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Jim Garten
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Posted: August 31 2007 at 07:28 |
ZowieZiggy wrote:
A good option would be his double live album : "Stage" |
Great album, benefitting from Adrian Belew on lead guitar, too; the versions of 'Station To Station' & TVC15 stand out in particular, as does 'Five Years'
darqdean wrote:
Someone else likes the much maligned Tin Machine |
So it was you two who bought the albums, eh?
Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Posted: August 31 2007 at 02:52 |
Probably the most prog sounding Bowie record is "Low", having Eno on board doesn't hurt.
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Posted: August 06 2007 at 14:38 |
BaldFriede wrote:
I think the trilogy "Low" / "Heroes" / "Lodger" was prog, especially "Lodger" (only the first song on Lodger is NOT prog, in my opinion). I also think his Tin Machine project was quite proggy. I really enjoyed it.
Wow! Someone else likes the much maligned Tin Machine 
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Posted: August 06 2007 at 10:30 |
I think the trilogy "Low" / "Heroes" / "Lodger" was prog, especially "Lodger" (only the first song on Lodger is NOT prog, in my opinion). I also think his Tin Machine project was quite proggy. I really enjoyed it.
 BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.
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Posted: August 06 2007 at 10:15 |
why is Genesis "mentioned" in Symphonic Prog, instead of Prog-Related?
erik neuteboom
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Posted: August 06 2007 at 10:12 |
Ricochet, it's about Art-rock on Prog Archives, that differs from the category Art-rock I grew up with in the Seventies while reading UK music magazines like The Melody maker, The New Musical Express and Sounds: inventive rock (along the progressive rock movement) like early Roxy Music, Queen, Supertramp 10CC and David Bowie. In my opinion David Bowie deserves to be mentioned in the category Art-rock, rather than Prog-related, with the same motivation as Genesis is in Symphonic Prog instead of Prog-related.
Edited by erik neuteboom - August 06 2007 at 10:13
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Posted: August 06 2007 at 05:18 |
erik neuteboom wrote:
Ricochet, my post was not only pointing at great music from the past (I know I am good in memories, I am stuck into The Seventies ) but also very good progressvie music he has made in the last ten years, really worth to check out, I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised that Bowie did so well after making that poppy music in a certain era. |
Then I guess the recent albums he composed will have to prove that.  You do, then, agree that Art Rock in music can be different than 'Art Rock' in progressive rock...  Interesting , this thread started as a recommendations thread; as in "I don't know Bowie, what are his good albums?", not as in "I don't know Bowie, but is he prog?".
erik neuteboom
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Posted: August 06 2007 at 05:13 |
Ricochet, my post was not only pointing at great music from the past (I know I am good in memories, I am stuck into The Seventies ) but also very good progressvie music he has made in the last ten years, really worth to check out, I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised that Bowie did so well after making that poppy music in a certain era.
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Posted: August 06 2007 at 01:04 |
erik neuteboom wrote:
A few years ago I witnessed a live concert by David Bowie (perhaps 2002 or 2003) on the Arte Channel tv, it was awesome, so creative with many mindblowing new rendtions of classic footage and, last but not least, it was pure Art-rock, this artist should be added to Prog Archives, now, now , now  |
Very nice memories, as usual, Erik, but can I ask how memories help you think that the artist is fully prog?  Art Rock of music can definitely has some other meanings than the Art Rock of prog music. I think this is what needs to be discovered and appreciated thoroughly.
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Posted: August 05 2007 at 21:09 |
Ghost Rider wrote:
I don't understand why you and others keep digging up Iron Maiden again and again. As the person responsible for their addition, I can tell you that it wasn't something done on the spur of the moment, or without the approval of the owners. People had been suggesting them for addition for months, and they were on the Prog Metal team chart.
Agree with you Raff 100%.
I m known for being one of the most stubborn purists, but I also supported Iron Maiden and would do it again, IMHO they are by far the most direct influence for Prog Metal.
