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Posted: January 25 2008 at 04:13 |
By the way, I didn't know that Avestin's name is Assaf.
Best of 2006 that I've heard:
PFM-Stati Di Immaginazione
Zenit-Surrender (Best "unknown" album)
Oaksenham - Conquest of Pacific
Phideaux - Doomsday Afternoon
La Torre Del Alchimista - Neo
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Posted: January 25 2008 at 04:11 |
Ricochet wrote:
dalt99 wrote:
I don't doubt that many of the collabs are of the same interest, however if a few in power are trying to push their own personal agendas and preferences than it can harm the rest of the collabs and every one else. I am not accusing anyone of this, just that it's a possibility.
Personal agendas can sometimes be a thing of much work and little time. It's subjective to speak about it, so I won't. Preferences, however, don't really exist - except one claims a team accepted/rejected a band based on its preferences/mood - which is a wrong thing to say.
Since I don't know the behind-the-scenes discussions, I can't fairly comment on why he left. I do know other people who have left this site (forums and adding/reviewing bands) because of the direction it's been going down for the past couple years. Popular bands and genres such as Kayo Dot, Ulver, Avant/RIO and Post-Rock/Metal have been favored and pushed while symphonic prog, Italian symphonic, neo-progressive and "retro" prog (for the most part) have seemed to be shunned or of less interest to most of the collabs/admins, leaving an inbalance. Just look at the amount of ratings. Between 30 and 60 for many of those genres while the highest amount of ratings for a 2007 Italian Progressive Rock band is 12. In my opinion that is a travesty for the state of prog on this site. I personally do not care for Post-Rock, BUT if I were an admin in charge of finding new bands to add to the site, I would not favor one genre or another. I would seek out all genres. I question whether or not that is happening with the admins in charge of this site. Again, I realize that they are all volunteers and don�t have lots of free time to search for, listen to and enter new bands. Maybe the process should be opened up to more collabs (and non-collabs) AND made easier and faster.
In my opinion, you could open your eyes a bit, Dalton: for instance, check out the section for suggesting bands, for reccomending bands, for unsigned bands, and even write down with a pen what bands, of what genres, are discussed, plus what bands, into what genres, are suggested. I myself can't possibly see where symphonic, Italian, neo (and "retro prog" is not a genre here) are being shunned.
Again, disliking Kayo Dot and the rest's popularity isn't of great help in telling something's wrong with this site.
The rates/reviews are made by people.
The process of adding bands: 1. can't be reopened, because when it was very open, all sorts of messy things were made 2. can be easy and fast (though, okay, let's not call us saints on this), if the collaboration between the involved persons goes by the book.
I wouldn't use the word 'mistreated'. I would say that the admins are not as interested in the genre so the genre suffers because of it. The admins seem very interested in the "popular" prog bands. The bands that are getting all the publicity from the major prog labels. Independent and lesser known prog bands seem to be ignored which is not what an all-encompasing "progressive rock" site should be about. Progressive Rock is the antithesis of "popular music". Not that many of the popular bands like Porcupine Tree don't deserved to be discussed and praised. Just that the lesser known and independent bands should get more publicity on the site than they do. Erik was one of the few collabs seeming to be interested in informing us and listening to these bands. I try as I can, but don't have the funds or the connections to hear as much music as he did or as some of the collabs might.
Again, Dalt, please don't call "admins" when you mean "collaborators". If you say admins, you only refer to Easy Livin, Progtologist, Tony R, Atkingani, Jim Garten, Angelo (who happens to be the "el magnifico" of unsigned bands promoting) and Darqdean - and maybe M@x and Prog Lucky as well. They have nothing to do with what you're criticizing.
Thinking the "lesser known", independent are being ignored is a thing of perception, you should aim higher with telling this, if you feel dissapointed about it.
If you ask me, this site walks on much of both kinds. And Erik wasn't the only one.
Like I said, if I, as a non-collaborator wanted to rate an album a 4, it would not COUNT as a 4. So I am being undervalued for my opinion. I will admit that I have not rated/reviewed many albums for a while so I am not aware if this is still the way ratings are done or not. Please let me know if it's changed. Also, in the past it was fairly easy to submit bands and albums. Nowadays it's very difficult and time consuming and harder to choose a genre so they may get rejected easier.
It's a thing of algorithms being changed, you can receive good answers for what you feel is wrong about ratings.
I agree with you that Art Rock as you had it before was a mess, however calling bands like Moody Blues Crossover Prog seems just as crazy. How about Progressive Pop/Rock? That could include bands like Supertramp as well. If somebody that has never been here before comes to the site and sees "Crossover Prog" they would have no idea what it means. "Progressive Pop-Rock" however is more understandable.
Crossover Prog is mainly just a name, further evolving into a brand. Of course, a name like Crossover was discussed just like a genre like Crossover was discussed before being created. Again, answers exist. Why isn't it called Progressive Pop/Rock? No clue. I only know why and how has it gone to being called Crossover. Which is just the name of a genre in which the many bands (not just Moody and Supertramp) are part of etc.
