Well, after an interesting conversation with a friend of mine a while back (Branden, he is Mr.Edifus here on PA), we decided this absolutely needed to be made into a topic.
Here's a segment of the conversation from AIM:
Branden: What IS a Shulberry?
Branden: And WHERE do they use it?
Me: I don't know.
Branden: (New Gentle Giant breakfast cereal! With Shulberries!)
Me: Lmao!
Me: That'd be AWESOME.
Branden: I'd die if I saw that at work. They'd have to carry me out of the cereal aisle.
Me: They could have Derek do the commercials
Me: Make a Giant cereal song
Me: Lol
Branden: You may not have... all you want all you need...
Branden: Because you need Gentle Giant breakfast cereal!
Branden: With marshmallow cogs!
Branden: Cogs in cogs the cereal slowly turns around!
Me: Lmao.
Me: That'd be creepy
Me: Have some freaking hand pop out of your cereal box
Branden: Perfect for GG.
Me: It'd be holding a free GG CD!
Me: Lol
Branden: lol
Me: Man, that cereal would be expensive then.
That entire discussion was one of the best I've ever had... and it was all topped perfectly when Branden decided to actually design the cereal box.
What do you think? Would you buy it? I know I would.