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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 17 2008 at 00:15
Originally posted by Peter Peter wrote:

Geek How's this for a definition?
PROG FAN: a person who obsessively and compulsively over-intellectualizes and analyzes music, pronouncing some to be worthy (and thus "prog") but most as unworthy. No two "prog" fans will ever agree upon these distinctions, however, and they will argue endlessly on the scope of the term they would use to separate their supposedly high-brow music from that of the bleating, sheep-like masses
(See also proghole, progsnob, file clerk, art rock accountant, dweeb and nerd -- also the related pain-in-the-ass, party-pooper, buzz killer, and insufferable pompous wet blanket. )

LOL   this one's for wiki, Peter

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 17 2008 at 00:10
Great Post PeterClap

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Peter View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 17 2008 at 00:08
Stern%20Smile You know, I've said it again and again, but no one seems to take much notice -- or perhaps my position is too "extreme":
"Prog" or "progressive" is not exactly a known, clearly-delineated form of music. In fact, it's not even a single "form" of music at all. It's very amorphous, very subjective, very much a value judgment made in a unique fashion by each individual here.
THUS "prog related" (or "proto prog") is even more problematic. Despite what many here seem to pretend, the music this site deems "prog" has no clear boundaries. As soon as you try to define and contain or "encircle" it with mere words, in a manner that will meet with broad approval from music fans from 14 to 64, and whose tastes range from death metal, to classic rock, to folk, jazz, classical, rap etc, etc, etc, some listed bands which do not meet that supposed criteria can be easily found.
The exact nature of "prog" (and what is "related" to it ) is thus not worth arguing about. In fact, I sincerely believe it's pointless (if the point of arguing is to reach resolution, or some form of agreement, or to determine who is right, and who is wrong), because it's all so subjective. Beyond its historic origins and applications (inadequate and subjective then, as well) "prog" is merely a value judgment -- much like "good," "bad" "best," "worst" "overrated/underrated" (retch), etc.
Prog Archives: I love a lot of the listed music, and enjoy the virtual company of many of the great people here.Thumbs%20Up I care much, much less for the constant bickering and pontification as to "real" prog, inclusion and exclusion, etc.Thumbs%20Down
Is prog just complicated rock? What about the jazz, metal and folk stuff? Is it complicated MUSIC? Where's the classical & "prog bluegrass," etc, sections, then? (And then someone will say "Pink Floyd's not complicated."
Just face it: "progressive" is a near-useless way to categorize music (beyond your OWN collection, that is). What is "related" to that huge, ever-expanding, undefined, highly-contentious and subjective thingamabobby? Everything else is!
This will never, ever end, because, you see, none of us really knows what the other means by "prog."
Note to self: If you ever start a music-reviewing site, just list all artists alphabetically, and in the broadest categories possible/practical. Just put the so-called "prog rock" in with the ROCK, the "prog metal' in with the METAL, the "prog folk" in with the FOLK, the "prog jazz" (or whatever we call it) in with the JAZZ, etc.Ermm
Much like record stores -- in their wisdom -- do.Clap
These would-be fine, exacting categories suck, IMO. From what I can see, they're only good for starting arguments, "ghettoizing" music, and dividing music fans. (They help you find "similar" music, you say? The highly-subjective nature of "similar" aside, that's what your EARS, and good reviews are for!)
Geek How's this for a definition?
PROG FAN: a person who obsessively and compulsively over-intellectualizes and analyzes music, pronouncing some to be worthy (and thus "prog") but most as unworthy. No two "prog" fans will ever agree upon these distinctions, however, and they will argue endlessly on the scope of the term they would use to separate their supposedly high-brow music from that of the bleating, sheep-like masses.
(See also proghole, progsnob, file clerk, art rock accountant, dweeb and nerd -- also the related pain-in-the-ass, party-pooper, buzz killer, and insufferable pompous wet blanket. )
But carry on Wacko -- I know you will! Sleepy
Indignant, mortally-offended, "just leave then" response posts to follow in 3 - 2 - 1....WinkLOL

Edited by Peter - June 17 2008 at 01:57
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.
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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 16 2008 at 22:21
Last time I checked, consistency was a virtue. If consistency only applies to "what really matters," (real prog) then let's get rid of Prog Related!

