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Posted: May 30 2005 at 13:34 |
As an aside, it just occurred to me that, as correct and noble as your Christian values are - and they are - you (and I) can barely claim to speak for the Christians on the site (as JrKASperov's post indicates), much less to speak for the site as a whole. Thus, even if you are correct in your interpretation of forgiveness vis-a-vis Christianity, you would not have the right to "impose" that on the other members. (Might we call this the "separation between church" )
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Posted: May 30 2005 at 12:20 |
You are all forgetting one of the most important warnings of Christianity:
You shall be forgiven in the degree you forgive others. Have we seen K9
do this? Have we not in all fairness seen every time K9 has resumed to
flame, bait, and flame some more without forgiving his enemies? Have we
not time and time again seen him be the first to attack, where
forgiveness is the answer?
Let alone the fact K9 has done absolutely nothing
to 'live' his sins. In accordance to the Bible, to be forgiven you must
live your sins, turn away from it, and work to never repeat it. I have
not seen K9 do this, not even working on it. In fact, in my experience, he has become worse and worse, as much as we have allowed him.
No, Chrisitanity is not only about forgiveness to no end, there are certain parameters that must be reached to receive it.
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Posted: May 30 2005 at 12:06 |
Let us consider an even more appropriate passage:
"Then Peter came to Him and said, 'Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?' Jesus said to him, 'I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven."
So...should we allow Karney to come back, use vulgarity, personally attack numerous members, send threatening PMs, and be ejected - and allow him to return "seventy times seven" times?
After all, we had to eject Karney four times - each time after he "swore" to "be good." That was four chances for him to show that he really "learned" something, and really would "be good." Yet he lied, and betrayed the site, its members, and even Max - who, as noted, championed him against the wishes of the other members of the admin group.
As a Christian, I forgive Karney for his many extremely vulgar personal insults, and his betrayal. However, he has proven, time and again, that he cannot - will not - learn, change, grow, and, as we often put it here, "play nice in the sandbox." How many "one more chances" are we supposed to give him?
No, unless and until Max and the admin group are in unanimous agreement - which is unlikely at this time - Karney will not be permitted to return and cause havoc on a site that tries to maintain a safe, comfortable and welcoming atmosphere.
Edited by maani
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Posted: May 30 2005 at 08:40 |
The light swelling of the lower eyelids on the pic can indicate some hepatic weakness, maybe due to some ethylic abuses.
So, it’s possible that Ke9 wrote under alcohol influence.
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Posted: May 30 2005 at 07:13 |
I never thought that letting or not KE9 again into the forums could become a theological discussion...
According to some opinions here, I guess we should turn the other cheek to Belva, so that he can continue abussing the site...
I won't fight against KE9 readmission, but I think we should ask him something more than a scriptures quote: I guess some apologies to ALL the forum members (if I remember well, the last time he was around he wrote something like "f**k you all"), and personally I'd like some explanation for his behaviour: was he drunk? had him had any problem? does he have some kind of schyzophrenical syndrome? (not kidding, I'm talking about a medical condition). You know, just to evaluate the probability of he misbehaving again...
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Posted: May 30 2005 at 06:52 |
Let's all forgive Karney, according to the bibble.
He's an interesting character, hope he will behave himself better this time than previously.
He's someone with whom i've had interesting discussions, it's just too bad that he gets angry and takes as personal offences when someone disagree with him.
I'm only half-surprised that he re-appears: it just shows he's as addicted as us to this forum !
Acording to his pic, he looks nice and not that bad.
Welcome again, ke9!
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Posted: May 30 2005 at 01:00 |
"Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the sun go
down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil." (Ephesians
Satan is constantly looking for a way to "push our
button" -- to get us angry. Anger usually starts with a small offense. That
little seed of offense begins to sprout and grow into resentment. Resentment
unrecognized and/or not dealt with then blossoms into bitterness. Bitterness
then blossoms into slow simmering anger, which at that point gives the devil
great opportunity to gain a foothold in our lives not only legally, but
actually with invitation.
There's good and rightious cause in a continuation of the enflicted ban of our beloved/hated Carney.
But still I prefer a policy of lovingly smothering the evil, above the ignoring of it's excistence
we can teach Carney not only to quote from the bible, but to make him
actually believe in the word that is spoken through the bible, directly
to him (we need a halowed smiley, to emphasize the saintlyness of the word )
I don't speak (write) in his behalf, I have no need for that, I just
like to create awareness of the underlying issue. In a community as
this we have no direct contact with each other, and it is easy to ban
someone from our community, but in real life you cannot as easily ban a
person from social interaction. And isn't it part of society to deal
with all aspects of social interactions, even with the unwanted kind?
