t help a great deal, but that was not the full story.

As an example of the silly rules in place here now, I can pop down the pub at lunchtime to have pie and chips with a drink of coke, and feel perfectly safe from Covid, but only as long as I finish by 6.00 p.m. when they, and restaurants/cafes, have to close. However, I am banned from having a pint of beer with said gastronomic treat, as that, apparently, would increase my chances of dying from the lurg. Go figure.

My Dad lives on the Welsh side of the border. My sister lives 10 minutes away on the English side. My Dad, even if he was so inclined, cannot go out for a pint in his village. However, if he were to drive to where my sister lives, which is in Tier 2 restrictions in England, he could have a pint of beer until closing time, but only if it is with a “substantial meal”, although government have confirmed that a scotch egg is a substantial meal.

It is this type of micromanagement by government of people’s lives that so grates, and it is really starting to become very unpopular in the wider population, and not just ingrates such as I. There is only one thing worse than an authoritarian government. That is an incompetent authoritarian government. When we scream out for such people to save us, then we need to be extremely careful what we wish for. Hong Kong Phooey for President, anyone?
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 08 2020 at 16:18

"The lockdown in Wales is psychotic and absolutely deranged!"

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 08 2020 at 16:14
^ What a wuss, he left his underwear on.

At this point I know personally close to 20 who have gotten it, two were hospitalized, and of those two one has permanent damage to her internal organs.
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 08 2020 at 16:10
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

I certainly agree with you Steve. This type of polically driven farce is understandbly unexcusible. What are they doing in stores and shops? Roping off the bog rolls from the furniture polish?
Yes, that just about sums up the ridiculous situation in Wales, where clothes are now deemed to be "non-essential items" in ludicrous Welsh retail restrictions.  Wacko
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jjuliajul11 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 08 2020 at 15:31
As soon as the covid-19 appeared, I felt very scared. I was very worried about the health of my family and mine. That's why I had anxiety. I didn't know how to deal with it. Once on Canada Druds I found good advice. I started to communicate more with family and friends on positive topics, I was engaged in my hobby - drawing, listening to nice music. I also realized that there are things that cannot be changed. It really helped me. I feel great but I`m wary of quarantine

Edited by jjuliajul11 - December 28 2020 at 02:37
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 27 2020 at 17:46
This is not a shot at you Steve, but looking at the general population, I find the people who are complaining about this the most are also the people who are perpetuating it the most, oh the irony.

Edited by Easy Money - October 27 2020 at 17:46
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