Should I feel sorry for this guy, Genesis drummer, Phil Collins (as if I - and you - do not know him
)- retired (due to his sensitivenes to public opinion?), but very talented (hell, he has sold more than everyone else except Macca and Michael Jackson
...So let's celebrate him Danish state radio did a few months ago in a 6 hr marathon (listen to the podcast!/) - you probably need to be a Scandinavian to appreciate the words between the great music...but anyway...:
Is he preparing for a comeback (creating new music - for himself or others - since his last album?) and how significant is it gonna be?
Has his "staying out of the public's eye" (due to critisim of his personal and musical direction?) been advantageous to (his returnig to?) a forthcoming musical comeback. Remind you, Macca is still active at 72 and on Rollin' Stone's 2013's top 10 with 'NEW'.
Any reply on the (? )in the above is much appreciated.... this guy is 'underappreciated'
Edited by earlyprog - February 15 2014 at 16:15