Again, they make sense to the collabs, but not to the general public that would come to the site. Even still, some collabs disagree but have been out voted.
If so, we can improve on making the genres clear for everybody. But, please, do tell us where the core of "un-knowers" is in the general public, you can't say nobody understands a genre and not mention who they are.
I am saying that if Person X says a band is �Crossover Prog�, the Crossover Prog Team should FIRST decide if it IS prog then second, if it IS that genre. If the team says YES it IS prog but NO it�s NOT Crossover, they should then decide that they think it�s genre X and send it over to that team for review! Why make Person X have to RESUBMIT the band to another Team?? Also if Crossover Team rejects the band JUST BECAUSE IT IS NOT CROSSOVER PROG, but the band IS prog, they need to let Person X KNOW to resubmit.
Sorry, but that's how most of times things are actually done. Team of Genre X DOES decide if a band is prog and fit for Genre X. If Prog, but not good for Genre X, of course it's logically to submit it to another genre, where the band might fit.
It doesn't go anyhow else. Usually, teams within teams discuss, not force the person who suggested them to discuss with each team in particularly.
Again, that is WAY too much work for Person X if they must resubmit just because the CHOSE a wrong genre! If Gentle Giant was not in Progarchives and I submitted them as �Symphonic Prog� THEY WOULD GET REJECTED!! That is ridiculous. That Team should forward the submission over to the appropriate Team (Eclectic Prog in this case), not just reject it and stop there.
Yes. If Gentle Giant were suggested for Symphonic, they would be rejected, the Symphonic Team would contact the Eclectic Team, which would listen to Gentle Giant and approve it.
That's exactly what you said and meant. So how come you say like it doesn't happen and I say it like it does actually, and plainly, happen??
Yes, it is up to other people to continue to suggest new bands, but it hasn�t happened has it? Again it�s because there are few people here that are interested. I don�t have the funds to suggest many on a regular basis. Many collabs seem to be discussing the �popular� genres. No messages since January 8th on this thread tell you it�s true. Sometimes the collabs themselves have to go out of their comfort zone to improve the site. Only Erik seemed to really care. When a branch dies, sometimes other branches follow�
Okay, well for this I can only say, like Micky said it, that people like Avestin invest a lot in promoting bands (from all around the "sections", plus from in and out the site), Andrea suggests a new bands by the hour, hope I don't forget any other person who takes time to do a good job in promoting...
About the thread, people make it alive, people make it dissapear. If all of Erik's friends here weren't able to do anything but to cheer on Erik's presentations and discussions, then there's little chance that this thread will continue. There's nothing to say about this.
One more thing: if a collaborator is usually signed to a specific Team, you can't possibly criticize him for both the fact that he's not doing his work as a collaborator and he's not taking time to promote progressive bands from all over the place.
Thank you Ricochet for answering many of my questions. I didn't know that the collabs actually would send a rejected prog band to another team if the first team was incorrect. I was misinformed on that. I thought they were just flat out rejected and had to be resubmitted.
I don't want to slight any other collaborator as people like Avestin are wonderful at informing and adding new bands to the site. As far as I saw however, Erik was one of the very few that added Symphonic Prog and Italian Prog bands on a REGULAR basis. Yes, Avestin has many tastes but it seems that Symphonic prog is not his favorite. Avestin is on the RIO/Avant Team. I will say though that Andrea is wonderful regarding the Italian Prog scene.
"Retro Prog" is my personal genre that I use to describe NEW bands that play music similar to the 70's symphonic giants like Genesis, Yes and ELP. This site doesn't have a genre specifically for these bands. Bands such as The Watch, Hobson's Choice, Metaphor and Retroheads.
I am not surprised that my Kayo Dot reference has not made sense. Maybe I am not great at explaining. Put another way, it's like a slippery slope. It's social causality. If one person enjoys Kayo Dot and The Retroheads equally on this site, they will be able to find MANY more people to talk about Kayo Dot with. Why? Because many of the Collabs know Kayo Dot (89 ratings). Many less know Retroheads (13 ratings). Therefore bands like Kayo Dot (and their genre) will thrive greater than bands like Retroheads (and their genre). It's social popularity since neither band is better than the other per se. If each genre (or band) is being discussed equally on a daily basis, than discussion is varied and equal for the most part because the popularity of the genres are equal. The reason why I brought up the Kayo Dot choice was to make this point. Kayo Dot was the most popular album of 2006 by the collabs. THE COLLABS MAKE UP A GREAT PERCENTAGE OF THE FORUM TOPICS AND ARE THE ONES WHO MOST FREQUENT THE FORUMS AND ADD CONTENT TO THE SITE. Kayo Dot are under the "Expiremental/Post Rock" genre. Since the Collabs (by majority) prefer Kayo Dot, it would make sense that the "Post Rock/Experimental" genre would be a popular topic of discussion on the forums, which it certainly is. When I first came to this site (in 2004) there was not nearly as much discussion of Post Rock/Experimental bands. (This genre is one example, there are others) Each year it has gotten more popular on the forums. For 2004, there are 9 albums listed as coming out on this site for that genre. For 2007, there are 28! With more discussion and popularity being showed to genres such as this, other genres (as I pointed out above in my analogy) will suffer and shrink away as people gravitate to reading those threads more frequently and reading other threads less frequently due to less popularity. Why is this bad for the site? It's not, necessarily. This site will still thrive even if everybody only wants to talk about Dream Theater, Genesis or whoever. However, those who look to discuss the "less popular" bands (like Retroheads) and genres will become less interested in the forums since there will be fewer people to discuss thier favorite new bands with since less and less people will be hearing that music and discussing it.
