Most women don't seem to last here. I don't want to offend any of the "fairer sex" with this generalization, but females in general seem far less obsessive about computer use (and prog, for that matter) than we males can be.
I can't speak for 3F, but FW tends to post only in the Collaborators' zone -- the (then) prevailing nastiness, immaturity and prog metal bashing (as opposed to simple good-natured teasing) on the main forums got to her.
I can certainly sympathize, though things seem to have much improved of late
, with one or two notable, idiotic exceptions (eg, 4th of July thread Maani bashing).
So be nice and gentlemanly to our few females, lads -- we need their perspective, and (often) calming, moderating influence here!
(Plus, some of these shut-in progholes have never had the opportunity/courage to talk to a real living, breathing woman before!)
Sorry, guys -- I'm no lady, but I am in touch with my sensitive side.
(In fact, I'm touching it now....)
Edited by Peter