I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT
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Posted: May 30 2005 at 00:33 |
I should also point out that far from "finding Christianity," Karney is making an appeal (and, in my opinion, a smart-aleck one at that) to my Chrisitanity: the Scriptural cites he is holding up in the photo have to do with forgiveness - i.e., he is expecting me to forgive him and allow him back. Yet I have seen no contriteness on his part - certainly nothing I would "put stock in" and believe. As they say in the 'hood: "forgive your enemies...but never forget their names..." (I jest, of course...)
I can, and do, forgive KE9. However, as Garion infers, I was only the "instrument" of his ejection: the cause of his ejection was the enormous number of PMs I received from members complaining bitterly about his posts, his attitude, his approach, and his utter lack of contriteness at any point - even when he had clearly attacked another member.
KE9 showed a serious lack of respect for this site, and for its members (and I'm not even counting the multiple, often highly vulgar and insulting, personal attacks on me). And he did it on more than one occasion after promising to "change his spots."
However, leopards are leopards, and Karney is Karney.
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Posted: May 30 2005 at 00:09 |
maani wrote:
Although you make a good case, there are other factors to consider here. I can forgive KE9 for everything he has done and said. What I cannot do - and what the admin group will not do - is permit him to wreak havoc on a site that is home to an extremely diverse group of people, many of whom complained bitterly enough that even Max okayed his ejection. Note that prior to this, Max had "championed" KE9 consistently, even when KE9 had occasionally "gone overboard." That Max eventually saw fit to agree to KE9's ejection thus speaks volumes.
KE9 is ultimately a perfect example of "the boy who cried wolf." In this regard, to quote another Scriptural phrase, he has "reaped what he has sown."
You guys gave him far more chances than I might of and I guess that is a good thing. The thing I hated about his posting was i would be following some thread and then come across an obsenity laced post blasting you or the admins in general. It just ruined the thread for me and I usually would never look at the thread again. Don't get me wrong I am no prude and obsenties of themselves do not bother me. But his were direct attacks on people and it just got to be way to much.
"What are you going to do when that damn thing rusts?"
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Posted: May 30 2005 at 00:05 |
Give him another chance. I think everyone could agree, religious or not, that it would quite offensive if he were to begin to act up again after being let back in the forum by means of Christianity. I say give him one last chance.
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Posted: May 29 2005 at 23:56 |
Although you make a good case, there are other factors to consider here. I can forgive KE9 for everything he has done and said. What I cannot do - and what the admin group will not do - is permit him to wreak havoc on a site that is home to an extremely diverse group of people, many of whom complained bitterly enough that even Max okayed his ejection. Note that prior to this, Max had "championed" KE9 consistently, even when KE9 had occasionally "gone overboard." That Max eventually saw fit to agree to KE9's ejection thus speaks volumes.
KE9 is ultimately a perfect example of "the boy who cried wolf." In this regard, to quote another Scriptural phrase, he has "reaped what he has sown."
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Posted: May 29 2005 at 23:33 |
When I joined, it was just after he was brought back the first time. I don't think he seems that bad.
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Posted: May 29 2005 at 22:48 |
He is a piss artist
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Posted: May 29 2005 at 22:46 |
forgive, forget,
1. Our sins are very great. 2. God has forgiven them
all. 3. By comparison to the offenses we have committed against God,
our brethren's offenses against us are small. 4. We should be so
appreciative of being forgiven that we freely forgive others. 5. We
must forgive from the heart, not merely in words. When we truly forgive from the
heart, it is as if no offense had ever occurred. 6. If we do not
forgive, God is justified in not forgiving us.
I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT
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Posted: May 29 2005 at 22:34 |
Well... he gets radical sometimes, but if everyone would just learn to ignore that behavior when it happens... he usually chills out soon afterwards...
Anyway.. I sort of miss him too!
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Posted: May 29 2005 at 21:23 |
I wouldn't be against it, but I prefer Reed Lover as Tony R, he's much nicer!
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Posted: May 29 2005 at 20:43 |
Useful_Idiot wrote:
How many times has he told us "he'll behave himself this time"? I'm skeptical. | well if not it will give maani the continuous pleasure of banning him. This forum isnt the same without karny (and tony R should become Reed again to make it complete). Karnies abscene is damaging the spirit of the forum, and that personal picture message to maani... hope he sees it.
The Worthless Recluse
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Posted: May 29 2005 at 20:36 |
How many times has he told us "he'll behave himself this time"? I'm skeptical.
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Posted: May 29 2005 at 20:34 |
As long as he takes his medicine it's OK with me
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Posted: May 29 2005 at 20:33 |
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