As far as the top 100 goes, there are MANY people who rate and review music on this site that never or very rarely come to the forums.
Anyways, thanks Rico for helping me to learn some of how the processes of the site work.  EDIT: Fixed an error in the quoting, it messed up the thread's layout.
Edited by Angelo - January 25 2008 at 11:17
Best of 2006 that I've heard:
PFM-Stati Di Immaginazione
Zenit-Surrender (Best "unknown" album)
Oaksenham - Conquest of Pacific
Phideaux - Doomsday Afternoon
La Torre Del Alchimista - Neo
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Posted: January 25 2008 at 02:59 |
Sorry to butt in your reply to Micky, but you're starting to slip away on some points (while others are just repeated from the above posts, what's the point?).
- I don't know how the site was three years ago, but you surely can't think of simplicity anymore when the site and the archives have grown four times since then - the diversity of discussing many genres exists; it exists! - Jefferson Airplane, The Who are in Prog Related - they are NOT prog - you're repeating the case of Kayo Dot endlessly - you yourself talk about a Majority of people liking that thing - the same Majority creates the top 100 and all the popularity on this site - either find people who genuinely care for less known prog music, either try converting the Majority, if you're not satisfied, either accept the fact - I (still) have absolutely no idea how this point here makes the site very bad/flawed/etc. -
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Posted: January 25 2008 at 02:40 |
[/QUOTE] Assaf has polls? Please point me to them I would like to see them. I don't find them on the front pages of any of the forum lounges. [/QUOTE]
Topic: Unicorn Digital bands
Forum: Prog Recommendations/Featured albumsquite a "miss"................
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Posted: January 25 2008 at 02:27 |
Micky, I don't have tears in my eyes for anybody and Erik is not the issue, the site is. Erik leaving is just one small example of the problems I have seen with this site in the past couple years. Your saying "don't let the door hit you in the ass" is a prime example of the 'who gives a damn about the non-collabs or people that disagree with my opinions' attitude that I see under the covers with this site and with some collabs. When I first found this site 3 years ago or so, I enjoyed that there were simple prog genres to delve into with a user friendly ratings and review system as well as a fairly easy to follow process to submit new bands. The forums were alive with all types of different genres being discussed fairly equally. I will admit that the response was slow regarding new submissions but it was thoughtful and clear.
In the past I have asked repeatedly for small tweaks in the 'Top 100 most Popular albums" page and my requests have not only been rejected, they have been completely unanswered and unresponded to. Maybe if I was a Collab? I have no problem with having a request be rejected, but not even responded to?
In the early days, bands were only admitted if they were TRULY progressive, now bands like The Who and Jefferson Airplane are on the site. Everybody in the world knows about The Who, Deep Purple and Jefferson Airplane and they are not known as prog bands. In saying that though, to me that is a minor issue and I don't have a big problem with it. It is, however, a change in the wrong direction in my opinion. Don't get upset with me for MY opinion. If you disagree, so be it.
I know and understand that you don't get paid to be a collaborator. Guess what, I don't get paid to add reviews, submit bands and mp3s either but I do it because I want to see the site grow and for fellow prog fans to enjoy FANTASTIC progressive music, new AND old, of ALL genres.
Kayo Dot had the "Best Album of 2006" according to the admins. I have the album. It's not one of my favorites. Not even close. Not even in my top 10 for 2006. It IS progressive, but barely. To MY ears it's mostly noise. I understand that we all have different tastes and if most the admins enjoy Kayo Dot then I have no problem with that. However if their MAJORITY preference in a certain band or especially genre dominates the site while pushing other genres to the back, then I do find that a problem. I come here to learn about, review, rate and add bands of my interest and likings. Not everybody has my tastes, but if this site gets too stuck into a couple specific genres, then the whole rest of the site suffers. I want to see the less talked about genres stay alive. As a collaborator and specialist in Italian Progressive I would hope you do to. Italian prog is basically dead on this site at least when compared to other genres, yet it THRIVES with some amazing new bands and albums coming out in the past couple years even though you would barely know it on this site except for the occasional BIG name such as PFM. As an Italian fan I know you have seen the posts on your thread (All Prog From Italy Appreciation Thread) from people saying that they think the scene is too dark or whatever. Other collabs are not even aware of the GREAT and NEW prog bands from Italy out there. For 2007, Conqueror has the highest amount of ratings on this site with ONLY 12. TWELVE!!! Compare that to Between the Buried and Me which has 43 ratings and Ulver and Battles with 32 and 24 ratings respectively. Do you think those bands are between two and 4 times better than the new Italian bands? They are certainly more well known it seems anyway. Especially on this site.
