Hi. This is my first post, so I guess I should introduce myself a bit.
I am not a fan of prog. Normally, I'd be the guy making fun of the
silly stories and weird music.
But the impossible has transpired: I like a prog rock album. And not just any prog rock album ...a
Genesis album as old as I am, "A Trick of the Tail."
I do not normally like prog rock. I do not normally like '80s Howard
Jones-style synth pop. Yet this album has both in hefty helpings
and I've fallen in love with it.
When it's not around, I miss it. I've downloaded what is probably only
quasi-legal MP3s of Ripples and Los Endos so I can have a little taste
of it while I'm stuck here at night school.
This is strange. I live in the same place, I inhabit the same body, but
I am not the same person I was. By all rights, I shouldn't even be
here. I came in search of a support group, but something tells me
you're just going to be a bunch of enablers.