In having the genre Prog Related, the site should have known the sh*t it was getting into. If a band is prog related......wuh....let's put them in prog related! Phish is obviously prog related, because they're there. Nobody should bullsh*t me and say Phish deserve to be here and the Dead don't. It is hypocritical to have Phish here and the Dead not here.

Get rid of Phish, and I don't see a problem. They shouldn't be here IMO anyway. But since the site doesn't recognize mistakes and will not remove Phish, for consistency....

Oh wait, we can't be consistent now, can we... Confused
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 16 2008 at 20:17
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

I'm talking about consistency. Santana's here. The Dead aren't. Phish is here. The Dead aren't. That is inconsistent. If I cared enough about the Dead, I probably could give you an argument  as to why they should be in prog-related, a genre which I think is doing more trouble than good. But the point remains: if Phish are here, a band that essentially is the Dead, then they should be as well.

you are not listening Andrew.. .there is NO consistency to be had in PR additions... this site IS  consistent and strives to be comprehensive where it matters...pursuing prog additions to the database... .NOT PR additions.  They are targeted additions for various reasons... and the category is not intended to have any and every group that is PR.  You agree with the Dead being in PR...  but will you be the first to bitch about a band you do NOT think is PR enough.  If you don't...  you would be one of the very few here that wouldn't.. we see it all the time.  Face it.. people have their notions of Prog.. or what is related to prog.. and have demonstrated TIME AND TIME AGAIN.. that they are unable to see past THEIR notions and see that others see things differently.

The site doesn't need that kind of sh*t at all... we have enough with fully prog additions

Why else do you think the admin team has strict control on Prog Related  additions...  and I think we all would agree the last thing we want or need our admins to become is 'full-time' PR genre team members screening every Tom, Dick and Harry that got submitted if indeed we strove to be consistent and have every group that was remotely prog related.

Edited by micky - June 16 2008 at 20:18
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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 16 2008 at 19:05
^ That's highly questionable, but you give no examples either of bands denied progrelated status or ones added as full prog that are unworthy far as I know, ProgRelated is not a regular category to be utilized as such, but rather a special area for a small number of artists that were literally related to prog or who were significantly influenced by it.  In the case of the Dead, neither is demonstrable, IMO.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 16 2008 at 17:21
With all this controversy surrounding the prog related genre, there are bands with much more prog or prog-related songs being denied from prog related than bands being included in "full prog" genres.
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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 16 2008 at 15:12
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

[ but their reputation as a live band with extended soloing and improvs earns them a place in prog related now,

love you Stonie.... but I couldn't disagree more with that...     so when does the Allman Brothers Band get added.. they have as much to do with Prog.. and being related as the Dead.  Yes we have some groups here that ...well... on the surface seem sort of dubious as 'jam bands'  There is nothing to do about those.    The site has two choices...  use the 'if x then y' model and open this site up to all KINDS of bands that have little to no relation to prog simply because other groups are here... or the site can try to make a reasoned case for each individual group..which is why I asked you to try to explain why they should be added... NOT using who is already here as 'proof' that they do belong.

I'm talking about consistency. Santana's here. The Dead aren't. Phish is here. The Dead aren't. That is inconsistent. If I cared enough about the Dead, I probably could give you an argument  as to why they should be in prog-related, a genre which I think is doing more trouble than good. But the point remains: if Phish are here, a band that essentially is the Dead, then they should be as well.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 15 2008 at 12:26
I say pass. I think this is more of a case of "I want to see this band in PA!" than anything having to do with actual influence or prog-relation.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 15 2008 at 09:19
Originally posted by Ghost Rider Ghost Rider wrote:

I hope my above point was clear... It wasn't about the rightness of the "if X is here, why not Y?" approach, but rather about consistency (or lack thereof). Either we find a method to the 'madness' that is the whole Prog-Related category, or I'm afraid threads such as this will continue to exist, and sometimes even descend in less than dignified discussions.