I have been adding to Erik's threads AND even to yours in the past! Have I discovered any new and unknown prog?? I have about $100 to spend every month on music. With that, let me list for you the CDs I have purchased in the past few months:
Hobson's Choice - "New Horizons" (From 1996 but only recently released)
Fruitcake - "One More Slice" (1997)
La Torre Dell'Alchimista - "Neo" (2007)
Phideaux - "Doomsday Afternoon" (2007)
Oaksenham - "Conquest of the Pacific" (2006, independent and fantastic new band)
Metaphor - "The Sparrow" (2007)
Glass Hammer - "Culture of Ascent" (2007)
Black Bonzo - "Sound of the Apocalypse" (2007)
Salva - "Left to Burn" (2007)
Manning - "The View From My Window" (2003)
Brasse' - "Pawn" (1993)
Chris Squire - "Fish Out of Water" (Deluxe edition)
Carptree - "Superhero" (2003)
William Gray - "Living Fossils" (2006) Viima - "Ajatuksia Maailman Laidalta" (2006, if you LOVE Italian prog, you might like this)
Starcastle - "Song of Times" (2007)
The Mars Volta - "Amputechture" (2006)
Beardfish - "Sleeping in Traffic, Pt 1" (2007)
Flower Kings - "Retropolis" (1996)
Nightrider - s/t (1979, not new but have you heard the album? Fairly unknown)
The Othello Syndrome - "The Shadow of Dreams" (1999)
Little Atlas - "Hollow" (2007)
Apple Pie - "Crossroad" (2007)
Red Sand - "Human Trafficking" (2007)
Magic Pie - "Circus of Life" (2007)
Deambra - s/t (1995)
Magrathea - "Legends" (2004)
Retroheads - "Introspective (2006)
Zenit - "Surrender" (2006)
Zen Carnival - "Bardo" (2006)
Bijou - "El Profeta" (2004)
Pi2 - "Retorn" (1998)
Phoenix Eye - "The Adventures of the King" (2001)
La Maschera Di Cera - s/t (2002)
I have had to find and research many of these bands on my own. Lately Erik's posts have been very helpful. Assaf has polls? Please point me to them I would like to see them. I don't find them on the front pages of any of the forum lounges.
Best of 2006 that I've heard:
PFM-Stati Di Immaginazione
Zenit-Surrender (Best "unknown" album)
Oaksenham - Conquest of Pacific
Phideaux - Doomsday Afternoon
La Torre Del Alchimista - Neo
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Posted: January 25 2008 at 01:51 |
dalt99 wrote:
I don't doubt that many of the collabs are of the same interest, however if a few in power are trying to push their own personal agendas and preferences than it can harm the rest of the collabs and every one else. I am not accusing anyone of this, just that it's a possibility.
Personal agendas can sometimes be a thing of much work and little time. It's subjective to speak about it, so I won't. Preferences, however, don't really exist - except one claims a team accepted/rejected a band based on its preferences/mood - which is a wrong thing to say.
Since I don't know the behind-the-scenes discussions, I can't fairly comment on why he left. I do know other people who have left this site (forums and adding/reviewing bands) because of the direction it's been going down for the past couple years. Popular bands and genres such as Kayo Dot, Ulver, Avant/RIO and Post-Rock/Metal have been favored and pushed while symphonic prog, Italian symphonic, neo-progressive and "retro" prog (for the most part) have seemed to be shunned or of less interest to most of the collabs/admins, leaving an inbalance. Just look at the amount of ratings. Between 30 and 60 for many of those genres while the highest amount of ratings for a 2007 Italian Progressive Rock band is 12. In my opinion that is a travesty for the state of prog on this site. I personally do not care for Post-Rock, BUT if I were an admin in charge of finding new bands to add to the site, I would not favor one genre or another. I would seek out all genres. I question whether or not that is happening with the admins in charge of this site. Again, I realize that they are all volunteers and don�t have lots of free time to search for, listen to and enter new bands. Maybe the process should be opened up to more collabs (and non-collabs) AND made easier and faster.
In my opinion, you could open your eyes a bit, Dalton: for instance, check out the section for suggesting bands, for reccomending bands, for unsigned bands, and even write down with a pen what bands, of what genres, are discussed, plus what bands, into what genres, are suggested. I myself can't possibly see where symphonic, Italian, neo (and "retro prog" is not a genre here) are being shunned.
Again, disliking Kayo Dot and the rest's popularity isn't of great help in telling something's wrong with this site.
The rates/reviews are made by people.
The process of adding bands: 1. can't be reopened, because when it was very open, all sorts of messy things were made 2. can be easy and fast (though, okay, let's not call us saints on this), if the collaboration between the involved persons goes by the book.
