Yeah right, like I'd really allow you guys to determine anything about my future.
Point is, it was recently brought to my attention that my current avatar is not exactly visible.
The story goes that the Whistler wanted to buy breakfast at his local gas station, and getting out of his car, noticed that the "S" in the "SMOG CHECK" sign was covered, so it said...uh, "MOG CHECK." Which was close enough to "MOOG CHECK" for me. Assuming that his fellow progsters at the online intarweb would find it amusing, he took its picture and made it his crappy, little avatar.
In case you didn't now, my brain doesn't function very good in the early before noon and such.
So, what should I do about...(motions above) know...?
Edited by The Whistler - February 19 2007 at 02:25