well darling.. .that has been raised time and time again to the powers that be... and maybe they subscribe to the 'wasted time and effort' theory that Moris mentioned earlier.  

for the record...  I think this is the state of the state of PR... and nothing I've seen here has changed my mind. The sooner people realize it.. the better off those who lose sleep because this group is or is not in PR will be.

from Pablo's CSN&Y thread

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

cacho - probably some one should give you the straight poop on Prog Related additions. This is not official... but just gleaned from watching and listening. Technically... by  the criteria David posted about... a GREAT many groups could be added to prog-related.  Prog, Art Rock, whatever you want to call it left a mammoth imprint on 70's rock music.  A great many bands were influence by prog in various degrees.

From what I have seen about Prog-Related.. it has NEVER been meant to be all-encompassing or to have every band that was prog-related.  Let's face it.. this site would look less a prog site then a 70's rock site when Heart reviews.. or Steely Dan... or Elton John reviews and discussions popped up all over the place.  Prog-related was meant to have a place where targeted groups could be added.  Why specifically targeted groups.  I'm sure that bringing new people in who are doing google searches for their favorite groups is one part. Also important are to have those bands whose fans would take to prog. To perpetuate the species we must procreate in a way hahhaha.    Just as important though is to have related  groups that our prog fans might naturally take to .....  just like Blue Oyster Cult.   The additions are targeted for this site... it is a prog site... we strive to have completeness in our prog addtions.. but for the time to debate and add every group that might have been influenced by prog.. or related to prog... christ... we'd never get anything done. 

So I typed all that to explain this.... I don't see any  way in hell CSNY get in here.  They may or they may not have been related. What is related anyway but what you want to make of it.  Simply though .... they don't fit the site.. and  the groups addition doesn't benefit the site. 

My two 'unofficial' cents.  Just based on observing and listening.

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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 15 2008 at 08:51
I hope my above point was clear... It wasn't about the rightness of the "if X is here, why not Y?" approach, but rather about consistency (or lack thereof). Either we find a method to the 'madness' that is the whole Prog-Related category, or I'm afraid threads such as this will continue to exist, and sometimes even descend in less than dignified discussions.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 15 2008 at 08:40
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

[ but their reputation as a live band with extended soloing and improvs earns them a place in prog related now,

love you Stonie.... but I couldn't disagree more with that...     so when does the Allman Brothers Band get added.. they have as much to do with Prog.. and being related as the Dead.  Yes we have some groups here that ...well... on the surface seem sort of dubious as 'jam bands'  There is nothing to do about those.    The site has two choices...  use the 'if x then y' model and open this site up to all KINDS of bands that have little to no relation to prog simply because other groups are here... or the site can try to make a reasoned case for each individual group..which is why I asked you to try to explain why they should be added... NOT using who is already here as 'proof' that they do belong.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 15 2008 at 02:55
I think Stonie has a very good point here (and yes, Umphrey McGee's are here too, in Jazz-Rock/Fusion). Even if I am not by any means an expert in any of those bands, I've heard Phish compared to the Dead often enough to wonder at the consistency of having one here and not the other.

Actually, the main problem with having a Prog-Related category is exactly that, in my very humble opinion... That 'relation' can very easily become like the notorious game of "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"LOL, i.e. a chain of associations that can often lead away from what we generally consider as prog. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 15 2008 at 02:27
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

GD certainly belong here more than Phish...

I recognize Jam Band, as a genre, so they cannot be fully prog, IMO. I also think Prog-related is a dubious genre, but the Dead deserve to be in there if anyone does.

then explain my friend.. for the ignorant types among us hahha

just how is the Dead.. related to prog... and explain why they should be here... in terms that do not involve 'because someone else is here' .  Two wrong don't make a right.. I'm a huge J.A. fan.. and regardless of what Hugues says... I disagree strongly with their inclusion as well... but there is nothing to be done about that.