I wouldn't use the word 'mistreated'. I would say that the admins are not as interested in the genre so the genre suffers because of it. The admins seem very interested in the "popular" prog bands. The bands that are getting all the publicity from the major prog labels. Independent and lesser known prog bands seem to be ignored which is not what an all-encompasing "progressive rock" site should be about. Progressive Rock is the antithesis of "popular music". Not that many of the popular bands like Porcupine Tree don't deserved to be discussed and praised. Just that the lesser known and independent bands should get more publicity on the site than they do. Erik was one of the few collabs seeming to be interested in informing us and listening to these bands. I try as I can, but don't have the funds or the connections to hear as much music as he did or as some of the collabs might.
Again, Dalt, please don't call "admins" when you mean "collaborators". If you say admins, you only refer to Easy Livin, Progtologist, Tony R, Atkingani, Jim Garten, Angelo (who happens to be the "el magnifico" of unsigned bands promoting) and Darqdean - and maybe M@x and Prog Lucky as well. They have nothing to do with what you're criticizing.
Thinking the "lesser known", independent are being ignored is a thing of perception, you should aim higher with telling this, if you feel dissapointed about it.
If you ask me, this site walks on much of both kinds. And Erik wasn't the only one.
Like I said, if I, as a non-collaborator wanted to rate an album a 4, it would not COUNT as a 4. So I am being undervalued for my opinion. I will admit that I have not rated/reviewed many albums for a while so I am not aware if this is still the way ratings are done or not. Please let me know if it's changed. Also, in the past it was fairly easy to submit bands and albums. Nowadays it's very difficult and time consuming and harder to choose a genre so they may get rejected easier.
It's a thing of algorithms being changed, you can receive good answers for what you feel is wrong about ratings.
I agree with you that Art Rock as you had it before was a mess, however calling bands like Moody Blues Crossover Prog seems just as crazy. How about Progressive Pop/Rock? That could include bands like Supertramp as well. If somebody that has never been here before comes to the site and sees "Crossover Prog" they would have no idea what it means. "Progressive Pop-Rock" however is more understandable.
Crossover Prog is mainly just a name, further evolving into a brand. Of course, a name like Crossover was discussed just like a genre like Crossover was discussed before being created. Again, answers exist. Why isn't it called Progressive Pop/Rock? No clue. I only know why and how has it gone to being called Crossover. Which is just the name of a genre in which the many bands (not just Moody and Supertramp) are part of etc.
Again, they make sense to the collabs, but not to the general public that would come to the site. Even still, some collabs disagree but have been out voted.
If so, we can improve on making the genres clear for everybody. But, please, do tell us where the core of "un-knowers" is in the general public, you can't say nobody understands a genre and not mention who they are.
I am saying that if Person X says a band is �Crossover Prog�, the Crossover Prog Team should FIRST decide if it IS prog then second, if it IS that genre. If the team says YES it IS prog but NO it�s NOT Crossover, they should then decide that they think it�s genre X and send it over to that team for review! Why make Person X have to RESUBMIT the band to another Team?? Also if Crossover Team rejects the band JUST BECAUSE IT IS NOT CROSSOVER PROG, but the band IS prog, they need to let Person X KNOW to resubmit.
Sorry, but that's how most of times things are actually done. Team of Genre X DOES decide if a band is prog and fit for Genre X. If Prog, but not good for Genre X, of course it's logically to submit it to another genre, where the band might fit.
It doesn't go anyhow else. Usually, teams within teams discuss, not force the person who suggested them to discuss with each team in particularly.
Again, that is WAY too much work for Person X if they must resubmit just because the CHOSE a wrong genre! If Gentle Giant was not in Progarchives and I submitted them as �Symphonic Prog� THEY WOULD GET REJECTED!! That is ridiculous. That Team should forward the submission over to the appropriate Team (Eclectic Prog in this case), not just reject it and stop there.
Yes. If Gentle Giant were suggested for Symphonic, they would be rejected, the Symphonic Team would contact the Eclectic Team, which would listen to Gentle Giant and approve it.
That's exactly what you said and meant. So how come you say like it doesn't happen and I say it like it does actually, and plainly, happen??
Yes, it is up to other people to continue to suggest new bands, but it hasn�t happened has it? Again it�s because there are few people here that are interested. I don�t have the funds to suggest many on a regular basis. Many collabs seem to be discussing the �popular� genres. No messages since January 8th on this thread tell you it�s true. Sometimes the collabs themselves have to go out of their comfort zone to improve the site. Only Erik seemed to really care. When a branch dies, sometimes other branches follow�[/QUOTE]Okay, well for this I can only say, like Micky said it, that people like Avestin invest a lot in promoting bands (from all around the "sections", plus from in and out the site), Andrea suggests a new bands by the hour, hope I don't forget any other person who takes time to do a good job in promoting...
About the thread, people make it alive, people make it dissapear. If all of Erik's friends here weren't able to do anything but to cheer on Erik's presentations and discussions, then there's little chance that this thread will continue. There's nothing to say about this.
One more thing: if a collaborator is usually signed to a specific Team, you can't possibly criticize him for both the fact that he's not doing his work as a collaborator and he's not taking time to promote progressive bands from all over the place.
