Andrew's Health TRANSPLANT DAY!
Andrew is progressing very well. Thus far, he has tolerated the
treatment exceptionally well, but we still take it one day at a
time. So far, he has not suffered any serious side effects and his
spirits are positive and strong. Today is transplant day...
Many of you have written to us encouraging us to hold an Hour Candle
vigil for Andrew and we were thinking the very same thing. If you
are able, please light a candle for Andrew, today, 21st November, at
1600hrs GMT. That is when Andrew will receive his bone marrow
transplant. Spend an hour 'with' him, thinking of him in your way,
perhaps listening to your favourite Camel album or spending time
with loved ones to celebrate the good things in life. I have seen
the strength Andrew has derived from the love and support he has
received from family, friends, and the kind words of support so many
of you have sent. That support has strengthened not only his
physical, mental and emotional state, but it has strengthened his
resolve to get well and get back on stage.
So please light an Hour Candle for him today. If you don't get this
until after the transplant hour, light a candle for him anyway,
whenever you can. Light that candle and send the strength of your
feelings to him at any time.
Thank you for your enery, your good wishes, prayers, thoughts,
candles, messages, and for your love of this wonderful man who has
much yet to give in return.
Until our next newsletter, I send you all our Fondest Regards,
Susan Hoover
Camel Productions
Edited by markosherrera - November 23 2007 at 17:19