Blues for Allah, for one, is at times just as progressive as anything Phish have done. I have not heard their earlier, more pshychedelic albums I'm afraid, but their reputation as a live band with extended soloing and improvs earns them a place in prog related now, like it or not. Phish is there, and I think Umphrey's McGee is on the site somewhere, so the jam band line has been breached. The father of jam bands must be let in.
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 14 2008 at 07:33
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

GD certainly belong here more than Phish...

I recognize Jam Band, as a genre, so they cannot be fully prog, IMO. I also think Prog-related is a dubious genre, but the Dead deserve to be in there if anyone does.

then explain my friend.. for the ignorant types among us hahha

just how is the Dead.. related to prog... and explain why they should be here... in terms that do not involve 'because someone else is here' .  Two wrong don't make a right.. I'm a huge J.A. fan.. and regardless of what Hugues says... I disagree strongly with their inclusion as well... but there is nothing to be done about that.
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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 14 2008 at 03:15
GD certainly belong here more than Phish...

I recognize Jam Band, as a genre, so they cannot be fully prog, IMO. I also think Prog-related is a dubious genre, but the Dead deserve to be in there if anyone does.
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zicIy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 14 2008 at 03:09
Originally posted by Pnoom! Pnoom! wrote:

Originally posted by zicIy zicIy wrote:

Originally posted by Pnoom! Pnoom! wrote:

For the record, I don't really think Zappa belongs here, either, except maybe for his jazz-fusion stuff (Hot Rats, Grand Wazoo, and the like).
ok, that´s your opinion, i´d to respect that. for the record too, my first concert was Uriah Heep (High and Mighty tour), and i´v been very surprised and delighted when i saw UH at PA. i´v been thinking all these years that was hard rock (awesome!) gig. but, anyway, i can feel proud now, the first concert was one great Prog act, nothing less!  Big%20smile

Being on progarchives doesn't make a band prog Wink
i i saw that in UH 'case' .

I don't know Uriah Heep, but I'm just saying.
they were such a great hard rock -LIVE - act, but NOTHING in common with Prog i personaly dont heard at the gig; i owned already some progressive rock ("sympho-rock" we were call that) LPs at that time, 13yrs old í was and i 'instantly' falled in love with that music so you can trust me. btw, i never owned any UH album, but as i said, that hard rock show was really great; i mean, who don´t enjoyed an EXELLENT gig of some hard rock band (be that Uriah Heep or AC/DC, or some new one, anyway), who feel bored and dont moved his/her leg along that rythm that person dont like ROCK music at all, no question.

Edited by zicIy - June 14 2008 at 03:56
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 14 2008 at 02:25
Originally posted by zicIy zicIy wrote:

Originally posted by Pnoom! Pnoom! wrote:

For the record, I don't really think Zappa belongs here, either, except maybe for his jazz-fusion stuff (Hot Rats, Grand Wazoo, and the like).
ok, that´s your opinion, i´d to respect that. for the record too, my first concert was Uriah Heep (High and Mighty tour), and i´v been very surprised and delighted when i saw UH at PA. i´v been thinking all these years that was hard rock (awesome!) gig. but, anyway, i can feel proud now, the first concert was one great Prog act, nothing less!  Big%20smile

Being on progarchives doesn't make a band prog Wink

I don't know Uriah Heep, but I'm just saying.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 14 2008 at 01:59
Originally posted by clarke2001 clarke2001 wrote:

GD were not prog, the "genre" where they belong (and cultural and artistic movement in general= is known, and there's no need to analyse it. That hippy trippy thingie is in a way related to his baby born few years later, called prog rock.
well said...perfect.Clap
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 14 2008 at 01:35
Originally posted by Pnoom! Pnoom! wrote:

For the record, I don't really think Zappa belongs here, either, except maybe for his jazz-fusion stuff (Hot Rats, Grand Wazoo, and the like).
ok, that´s your opinion, i´d to respect that. for the record too, my first concert was Uriah Heep (High and Mighty tour), and i´v been very surprised when i saw UH at PA. i´v been sure all of these years that was hard rock (awesome!) gig. but, anyway, i can feel proud now, the first concert was one great Prog act, nothing less!  Big%20smile

Edited by zicIy - June 14 2008 at 02:37
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