I'm just curious as to the extent in our PA prog community of illegal downloading. Especially after the thread about streaming that explained that if you can stream it, you can download.
This along with some members seemingly humongous amount of groups they have reviewed, recommended , or generally seem to be able to discuss in a knowledgeable way. I know in some cases, collections have been amassed over decades, so I don't mean to say that a massive number of albums necessarily means they were obtained illegally.
Let's face it, some of the older stuff isn't found everywhere, & imagining the ability to pay a hundred dollars/euros, whatever for any album, especially for one they may never have heard before seems a bit far-fetched to me.
In case, the RIAA is listening in, a caveat, use the O.J. approach to book writing; i.e. if I did it, this would be why; but I don't do it & don't condone it etc ...
- P.S. I've been buying records, cassettes, 8 tracks (way back when) & now Cds, and very few legal downloads, in my case from Puretracks in Canada for close to 35 years. So I would not doubt a person ability to put together a quite extensive collection.