As many people have observed, the quality of reviews on this site has deteriorated somewhat in recent times, which has detracted from the overall quality of the site.
Here are a couple of possible solutions to this problem:
1. Prevent users from submitting reviews or ratings until they have been registered for some period of time, such as a few days or a week. This would prevent "one-off" reviews of very little substance such as those that have appeared for a number of recently released albums by ensuring that the person has an ongoing interest in visiting the site.
2. Introduce a rating system for reviews, so users can rate the quality of any review. A review receiving a high number of "poor" ratings could then be reviewed by a moderator and removed if it is considered to be unhelpful or inaccurate.
This site is a fantastic resource for exploring new music, and it would be good to see some of the "unhelpful" reviews eliminated from the site to further improve it's usefulness.