The same cannot be said for David Bowie, who has LOTS of supporters anyway , in case you haven't noticed. The problem is, people don't seem to agree on where to put it, whether in Prog-Related or in Art Rock (which is a 100% prog genre). I am quite sure that, if he ever gets added, there will be many forum members complaining about him as there are now complaining about Iron Maiden, Queen, The Who, Deep Purple, and so on.
As usually i will disagree with his inclusion, I believe he's not an influence for Prog directly.
But i am sure that no artist qwill be pleased to be added with the stupid argument that there are less Prog artists here, if somebodty is addded let him be added for his merits, not because he's more Prog than Michael Jackson.  And then, in case you hadn't noticed.. Iron Maiden are in Prog-Related, which means NOT PROG. The forum isn't flooded with threads about them or any other PR band, seen as they have a separate section. Such arguments are getting old and stale... Perhaps it would be more productive to examine an artist's production on its own merits, instead of continuing with the same old song, "if X are here, why not Y?".
I believe Iron Maiden should be in Prog Metal, but there's a team that knows more than me and there's no reason why I wouldn't respect their choice not to accept them.
Please guys lets forget this infamous if X is here why not Y?, it's silly, mediocre and is not a valid argument, as I said before, if somebody is hitted in the right eye and gets it purple, nobody sane will hit his own left eye to be even, it's absurd.
Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - August 05 2007 at 21:12
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Posted: August 05 2007 at 20:56 |
cuncuna wrote:
Sean Trane wrote:
Discussed many times before. Prog-related at best, and likely to open floodgates for tons of other bands.
Let's worry about Velvet Underground, first! |
Yeah... and then let's worry about Congreso... ... still wating for that PM, mr. Trane.
Anyway, Bowie is by far more influential and more innovative (still producing fine albums... when was the last time Lou Reed produced something remotely interesting). If Iron Maiden deserves more attention than Bowie around here... well, several conclusions comes to mind... |
I don't understand why you and others keep digging up Iron Maiden again and again. As the person responsible for their addition, I can tell you that it wasn't something done on the spur of the moment, or without the approval of the owners. People had been suggesting them for addition for months, and they were on the Prog Metal team chart. The same cannot be said for David Bowie, who has LOTS of supporters anyway , in case you haven't noticed. The problem is, people don't seem to agree on where to put it, whether in Prog-Related or in Art Rock (which is a 100% prog genre). I am quite sure that, if he ever gets added, there will be many forum members complaining about him as there are now complaining about Iron Maiden, Queen, The Who, Deep Purple, and so on. And then, in case you hadn't noticed.. Iron Maiden are in Prog-Related, which means NOT PROG. The forum isn't flooded with threads about them or any other PR band, seen as they have a separate section. Such arguments are getting old and stale... Perhaps it would be more productive to examine an artist's production on its own merits, instead of continuing with the same old song, "if X are here, why not Y?".
erik neuteboom
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Posted: August 05 2007 at 17:57 |
Asking to worry about The Velvet Underground instead of David Bowie is like asking to focus on Grateful Dead rather than Vanilla Fudge here on Prog Archives 
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Posted: August 05 2007 at 17:49 |
Sean Trane wrote:
Discussed many times before. Prog-related at best, and likely to open floodgates for tons of other bands.
Let's worry about Velvet Underground, first! |
Yeah... and then let's worry about Congreso...  ... still wating for that PM, mr. Trane.
Anyway, Bowie is by far more influential and more innovative (still producing fine albums... when was the last time Lou Reed produced something remotely interesting). If Iron Maiden deserves more attention than Bowie around here... well, several conclusions comes to mind...
