I find the average ratings in the reviews quite useless, because a lot of reviewers seem to give five stars to sundry records very easily. I haven't written that many reviews myself, but I would save five stars to absolute gems only, to albums that I'm definitely sure I could have with me on a desert island, and never get tired with them (there are not many of them!).
It means that even if I think that my favourite band (Gentle Giant) is way above anything else, I can't give five stars to every GG album, because I think that i.e. Acquiring The Taste is far better than Gentle Giant.
Now that I mentioned Gentle Giant and ratings, it is interesting to see that their most-liked album Octopus just makes top twenty, yet a lot of people seem to think GG are really, really good. Does this mean that people who like that kind of extreme music are more critical even within GG's own output?