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Jim Garten View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 16 2004 at 11:23
Originally posted by danbo danbo wrote:

Remember the American can be counted on the serve and protect.

And to eat huge hamburgers, whilst cradling their NRA endorsed 'personal protection'

"And hold their cards
In the NRA
With their fingers on the trigger
When they kneel & pray"

Frank Zappa 1988 - American born, but I consider him an honorary Brit

Edited by Jim Garten

Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Dan Bobrowski View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 16 2004 at 11:01

Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

My wife always likes going to prog gigs for the simple reason she knows that the audience will be 99% men of a certain age - the advantage to her of this is that there is never any queue for the Ladies' loos.

When we first met, I don't think Vicky had even heard of the expression 'progressive rock', but through due diligence, tenacity, sheer bloody mindedness & a relentlessly firm grip on the Hi-Fi remote control, I eventually won her round - most of it was easy (she proved to be a very apt & willing pupil), but the most challenging artists were definitely Zappa & Yes; I won her over to Zappa relatively quicky (about 5/6 years), but Yes took a lot longer (nearer 10 years). Ironically, with Yes, the breakthrough came with 'Topographic Oceans', usually seen as their most difficult album.

She is still in the minority - of all our friends in long term relationships / marriages etc, I think it is only Vicky on the female side who has got into prog (indeed, our friend Chris's wife has been known to react to Hatfield & The North by bursting into the room exclaiming "what's this sh ???").

What is it with progressive rock & the male gender, eh??

My wife will be accompanying me to CalProg. This should be interesting, she's not a progger. She does like the tunes we can play and harmonize to: "Distance to the Sun" (Spock's Beard), "Lucky Man" (ELP) and "In Your Eyes" (Peter Gabriel - borderline prog).

I know IZZ will knock her socks off, but I'm not really familiar with Enchant or Eric Norlander. I hope Neal Morse does some Spock stuff she's heard. I played the MP3 "Louie" from Keneally for her. She just gave that blank stare and a smile. Hmm? 

Jim, Thank you for the info about the short loo lines. My wife will be quite happy about that.

S.Violet, welcome to the board. I hope you won't be offended by the Aussie, Brit and Canuck, they tend to get a bit offensive in their posting. Remember the American can be counted on the serve and protect.



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maani View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 16 2004 at 09:37


Thanks for weighing in!  I'm surprised that you and Tauhd have not chosen to "gang up" on us testosterone-laden guys...

Re Jim's comment, maybe I should consider opening a "personals" category for proggers...  (Hmm...let me see...uh...well...hmmm)  On second thought....maybe not... 

Keep those cards and letters coming...


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Jim Garten View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 16 2004 at 06:40
My wife always likes going to prog gigs for the simple reason she knows that the audience will be 99% men of a certain age - the advantage to her of this is that there is never any queue for the Ladies' loos.

When we first met, I don't think Vicky had even heard of the expression 'progressive rock', but through due diligence, tenacity, sheer bloody mindedness & a relentlessly firm grip on the Hi-Fi remote control, I eventually won her round - most of it was easy (she proved to be a very apt & willing pupil), but the most challenging artists were definitely Zappa & Yes; I won her over to Zappa relatively quicky (about 5/6 years), but Yes took a lot longer (nearer 10 years). Ironically, with Yes, the breakthrough came with 'Topographic Oceans', usually seen as their most difficult album.

She is still in the minority - of all our friends in long term relationships / marriages etc, I think it is only Vicky on the female side who has got into prog (indeed, our friend Chris's wife has been known to react to Hatfield & The North by bursting into the room exclaiming "what's this sh ???").

What is it with progressive rock & the male gender, eh??

Edited by Jim Garten

Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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ShrinkingViolet View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 16 2004 at 06:39

Please do not use this forum as a dating service, you will only lead yourself to bitter disappointment , despondency , and ultimately, a broken Caledonian heart . [/QUOTE]

No such intentions


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Jim Garten View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 16 2004 at 06:28
Careful, SV - a lady on this forum saying she cannot find a man into prog......

You'll get offers & proposals from as far afield as Australia, Canada, U.S.A., and The Netherlands - sounds great, but these will all be from socially inept buffoons... trust me, I know them all well!

Please do not use this forum as a dating service, you will only lead yourself to bitter disappointment , despondency , and ultimately, a broken Caledonian heart .

Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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ShrinkingViolet View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 16 2004 at 05:22

This is quite funny i'm a girl who loves prog and the really obscure stuff, yet I can't find a guy into it...ha!! I'm really into my music its something really important to me, and yeah there are other females out there....they are just not coming out to play yet.

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maani View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 16 2004 at 01:13


I have had a slightly different experience.

I met my first girlfriend almost as a result of prog music (way back in the late 70s, when most of you were a gleam in your father's eye...)   Among other things, it was our mutual love of Genesis, Gentle Giant, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Yes, ELP, Mahavishnu Orchestra, and others that kept us together for over two years.  And I don't need to tell you that the prog concerts we went to had almost as many females as males - all of whom enjoyed the music.

When I met my (ex)-wife in 1980, one of the things that we shared was a love of prog, especially Genesis, Gentle Giant, Crimson, Floyd and Yes.  I didn't "steer" it this way (i.e., I wasn't "looking" for a woman who liked prog), it simply worked out that way (though it was an added bonus, of course).  And, again, when we went to concerts, there were plenty of females enjoying the music.

I recently attended The Church concert in New York, and found that there were a great many females (some "older" (30s, 40s) and some younger), all of whom also liked classic prog - including Gentle Giant.

Thus, I am at a more severe loss than all of you as to why this site does not have more females.  But I cannot agree that the reason has solely to do with "intellect" or "emotion" - though both of them may play a part.  There are lots of prog-loving females out there.  Why they're not here is another question.


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dude View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 10 2004 at 11:39
DID YOU NOTICE THE THREE M'S IN DAMMIT (sorry, it is hard enough to read everyone elses entries let alone my own)

Edited by dude
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lucas View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 10 2004 at 11:37
Originally posted by dude dude wrote:

My dear departed sister loved Yes, Floyd, Elp etc but could not tear her freinds away from Tiffany, New Kids On The Block or any of those pretty boy bands with some blond haired pimple jocky.Back in the early nineties i actually got into one of her freinds bedrooms(what a babe!!!)AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT COLOUR IT WAS DECKED OUT IN.........PINK..DAMMMIT,FLIPPIN PINK!!! AND WITH EVERY BOY BAND UNDER THE SUN AT THAT TIME PLASTERED OVER THE WALLS!!!AND WHEN I TREID TO TURN HER ONTO PROG(DARK SIDE OF THE MOON!)DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHE SAID.............."WHATS THAT TRIANGLE THING WITH THE COLOURS COMING OUT OF IT ON THE COVER"...YOU GADDA BE KIDDIN ME!!!!

Hey dude, you are still dyslexic !!

"Magma was the very first gothic rock band" (Didier Lockwood)
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 10 2004 at 11:34
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raggy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 10 2004 at 11:31
Originally posted by dude dude wrote:

My dear departed sister loved Yes, Floyd, Elp etc but could not tear her freinds away from Tiffany, New Kids On The Block or any of those pretty boy bands with some blond haired pimple jocky.Back in the early nineties i actually got into one of her freinds bedrooms(what a babe!!!)AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT COLOUR IT WAS DECKED OUT IN.........PINK..DAMMMIT,FLIPPIN PINK!!! AND WITH EVERY BOY BAND UNDER THE SUN AT THAT TIME PLASTERED OVER THE WALLS!!!AND WHEN I TREID TO TURN HER ONTO PROG(DARK SIDE OF THE MOON!)DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHE SAID.............."WHATS THAT TRIANGLE THING WITH THE COLOURS COMING OUT OF IT ON THE COVER"...YOU GADDA BE KIDDIN ME!!!!

yeah, yeah,..but dit she put out?

Now is tomorrow afternoon
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dude View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 10 2004 at 11:27

My dear departed sister loved Yes, Floyd, Elp etc but could not tear her freinds away from Tiffany, New Kids On The Block or any of those pretty boy bands with some blond haired pimple jocky.Back in the early nineties i actually got into one of her freinds bedrooms(what a babe!!!)AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT COLOUR IT WAS DECKED OUT IN.........PINK..DAMMMIT,FLIPPIN PINK!!! AND WITH EVERY BOY BAND UNDER THE SUN AT THAT TIME PLASTERED OVER THE WALLS!!!AND WHEN I TREID TO TURN HER ONTO PROG(DARK SIDE OF THE MOON!)DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHE SAID.............."WHATS THAT TRIANGLE THING WITH THE COLOURS COMING OUT OF IT ON THE COVER"...YOU GADDA BE KIDDIN ME!!!!

