news from andy latimer and camel
ANDY LATIMER: Great news from Andy Latimer's partner Susan ....
2008 has been an eventful year for us. All things Camel have had to be put on the back burner while we dealt with the various stages of Andrew's recovery. Andrew must still recover his health, but I am so very happy to be able to say the transplant has been 100% successful!
First, we'll talk a bit of Camel ... We will also have a DVD in the spring. We have found a way to sort out the audio of the Santa Cruz, California, performance at The Catalyst, the first of Camel's 'Farewell Tour' shows. As it was the first show, the title of the DVD could only be "The Opening Farewell". When production has gotten well underway, we'll send out an update.
On 21st November, one full year to the date of the transplant, we allowed ourselves the luxury of optimism and cracked open a bottle of champagne to celebrate. I don't think the bubbly has ever tasted so good. It is so true that what doesn't break us makes us stronger. The deep well of support we have both been able to draw upon has kept the darkest hours at bay. Things that once seemed so terribly important have been rendered quite benign by the lessons we have learned. It's almost too trite to say 'life's too short', but there's no other way to say it. Life is just too short.
We were fully prepared to take each day as it came, but it transpired that we had to take each day in quarterly segments - morning, afternoon, evening and night time. Things often changed that rapidly because the transplant process is fraught with a multitude of fragmented possibilities. Good, rotten, okay and lousy days comprised the quartered 24 hours. I think it was similar to being at sea. We just had to weather the storm with the calm. Interestingly, this is a good way to live life in general. But it's all too easy to be swept up by the small stuff. For that, I am grateful to have been taught the difference. Adversity is an excellent teacher.
This year, we have the unadulterated pleasure of lighting our Hour Candle for all of you. You have shared your compassion, feelings, experiences and love with open hearts. That has been the brightest light in those candles. So we will light our candles for you and for one other truly special person... the anonymous donor who gave the very greatest gift in this world. The gift of life.
We wish you health, peace and love. With these blessings, happiness cannot help but follow.
Forever grateful,
Susan Hoover