In response to the recent uproar regarding whether or not a band such as The Beatles should be listed on ProgArchives, I have come up with the best possible "solution" to settle this whole dilemma.
I originally proposed my idea in the "BEATLES HERE, WHY?" thread... but everybody was too busy BARKING at each other to notice. So now I insist that all of you SIT DOWN WITH YOUR HANDS FOLDED and HUSH UP for a moment ... or I will send you to your room WITH NO SUPPER!! Oh...and, yes...Supper's Ready! (sorry)
Instead of having the site focus so much on entire Band Catalogs, have entries decided by INDIVIDUAL ALBUM requests.
QUADROPHENIA by The Who should be on ProgArchives ... IT'S HARD by The Who should NOT.
ABBEY ROAD by The Beatles should be on ProgArchives ... A HARD DAY'S NIGHT should NOT.
THE GRAND ILLUSION by Styx should be on ProgArchives ... CORNERSTONE should NOT.
Unless a band is an OBVIOUS Prog band, then there's really no reason to list EVERY album that they've ever done. Who are we kidding? Deep down we know who the "real" prog acts are... and who truly isn't. The Beatles are magnificent--but they're not a prog band. They have albums with prog elements--but they are NOT a prog BAND.
Then... Can't we set up some sort of online majority vote for "questionable" Album Requests? Maybe through the forum...only accessible by logged-in users
Well-- I suppose you get the basic idea.
You're free to go.