Edited by Ricochet - January 25 2008 at 01:52
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Posted: January 24 2008 at 23:35 |
dalt99 wrote:
Thanks Rico for replying. First of all, I have many points I would like to make but I know this is not the correct thread to address them all.
My main point is that something is very wrong with the site and/or with some collaborators and/or administrators if Erik is forced off the site. In my opinion, he is dedicated to the MUSIC and NOT this site.
not going to get into much detail on this too much... but just to add that this site is bigger than one person. It is a collaborative site. I don't know or care about the circumstances of his departure, but can guess the reasons, but the fact is this site is made of many people who have lots of views of prog. and it's subgenres. We work together... too much 'MY' around here to be brutally frank.
Nothing wrong with being dedicated to the site but I think some admins are overdoing it with many aspects of this site. I realize nobody made him leave but he mentioned that for the past couple years he has noticed developments on this site that have caused him to lose interest.
We have a word for that in the south... it's called throwing at hissy fit because you didn't get your way or like the things are. If you don't like the site or the direction of it. Then move on.... and as I like the say... don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Obviously he is not talking about losing interest in prog music, but in this site. I am also in the same boat so to speak. I feel that many things with this site are causing true, die hard symphonic prog fans (and others) to lose interest. I personally used to enjoy submitting new bands for approval as well as sending in mp3�s and writing reviews and rating albums. In the past couple years though, the everyday non-collaborator (and in Erik�s case, even some collabs) has been pushed aside and shunned. As a non-collaborator, my ratings are undervalued and my submissions are a low priority.
This site is not perfect... and does have issues regarding the processes of submitting bands. There are two ways to deal with... to just throw darts and bitch about it.. .or to do something about it. I spend a great deal of time going over groups that have been submitted here.. we don't get paid for our efforts.... and sure as hell don't unvalue someting because you or anyone else doesn't have a nice pretty collab tag by your name.
Also, all the new genres are ridiculous. Why can�t the Moody Blues or Supertramp just be Progressive Pop-Rock? Why �Crossover Prog�? What is that? Nobody except for those at this site would know what Crossover Prog means. That�s just one example of the new genres being way too difficult to understand. Eclectic prog? Again, it�s a made-up title that means nothing to anybody, even progressive rock veterans unless they go and read the definition and even then, it�s up for interpretation, even among the admins! I understand that if you have only a few genres that you will have thousands of bands under one genre that may be different sounding than another but even VDGG sounds different than Gentle Giant though they are both considered �Eclectic Prog�.
your opinion... those new subs are essential to the site.. and those subs exist just FOR the people here.. as guides to help with new explorations. We do get the occasional space cadet who bitches about it.. but most here realize just what we are trying to do and why.
Lastly, if somebody was to send in a request for a band submission and has to choose the bands genre, it�s very difficult to choose which is correct. If the admins disagree with the submitter (and many times even themselves), WHY do you REJECT the submission just because you disagree with the requested genre!?!?! Can�t you just accept the submission under a genre of the admins choice instead of total rejection? I understand if you think the band is not prog in any way, but if you decide they are prog but not in the requested genre, the band should be accepted into a genre of the admins choice. Not simply rejected.
again.. that is a problem here.. and I wonder just how much you know there brother. The admins have little to nothing to do with the process. The teams I am involved with.. it we reject a band for the sub that it was submitted to us for.. and think it is prog.. we stear it to the sub we think it may fit in. This sounds like a bunch of sour grapes to me. Bands do slip thorugh the cracks.. and will until we get paid to see that doesn't happen Volunteers buddy.... if you like what we do ..great.. if not.. give some constructive feedback as to what we can do better. I for one will listen.
Ever since Erik left on January 8th, there has not been ONE post on this thread about a new and unknown prog bands and his old thread about symphonic prog has all but disappeared. It�s a shame
Not a shame.. you just need to wipe the tears for Erik out of your eyes and look around.. notice Assaf for one has unleashed all kinds of polls about new and unknown prog bands here. Have you visited those and discovered any great new and unknown prog.
. |
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Posted: January 24 2008 at 20:33 |
Ricochet wrote:
dalt99 wrote:
Of course Erik is dedicated to the music, but I honestly think most collaborator are keen to the same interest, blending everything with the logic of the site (which is not perfect, but is better off improved collectively). I'm not sure how Erik was forced to leave, it was his decision, though, sure, it came after some disagreements and misunderstandings.
I don't doubt that many of the collabs are of the same interest, however if a few in power are trying to push their own personal agendas and preferences than it can harm the rest of the collabs and every one else. I am not accusing anyone of this, just that it's a possibility.
If I'd be fair, I'd mention exactly why I think Erik left, because it happened minutes after a dissapointing argument. But better to leave things how he said it: "he doesn't feel the passion and the motivation". It happens. It could be because of some arguments and disagreements, but definitely not entirely.
