Certif1ed wrote:
There can be only one...
"Pandora’s box of holocausts gracefully cruising satellite infested heavens"
"Aural contraceptive aborting pregnant conversation,
She turned the harpoon and it pierced my heart"
Awesome lyrics in "Fugazi", to be sure, but a bit over-the-top at times.
"Forgotten Sons" is such a powerful song, and quite timely these days (unfortunately, it's timely almost any 'day', which is sort of the point):
"And so as I patrol in the valley of the shadow of the tricolour I must fear evil
For I am but mortal and mortals can only die
Asking questions, pleading answers from the nameless faceless watchers
That parade the carpeted corridors of whitehall
Who orders desecration, mutilation, verbal masturbation in the guarded bureaucratic wombs
Minister, minister care for your children
Order them not into damnation
To eliminate those who would trespass against you
For whose is the kingdom, the power, the glory for ever and ever"
followed by all the sarcastic "Amens"...
"Warm Wet Circles" is another one, though I would rank it a close second to "Forgotten Sons":
"Kiss adolescence goodbye
In a warm wet circle
Like a mothers kiss on your first broken heart,
A warm wet circle
Like a bullit hole in central park,
A warm wet circle
And I’ll always surrender to the warm wet circles"
'vertigo is right - Marillion defintely knows how to do lyrics right. Masters of sarcasm couched as irony, or just plain anguish.