That will never happen, because human and economic laws state the complete opposite to the principles of prog.... and of all demanding music in general.... music made for music's sake is, at end, made because the artist wants to express something... mainstream music (and I'm talking really MAINSTREAM music, as in MTV as you named that atrocity of a network) is made because some corporate loons want to get richer and they pay their new money-making-machines a small fare of the profits that he expects to make....
But somehow dreaming that prog was popular.... I may speak only for myself, I may sound kind of a weirdo, but I like being "special" and I like knowing that I listen to more "exclusive" music than what most of the people are listening to.... 6000 millions people, most of them average-minded.... The music you listen to doesn't tell how intelligent you are.... but it does tell how SELECTIVE you are, for if you listen to something that demands you to research, buy online or in alternative places, study at least something of music, then you really care for MUSIC more than the rest...
For the rest music is entertainment... for most of us is an ART (an example: ask a regular person what cinema is for them: most of them will say it entertains them.... true cinema students, those that can bear a Fellini movie, those know cinema is an ART).... I insist: it depends how people perceive music... for some of us is more important than just something you put on when you're driving or, nowadays, when you go everywhere.... we usually (I speak for myself but think most will agree) LISTEN to music, PAY ATTENTION to music.... others have it AS BACKGROUND....
... so in the end, NO, I prefer my prog to remain exclusive...
If it became mainstream, I'd kind of lose respect for it... This may sound stupid and irrational, but I know that would happen....
Points of view are different from person to person.... disagree? Off course, but please with respect.