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lucas View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 10 2004 at 10:43
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

The 'girls' over at find this guy rather attractive:


They really find the following guy attractive ?

"Magma was the very first gothic rock band" (Didier Lockwood)
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Hammar View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 10 2004 at 10:34

I know a girl who likes two GG tracks. "Think of me with kindness" and "aspirations", of course.....

I know females, huge fans of Yes and Gong, but they didn't discover them by themselves. One of them is a true genius, another one has listened to diverse music (rock and classic in particular) since she was young. Coincidence or not? I'm not really sure, but I believe that a part (how big?) of the female population has a trigger to understand or like progmusic or similar. I'll guess that the part of the male population with this trigger is greater than the female. But, is it hormons or intellectuallity? Both, perhaps....

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raggy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 10 2004 at 06:21
Originally posted by Stormcrow Stormcrow wrote:

Originally posted by raggy raggy wrote:

To a great degree I believe you are correct in this belief, but in what way does it explain the apparent inaccessibility of (noncomercial) prog to the fairer sex?

Why do the "fairer sex" statistically tend to have more problems with math skills than do males with equal levels of education?

Current theory says it's a combination of genetics and environment.  Just the same as I theorized concerning ability to assimilate certain types of music.

There are women who "get" prog, just as there are women who "get" mathematics.  But the statistics seem to say that more women don't "get" math than otherwise.  Experience suggests the same scenario in the music realm.


Now we're getting somewhere. I didn't want to be the one to bring up maths, maps and the like, (though I hinted at it with the left/right brain remark).

Now is tomorrow afternoon
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2004 at 19:56

Originally posted by raggy raggy wrote:

To a great degree I believe you are correct in this belief, but in what way does it explain the apparent inaccessibility of (noncomercial) prog to the fairer sex?

Why do the "fairer sex" statistically tend to have more problems with math skills than do males with equal levels of education?

Current theory says it's a combination of genetics and environment.  Just the same as I theorized concerning ability to assimilate certain types of music.

There are women who "get" prog, just as there are women who "get" mathematics.  But the statistics seem to say that more women don't "get" math than otherwise.  Experience suggests the same scenario in the music realm.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2004 at 19:13
Originally posted by Stormcrow Stormcrow wrote:


I have long had the feeling that music, no matter the genre, effects people first and foremost at the emotional level.  I think this is true even for the most intellectual of jazz fans, classical music aficionados or progholes in general.  The older I get, the more experience I embrace, the more truthful this becomes to me.

No matter how much we intellectualize our music appreciation after we accept it on the emotional level, this seems to hold true.

I'm starting to think that our music loves are involved with how our brains are wired through birth and through early environment; simply because of the complete inability of some people to be able to appreciate, say THE JAZZ MESSENGERS, J. S. BACH or KING CRIMSON.  Just as many progholes are unable to tolerate what to us are the inanities of pop music or hip-hop.

In fact, I believe there is a doctoral thesis there for someone willing to do the research.


To a great degree I believe you are correct in this belief, but in what way does it explain the apparent inaccessibility of (noncomercial) prog to the fairer sex?

My wife claims most jazz is just dischord and chaos. I explaind it like this: Brail is just rough paper to the untrained finger, even when it's Shakespeare. The brain, by enlarging its capacity to process information from nerves in the fingertips, decodes the chaos. One has only to learn how to listen to jazz, or indeed any kind of music, to break through the chaos and discover something beautifull.

Now is tomorrow afternoon
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2004 at 18:07


I have long had the feeling that music, no matter the genre, effects people first and foremost at the emotional level.  I think this is true even for the most intellectual of jazz fans, classical music aficionados or progholes in general.  The older I get, the more experience I embrace, the more truthful this becomes to me.

No matter how much we intellectualize our music appreciation after we accept it on the emotional level, this seems to hold true.

I'm starting to think that our music loves are involved with how our brains are wired through birth and through early environment; simply because of the complete inability of some people to be able to appreciate, say THE JAZZ MESSENGERS, J. S. BACH or KING CRIMSON.  Just as many progholes are unable to tolerate what to us are the inanities of pop music or hip-hop.

In fact, I believe there is a doctoral thesis there for someone willing to do the research.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2004 at 17:13
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

The 'girls' over at find this guy rather attractive:

Perhaps Gentle Giant just don't have 'it'



They find him attractive eh? Does that make ELP more listenable? I never pick my favourite bands based on looks. So that's how their pretty little minds work.

Now is tomorrow afternoon
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