Do the Beatles get too much credit.. |
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Pet Sounds is great yes, but which album spurred Wilson on to make such a great album? And who was it by? |
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I've heard the Beatles credited for inventing/ developing tape-loop techniques that were being used by musique concrete composers before them. It doesn\t surprise me due to pop status, but it does irk me that the Beatles get as much credit as they do for being inventive, and for being modern music geniuses, while the likes of Stockhausen and Xenakis more rarely seem to get mention. The Beatles were lucky to have people such as George Martin working with them.
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My apologies in advance, that post was really meant for Chopper, and was not intended to directly address what you said earlier. However, there are some concerns I have based on points you made. For starters, although Frank Sinatra was indeed a pop-music performance artist, for most of his career he had a captivating and listenable voice that was the antithesis of peppy "Taxman"-esque Beatles vocalizations. You bring up Stevie Wonder; I love his music but I don't consider him a pop artist, more like a soul/R&B musician. Also, music critics regularly give the Beatles greater credit than they do for classical musicians. They may not intend to portray them that way, but in essence they imply that the Beatles are the greatest musicians that ever lived. When Rolling Stone lists its "Top 500 Greatest Albums Ever," there is no Stravinsky, Bartok, or Beethoven in those listings, even though composers record their works to this day. Instead, they have everything pop/rock from George Micheal to the Beatles listed in there. Critics of the modern era are baby boomer-centric, as I stated earlier, insofar as they ignore almost all great work that came before the Beatles. In this way, I think that the Beatles importance has become conflated beyond reason and logic in our society. |
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I could just as easily say YOU OVERESTIMATE the first movers. All of this seems to stem from the absolutist stand point that just because it's a proven fact that they came first, that somehow anchors any and all defensive claims against said band as instantly wrong. By this logic, McDonalds is the best fast food chain and their food is of unparalleled quality because they came before Wendy's or Burger King. What's more, even if 9 out of 10 people chose McDonalds and I chose a random local restaurant instead, what does that prove? Did the food those 9 people consumed taste better than my home cooked meal simply because 9 people chose it? Maybe, but it's all opinion anyway. How could one opinion be more valid than the other? McDonalds has more money to promote their product, but that doesn't instantly equate to the highest quality product available. Just because they were first and the biggest doesn't mean they are automatically the best. Your logic alone proves nothing; I was arguing that it's all subjective and arbitrary in the first place. GORGUTS were influenced by Slayer, and they are 1,000 times more creative to me. Who give a sh*t if Slayer came first? This is the problem with politics and music; everyone is so caught up in who did what first, we all argue over arbitrary details that ALL boil down to personal opinion. It's fine that the Beatles/Metallica and Slayer did it first. I'm saying they don't have a get out of jail free card because of their legacy. You are correct historically those bands were the ones, but that doesn't negate the fact that heavy promotion of an image geared toward mass consumption played a HUGE part in all of it. THE MEDIA gives you want they want you to buy, more accurately what they THINK you should want to buy right now; they hitch on to fads and themes that are hot sells. Look at any generation of music and it's no wonder why Metallica and Slayer were at the head of the pack; drunk middle America demands sub-par music. The publics perception of the music industry and how it actually works is severely flawed. The only FACT is that these huge bands had infinitely more funding from major labels than their bar-playing cousins. Why did they get more money? Because promoters and labels saw a market for the sound AT THAT POINT IN TIME and capitalized; it has very little to do with John Lennon playing his guitar with no shoes on sitting on the floor being poetic. You can literally swap out any band; the LABELS and PROMOTION are what sell, the music is actually almost completely unnecessary at that point. I'm not bashing the Beatles for their music, just offering my opinion on the publics perception that they are the be-all-end-all of pop music. At the end of the day YOUR opinion IS just as valid as MY opinion; it changes absolutely nothing about the music that has already been. All we can do is share view points on the matter respectfully. This goes back to perception of music and media being based on what you are told is the best, innovative, etc. Toting the Beatles around like they are empirically proven to be the best band ever while shooting down claims that oppose this stand shows ignorance to the power that marketing has on influencing mass opinion.