Since I don't know the behind-the-scenes discussions, I can't fairly comment on why he left. I do know other people who have left this site (forums and adding/reviewing bands) because of the direction it's been going down for the past couple years. Popular bands and genres such as Kayo Dot, Ulver, Avant/RIO and Post-Rock/Metal have been favored and pushed while symphonic prog, Italian symphonic, neo-progressive and "retro" prog (for the most part) have seemed to be shunned or of less interest to most of the collabs/admins, leaving an inbalance. Just look at the amount of ratings. Between 30 and 60 for many of those genres while the highest amount of ratings for a 2007 Italian Progressive Rock band is 12. In my opinion that is a travesty for the state of prog on this site. I personally do not care for Post-Rock, BUT if I were an admin in charge of finding new bands to add to the site, I would not favor one genre or another. I would seek out all genres. I question whether or not that is happening with the admins in charge of this site. Again, I realize that they are all volunteers and don’t have lots of free time to search for, listen to and enter new bands. Maybe the process should be opened up to more collabs (and non-collabs) AND made easier and faster.
And that definitely doesn't make the site entirely flawed.
I think the dissapointments towards how this site works don't really come only from "die-hard symphonic rock fans", as you've said it. A bit hard to think symphonic rock fans are mis-treated, in a site and a community where everything can have its pros and cons, in the views of many, many fans.
I wouldn't use the word 'mistreated'. I would say that the admins are not as interested in the genre so the genre suffers because of it. The admins seem very interested in the "popular" prog bands. The bands that are getting all the publicity from the major prog labels. Independent and lesser known prog bands seem to be ignored which is not what an all-encompasing "progressive rock" site should be about. Progressive Rock is the antithesis of "popular music". Not that many of the popular bands like Porcupine Tree don't deserved to be discussed and praised. Just that the lesser known and independent bands should get more publicity on the site than they do. Erik was one of the few collabs seeming to be interested in informing us and listening to these bands. I try as I can, but don't have the funds or the connections to hear as much music as he did or as some of the collabs might.
About shunning and being pushed away, you're gonna have to speak louder up with the right people, in the right places. I personally don't know exactly what you mean, can't comment.
Like I said, if I, as a non-collaborator wanted to rate an album a 4, it would not COUNT as a 4. So I am being undervalued for my opinion. I will admit that I have not rated/reviewed many albums for a while so I am not aware if this is still the way ratings are done or not. Please let me know if it's changed. Also, in the past it was fairly easy to submit bands and albums. Nowadays it's very difficult and time consuming and harder to choose a genre so they may get rejected easier.
Well genres like Crossover Prog, Heavy Prog and Crossover Prog were created to split Art Rock, I wonder if you thought Art Rock was okay as a genre, when in fact it was a filthy incoherent mess, burdened with tons of music of different styles and totally different progressive music/directions.
I agree with you that Art Rock as you had it before was a mess, however calling bands like Moody Blues Crossover Prog seems just as crazy. How about Progressive Pop/Rock? That could include bands like Supertramp as well. If somebody that has never been here before comes to the site and sees "Crossover Prog" they would have no idea what it means. "Progressive Pop-Rock" however is more understandable.
Other than that, I think you (and all others who feel the same) could find answers when putting questions. We have thoroughly discussed all the new genres, up until we decided they make sense.
Again, they make sense to the collabs, but not to the general public that would come to the site. Even still, some collabs disagree but have been out voted.
My first suggestion is to not think too semantically, nor too individually. Thus, don't think Moody Blues are Crossover Prog and not Progressive (Pop-Rock) and also don't think Moody Blues are everything Crossover Prog is all about. Instead, just think naturally, Moody Blues are progressive, by being in a full-prog genre, and are best-fitted in Crossover, which is a genre of more mainstream or lesser pure progressive music.
Again, I understand your point and don’t disagree much. My point again though is that the general public has never heard of “Crossover Prog”. “Progressive Pop-Rock” could be used instead and WOULD be understandable by the general public. I will admit that this is one of the few genres that are a bit confusing when first heard but Proto-Prog can also fit into the Crossover Prog realm. Moody Blues are a perfect example. They could fit under “Proto-Prog”.
About Eclectic, the name is actually as clear as many others (though some could argue); as far as the content goes, it's even better (though you are right, it is a genre with a heavy, difficult range): pure-progressive music, with some qualitative characteristics of what the old Art Rock was, comprising bands with many styles (in and out) or with a complex or artistic chemistry. Sounds good, sounds even wonderful (but, okay, that's me being an Eclectic fan ).
Again, this could just be called “Art Rock” or “Progressive Art Rock”.
Every genre has definitions, nobody is totally counting on them when listening to a music, nevertheless you can't put pop where there's rock, jazz, avant-garde, etc. The Eclectic definition is short and concrete, while the music database tries to talk for itself.
Again, it's not in the names. Music is taken at a high price, style defines a bit of the community, the quality of prog become very rewarding.
Lastly, if somebody was to send in a request for a band submission and has to choose the bands genre, it�s very difficult to choose which is correct. If the admins disagree with the submitter (and many times even themselves), WHY do you REJECT the submission just because you disagree with the requested genre!?!?! Can�t you just accept the submission under a genre of the admins choice instead of total rejection? I understand if you think the band is not prog in any way, but if you decide they are prog but not in the requested genre, the band should be accepted into a genre of the admins choice. Not simply rejected.