¡Beware of the Bee!
erik neuteboom
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Posted: August 05 2007 at 17:41 |
A few years ago I witnessed a live concert by David Bowie (perhaps 2002 or 2003) on the Arte Channel tv, it was awesome, so creative with many mindblowing new rendtions of classic footage and, last but not least, it was pure Art-rock, this artist should be added to Prog Archives, now, now , now
Edited by erik neuteboom - August 05 2007 at 17:42
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Posted: August 05 2007 at 17:37 |
Carakhallo wrote:
I still haven´t listened to any David Bowie´s record and I heard some of them are quite near to prog rock. Can anyone recommend me some of his releases? I am interested in those more prog-like sounding.
70's feel:
- Rise and fall of Ziggy Stardust bla bla bla...
- Hunky Dory
- Low
Recent production:
- Earthling (absolute masterpiece)
- Hours
- Everything else
¡Beware of the Bee!
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Posted: August 05 2007 at 16:01 |
Well... PR or Art Rock or... David Bowie is an artist for PA because i have noted that today is a obscured reference for a lot of bands.
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Posted: August 05 2007 at 15:47 |
David Bowie being discussed for a prog-related is something popular as hell, it will come around every time a fan will feel the progressive kick inside the artist and will want to "start" his suggestion - eventually, many of those times will lead to big discussions - I would say "until Bowie's appurtenance in/towards prog won't be decided once and for all"; but I already know better that, even upon knowing the general decision, a new spark of suggestion might lead, eventually, to total re-consideration.
But the point of my post is different, since, recently, and by a good collaborator's opinion, Bowie was suggested towards a genre of full prog - and the designated specialists of that genre have taken commitment to fully search and decide on David Bowie's music, style, character, etc. Therefore, until that is done, it would be enough to ask that no final decision, nor huge and endless discussions be made on Bowie, wishing deeply for a conclusion - at least till that Team clears out the suggestion it received, and Bowie heads into being suggested for another genre or for Prog Related. Or, actually, get taken out of any progressive account.
Nothing against discussion about it, and nothing to do about new fans and members who will try to suggest, once again, Bowie for prog; yet, until that Team finishes its appreciation, there's little reason for other angles (whether a genre or Prog-Related) to be simultaneously considered.
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Posted: August 05 2007 at 00:20 |
micky wrote:
Peter wrote:
Sean Trane wrote:
Discussed many times before. Prog-related at best, and likely to open floodgates for tons of other bands.
Let's worry about Velvet Underground, first! |
This thread is over two years old. Why it was revived is beyond me. |
hahhaha... wow.. we should congratulate whoever revived it since we are so quick to nail people for starting new threads on subjects which have been previously done.
It's not like it was even another call for his inclusion... just a thread wanting some recommendations. Jeepers Peter 
by "beyond me," I didn't mean that "we should never discuss this topic -- damn ye all to hell " but rather I was just larfing at the fact that a two years-plus old thread should suddenly get responses... as if the original poster were still there, urgently awaiting replies, and unsure how to proceed with his enjoyment of Bowie.
For his sake (and despite all you "fresh from the bong" latecomers), let's hope he wasn't holding his breath in the interim!  
Edited by Peter - August 05 2007 at 00:28
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Posted: August 04 2007 at 13:23 |
Peter wrote:
Sean Trane wrote:
Discussed many times before. Prog-related at best, and likely to open floodgates for tons of other bands.
Let's worry about Velvet Underground, first! |
This thread is over two years old. Why it was revived is beyond me. |
hahhaha... wow.. we should congratulate whoever revived it since we are so quick to nail people for starting new threads on subjects which have been previously done. It's not like it was even another call for his inclusion... just a thread wanting some recommendations. Jeepers Peter 
Edited by micky - August 04 2007 at 13:23
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Posted: August 04 2007 at 13:19 |
Sean Trane wrote:
Let's worry about Velvet Underground, first! |
Just the other day i was looking for some Iggy Pop and Lou Reed for my record collection. But David Bowie, well i think he is Glam Rock, Art Rock and Pop. Like many said, start from his 70's albums.