Edited by AllP0werToSlaves - February 22 2011 at 13:13 |
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It doesn't matter to me what critics think. Critics are extraordinarily poor at gauging quality, and also at predicting what will sell. Critics gave Justin Timberlake's "Justified" album four stars, and then went on to write syrupy, pandering, loathsome reviews which dubbed the Beastie Boys' "To The Five Boroughs" a masterwork. I could care less what William Mann thinks. Critics also gave Nirvana's "Nevermind" album three stars out of five when it first arrived, but now they regard it as one of the greatest albums ever recorded. They are ignorant of musical quality; the bottom line is money and chart hits. The Beatles had many chart hits and loads of money, so it makes perfect sense that the critics anoint them with bouquets of flowers, as if they were Roman soldiers home from war instead of overrated, peppy, annoying schlock minstrels. From a purely historical standpoint, the argument can be made that the Beatles were important to rock music, as artifacts of a unique cultural age. However, does that necessarily mean that they are still important, innovative, and exciting in the present era? Over half their catalog suffers from poor mastering, and is hardly listenable. Their early hits are practically indistinguishable from one another, and are far from memorable. "Abbey Road" and "Revolver" are hideously mastered, with searing and annoying vocal lines in songs like "Taxman." "Sargeant Pepper" contains some of the most trite songs I have ever heard in my life, such as "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds," and "When I'm Sixty-Four." I can't stand "Srgt Pepper." "Abbey Road" and "The White Album" are the only Beatles works I even have a mild respect for, although the "White Album" is also poorly mastered and "Abbey Road" is highly uneven. What most irritates me about the Beatles, however, are the vocal melodies. They are off-putting, dated, and honestly, the Beatles sound like a bunch of dorky guys trying to ingratiate themselves with the more cool, hip individuals surrounding them. The Beatles are an annoyance, at least from my standpoint. Thankfully, I was not alive in the 60's or early 70's. But from a strictly post-Beatles perspective, I think they are overrated and I am glad they called it a day back in 1970, instead of polluting the airwaves with further dreck like "Taxman." |
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But Metallica were great once, at least w.r.t metal music per se. And so were Slayer. And what's more, they were ahead of the pack. Yeah, yeah, I know all about Welcome to Hell and I have given that example myself to put overenthusiastic Metallica fanboys in their place. But RTL and Haunting the Chapel were crucial releases in shaping extreme metal as we know it and that cannot be taken away from them regardless of what they are now. I think you grossly underestimate the importance of first-movers in music. It's all very well to carefully take stock of what the pioneers are doing and avoid their mistakes and pat yourself on the back for that but somebody has to take the first step. A band like Rigor Mortis will only ever be remembered as a band playing thrash metal, a genre that was shaped by bands like Metallica and Slayer. They will not be remembered for shaping anything. And thus you see derives Beatles's immense importance. We can discuss could-have-beens all day along, but as history stands, they were the ones, period. Edited by rogerthat - February 22 2011 at 12:24 |
Prog Reviewer Joined: July 24 2008 Location: Big Muddy Status: Offline Points: 5208 |
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No...they are so far ahead of all rock-era acts in cultural and musical importance and it's not even close.'s still all entertainment folks.
You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
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Not one word in your post addresses or refutes what I said. Calm down. |
Prog Reviewer Joined: September 03 2006 Location: . Status: Offline Points: 9869 |
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So what? And you don't find it boring that all these rock bands would be 'rooted' in blues rock while Beatles merrily experimented with sitars, piccolo trumpets and what not? If eclecticism is so despicable, may I ask what you are doing on a prog forum?
Oh, I see, hating pop on principle, take it elsewhere. Pop is Britney Spears and pop is also Stevie Wonder. Rock is The Who and rock is also Guns and (f****d up) Roses. Just because a band plays rock doesn't place it on a pedestal and just because another may slot in pop doesn't make it bad. And by the way, it is not unreasonable to call Pet Sounds pop, if you want to take this line of argument.
Why? Beatles cannot be evaluated without discussing their influence and importance.
