A few months ago I brought this up in another thread pretty much trying to understand the same thing. For some reason I want to make a difference between the two. I thought I understood it, but all too often is it challenged by something.
My definitions
Jam - playing songs with extended instrumental sections with some spontaneity but overall following some sort of prethoughtout structure.
Improvisation - a song created with little forthought, a few ideas for structure and general concept, maybe a few riffs here and there, but for the most part made up on the spot, generally the reason why they are so long, a good song is when the band members can really get into each others heads and sort of creat spontaneously together. Improvising is the concience thought of trying to change/progress.
Right now, I like my definitions, but they continue to be challenged by songs like Yeti. It says it's an improvisation, but not by my definition. I don't think it's a jam either, somewhere in between.
There are tons of jam type bands
but not as many improvisational, because I imagine it is more difficult, and the example I am about to give of an improvisational band isn't really even a good example
Agitation Free- let's just take Layla prt2. Now I guess I believe the only part of this song that is truly improvisational is the two guitar parts, because the rhythm is pretty much the same throughout. But I do believe the guitars are improvisational throughout for the most part, I can definitely imagine this song played live this way, it could go on and on and you wouldn't care.
I dont know what I am asking, what are your definitions and examples