Maybe but that doesn't warrant such an extreme reaction with little basis in fact.
Why so when Freak Out released only in '66?
Ermm, mind substantiating that? Your pronouncements aren't truth, you see, and even if you are only expressing your opinion, you should at least offer some arguments in support of it. Mere repetition is not enough.
Neatly combed hair and boyish looks don't make you a boyband. Perhaps, YOU can't get past Beatles's image and therefore would want to grudge them credit.
Are rock musicians so extraordinary and part of so hallowed a club that one must be deserving of being called such? Again, if AXL can be called a rock musician, I see no harm in calling either of the fab four such, they contributed a lot more to music.
Just your opinion and sans logic, comes across as incoherent rant.
And, er, what about the musicians? Are they all and in fact everybody on the planet, with the exclusion of a few privileged souls like Barking Weasel, deluded?
And Miles Davis is also much more interesting than your beloved Animals. What next, compare Beatles to Stravinsky or Bela Bartok to argue that they are overhyped?
Hold it right there. So a pop SINGER is, in your esteemed opinion, worthier than a band of musicians who could at least write their own music? Is there any semblance of reason left in this debate?
Dear me, so you have actually executed that which I proposed in sarcasm? My dear, how ridiculous can you get? I don't believe anyone in their senses would actually consider Beatles a greater set of musicians than someone like Bach (though he might like their music, which is his preference and no more) and somebody who does is obviously a fanatic. One does not go attaching so much weight to such opinions that one pretends that Beatles were just a corporate pop act and disregards their profound influence on rock and pop music.
Same as above. There will always be fanboys and I will show you equally abominable fanboys of far less significant bands too. It doesn't mean anything and it doesn't mean anybody who so much as praises the Beatles's work is simply taken in by the hype. That is, to say the least, a very offensive suggestion.
They are in my considered opinion the most important group of ROCK musicians yet and I don't think people discuss Beatles in any context other than rock anyway. Through this thread, arguments have only been made for other bands that were important or to not overestimate Beatles's importance. No case has been made for any one group that was more important to rock than Beatles. Better? Maybe, but the most influential artists aren't always the ones who make the best music. |
Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: May 29 2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 8368 |
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I agree with you that the Beach Boys don't get enough credit, and I agree that the single mindedness with which many people rate the Beatles as the greatest band of all time goes a little far, but come on. They were hugely influential. It's hard to find one decent band that doesn't list them as an influence, and they (with the help of George Martin) did a lot to introduce more adventurous writing in pop music. Credit where credit is due. |
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I would just like to begin by stating that I personally have never been a Beatles fan for whatever reason. I have heard all the songs, seen documentaries and talked to many a Beatle addict. And while I have the utmost respect for what they did for modern popular music with their innovation, I have to agree to some extent with the following post:
You guys all know the music industry is mostly marketing, right? That alone should tell you the quality of the music and it's subjective effect on listeners really has no authority on it's staying or selling power. I listen to records by bands you've never heard of who I think make much better music than the Beatles ever did, and I worship those as much as someone would Sgt Pepper or Revolver etc. The Beatles are like the McDonald's of pop music; everyone knows who they are even if they only know a couple songs.
Now while I don't necessarily view it as negatively as stated above, I do have to agree that they were marketing geniuses but their music wasn't really anything special (in retrospect) Sure, when it came out it broke all new ground but all the prog bands that released albums less ten or so years later are more creative and interesting (IMOPO). You can argue that they paved the way for these prog bands, but that's like saying we should all stop what we are doing and worship the cavemen for their invention of the wheel; we have much better alternatives to stone cut wheels today. The Beatles just have a lot of pull behind them and are constantly advertised. I highly agree with "The sheeple buying anything that critics and MTV tell them to buy"; if you could go back in time and swap the Beatles out with someone else and they were just as heavily pushed, I can almost guarantee we'd be talking about some other band right now. If the Beatles WERE NOT as big as they are, and say they were at the level of a band like Camel, I guarantee people's opinions would be drastically different in regards to the songwriting of this band. All in all, I have massive respect for what they did for the music industry, I'm just not a die-hard fan like most. I will also tell you that Metallica sucks compared to most extreme metal, even though they technically gave it a boost but that doesn't mean they deserve blind worship when they are clearly terrible now; Slayer is even worse and they are amongst the top selling thrash metal bands of all time! The business sells you an image, and most people can't differentiate that form the music itself. Edited by AllP0werToSlaves - February 22 2011 at 12:02 |
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The Beach Boys "Pet Sounds" is the greatest. The Beatles were nothing more than flatterers and imitators of Brian Wilson. N'Sync has sold millions of albums also, but are they integral to rock history? Nah, its just slick corporate pop. So are the Beatles. Brian Epstein is a marketing genius. |
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^ I would argue that the Animals singles have aged more gracefully than those of the Beatles. The Animals were far more rooted in blues/rock than the Beatles, they had a fuller sound than the Beatles did in the early 60's, and Eric Burdon was an immensely talented singer without the pop frills that the Beatles often utilized. In addition, his version of "House Of The Rising Sun" has reworked lyrics, and the original Animals songs match the quality of their cover songs.
I believe that critical standing is irrelevant, especially if you are talking about the Beatles. Calling them the greatest musicians ever is ludicrous; they would be nothing without Frank Zappa, The Beach Boys (who had far better vocal harmonies), Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, and numerous other artists. The Beatles are a corporate wet-dream, a high-charting singles band who make glorified pop music which happened to garner critical respect. All they were ever about was marketing and image. They are the precursor to the Backstreet Boys, and are not even deserving of being called "rock musicians." The "White Album" was the most rock-like album they ever released, but that was an anomaly. Everything else was simply campy showbiz. Money talks, quality walks. The critics these days are all baby-boomers, and remains sentimental about the musical legacy of their own age. The Beatles were the most acclaimed band of that age, so it makes sense that they anoint the Beatles in such a fashion. However, that doesn't make their perspective accurate. If you go back to the 50's, there is much more interesting music to draw from than the Beatles. Gene Krupa, Buddy Rich, Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, etc. If you go further back, you get Jimmie Rodgers and Frank Sinatra. Then there is Robert Johnson, blues/folk music, then even further back, there is Bach, Beethoven, Mozart. Surely these artists are far more deserving of critical acclaim than the Beatles, who are nothing more than a gentrified, corporate pop act? I've been listening to the Beatles since I was in elementary school. There has never once been a moment where I thought, "it all makes sense now! of course, its the Beatles who are the greatest musicians ever to walk the face of the earth, they are the holy trinity." It makes sense if you subtract Ringo; but in all seriousness, the Beatles adulation has got to stop. It is bad for our world, and for human society, that we assume such nonsense about the Beatles. If you like them, that's fine. I won't go over to your house and deface your precious copies of "Revolver" and "Abbey Road," but please don't try to assert such utter nonsense about the Beatles being the greatest band that has ever lived. They had a few pleasant songs, but they are by no means the most important group of musicians that has ever lived. |
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Yes, I was going to bring up this. As in, not exactly what you wrote but it's simply preposterous to dub Day in the Life or Eleanor Rigby simple pop songs. O RLY, would love to hear those millions of pop songs that make these appear 'simple' or dumb. But it is clear from his later post that he is simply holding onto an irrational 'hate' and doesn't really have much to offer by way of coherent argument to support his stand. You are free to dislike the Beatles as much as you wish and also free to suggest that hero-worship of theirs could do with some tempering down but attempting to completely discredit and deny their importance in rock music (and 40 years after the event, no less!) only reflects badly on your own rock appreciation and awareness, not on Beatles or its fans. Edited by rogerthat - February 22 2011 at 11:39 |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: July 13 2005 Location: Essex, UK Status: Offline Points: 20030 |
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That's more or less what I was going to say, thanks. I would also add that calling The Beatles "second-tier" compared to The Animals is just ridiculous. OK, The Animals had a few good singles (the biggest of which wasn't even their song) but I can't think of any album of theirs that is generally rated amongst the greatest of all time, whereas The Beatles would have 4 or 5.
As far as singing goes, listen to the backing vocals on "Here, There and Everywhere" - they were recorded live in the studio by the Beatles standing round 1 mike. The lead vocal's not too shabby either.
Lacking in timelessness? Still voted amongst the greatest artists/albums of all time after over 40 years?
Forum Senior Member Joined: May 27 2005 Location: NE Indiana Status: Offline Points: 28057 |
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We all know Dream Theater was the primary font of innovation in early rock music.
Conor Fynes
Prog Reviewer Joined: February 11 2009 Location: Vancouver, CA Status: Offline Points: 3196 |
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Overrated, yes. Even their best albums seem to get elated more than they should.
Blue Effect
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Surreal "Yesterday" story....
An aquaintance of mine in the Czech Republic was drunk one night and drove into a train and died. Since he wasn't religious the funeral service was your standard commie-era city hall affair. They had the casket lying on a plank that extended out of the wall facing the mourners. When the speaker finished up a Muzak version of Yesterday started playing and the casket was slowly swallowed up into the wall. One of his male business associates showed up with his hair dyed bright blue which also added to the strangeness.
I cannot hear that song without thinking of that funeral.
The Dark Elf
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I'm sorry, but your lack of credible information regarding The Beatles does nothing to bolster your argument regarding the group, nor does your disregard imply anything but a lack of musical reference. The great Leonard Bernstein said admiringly that Lennon/McCartney were the "Schuberts of our time", William Mann, classical critic of The Times in the 1960s connected cadences present in their compositions to Mahler, and Allen Kozinn, classical music critic of the New York Times, wrote a book about the structure of Beatles compositions. These are classically trained professionals we are referring to who are more interested in symphonies than rock music, but they have no issue referring to the classical references found in Beatles multi-key masterworks.
The use of dominants (chords built on the fifth degree of the prevailing key), carefully ascending or descending arpeggios, the generation of tension and release through resolution, perfect fifth root movements, tritone substitution -- the Beatles had an uncanny knack for putting the perfect chords with the perfect tonality and matching their harmonies with a textbook classicism one would find in Mozart, Brahms or Schubert.
But, as you said "let's move on with our lives", which is exactly what I feel about this conversation, as it is pretty much a dead end. Enjoy whatever it is that you listen to.
...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined
to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology... |
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^The only pioneering aspects of the Beatles were manifested in how they marketed themselves (movies, tv, action figures, etc.) and in the innovation of certain recording techniques that they used. The influence of the classical composers you listed seems negligible, in that the Beatles did not set out to replicate those musical elements in their songs. They have more in common with Buddy Holly and Chuck Berry (who were more obvious direct musical influences) than with Vivaldi. Listening to their songs gives me a distinct impression that they were focused less on the music, and more on vocal harmony and pop singing. In this way, they are incredibly innovative if you are talking about Britney Spears.
Of course you would mention Oasis. I hate Oasis more than the Beatles, and I hate the Beatles quite a lot. Oasis is a band with no redeeming qualities. Along with Weezer. Fortunately, over half the musicians you listed I can't stand. Not a good track record for the Beatles I must say, when Ben Folds Five and Franz Ferdinand are your major admirers.
I hate "Yesterday." What a trite and ridiculous song. Good thing he "believes in yesterday," because I wasn't so sure it existed. Good job Paul McCartney, you reminded me to wake up this morning, otherwise I would have been forever stuck without ever knowing how the Gregorian calender functions.
Anyone who wastes eight years writing a PhD dissertation on the Beatles needs to get a life. Go study a real subject in college, stop harassing your family for tuition money, and learn a trade that is actually marketable in the physical universe. I have more respect for pole dancers and Las Vegas showgirls than for someone who devotes their life to analyzing Nietzche's influence on Sargeant Pepper, or whatever crass B.S. some academic nobody has dreamed into existence.
The sheeple will buy anything that critics and MTV tell them to buy. End of story.
Like Jesus, the Beatles are incredibly overrated. Let's move on with our lives.
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