Here's where you exaggerate, I'm sorry.
First of all, the admins can only decide what band is accepted into Prog Related. We have bunch of collaborators, each signed to one or more teams, they handle, appreciated and decide.
"WHY do you reject the submission just because you disagree with the requested genre?!"
BECAUSE WE DISAGREE WITH THE REQUESTED GENRE. It's not fit for that genre. Occasionally, it's not prog rock either.
Com'on, the way things should go with additions and appreciations is becoming old-rooted. Person X suggests a band for inclusion, many times he suggests a genre, then Team X appreciates the music, accepting or rejecting to that genre.
These discussions aren't rigid, sometimes both the person and the Team can revise or debate their choices.
"Can�t you just accept the submission under a genre of the admins choice instead of total rejection?"
Tell me, please, good reasons why a band should go through being appreciated through 13 genres of this site, if it plays seemingly music of just one genre, still it isn't good enough to be accepted under that genre? From what I understand, if Symphonic Team rejects band X (suggested by Person X), that band X should further be submitted to Post-Rock, Avant-Rock, Indo, Electronic, maybe Crossover, eh what the heck Eclectic too, just to not get rejected.
I think you misunderstand me a little bit here. I am saying that if Person X says a band is “Crossover Prog”, the Crossover Prog Team should FIRST decide if it IS prog then second, if it IS that genre. If the team says YES it IS prog but NO it’s NOT Crossover, they should then decide that they think it’s genre X and send it over to that team for review! Why make Person X have to RESUBMIT the band to another Team?? Also if Crossover Team rejects the band JUST BECAUSE IT IS NOT CROSSOVER PROG, but the band IS prog, they need to let Person X KNOW to resubmit. Again, that is WAY too much work for Person X if they must resubmit just because the CHOSE a wrong genre! If Gentle Giant was not in Progarchives and I submitted them as “Symphonic Prog” THEY WOULD GET REJECTED!! That is ridiculous. That Team should forward the submission over to the appropriate Team (Eclectic Prog in this case), not just reject it and stop there.
Finally, if a band is prog, but not for a genre, there are chances it can be prog into another genre. In that case, the debate goes on.
"The band should be accepted in a genre of the "admin"'s choice. Not be rejected"
Well this kind of "acceptancy" is usually the case of a Team approving a band for a genre. If it's rejected, it mostly mean it isn't fit for that genre. If it can go into another genre, it can be further suggested. If not, not.
Again, when you say further suggested, I assume you mean by us (the submitters), not the collabs (Teams)
Erik was indeed the heart of his thread(s), but he made a lot of friends.
Can't some of these friends continue his work?
Are you blaming the death of this thread on someone - or was Erik the only one who was able to post and suggest new and unknown prog bands? I think not, people with interest could try to promote new bands, both symphonic and "lesser known, new" ones.
"It's up to you, symphoniacs." No?
Yes, it is up to other people to continue to suggest new bands, but it hasn’t happened has it? Again it’s because there are few people here that are interested. I don’t have the funds to suggest many on a regular basis. Many collabs seem to be discussing the “popular” genres. No messages since January 8th on this thread tell you it’s true. Sometimes the collabs themselves have to go out of their comfort zone to improve the site. Only Erik seemed to really care. When a branch dies, sometimes other branches follow…
Best of 2006 that I've heard:
PFM-Stati Di Immaginazione
Zenit-Surrender (Best "unknown" album)
Oaksenham - Conquest of Pacific
Phideaux - Doomsday Afternoon
La Torre Del Alchimista - Neo
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Posted: January 24 2008 at 17:26 |
I'll be brief here, since Rico is pretty accurate on most statements.
Erik left on his own initiative, after a disagreement - unfortunately too quick for those who he disagreed with to explain why they disagreed. I expect he will be back some time not too far in the future, after having had a healthy break from the site.
As for this thread and the symphonic thread: Erik decided to create this thread as a successor to the Symphonic thread, so it's no surprise that thread died. Equally, it was to be expected this thread was going to be very quiet after he left. He named it 'my lesser known and unknow new prog bands' thead, and posted most of the bands. As a result, similar to his symphonic thread, discussions would revolve around his submissions and posts. He's not here, so there's no discussion.
The site's not perfect, but none ever is. Suggestions for improvement are welcome, the 'Help us improve the site' section in the forum is not a black hole. Post your ideas there, and they will be considered. Keep in mind though that it may take a while to ripple through, since all collabs and admins are volunteers.
@Dalton specifically: Passively seeing the site 'deteriorate' is an approach, actively posting constructive critisisism may be more effective. I interpret your post as being the latter.
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Posted: January 24 2008 at 16:18 |
dalt99 wrote:
My main point is that something is very wrong with the site and/or with some collaborators and/or administrators if Erik is forced off the site. In my opinion, he is dedicated to the MUSIC and NOT this site. Nothing wrong with being dedicated to the site but I think some admins are overdoing it with many aspects of this site. I realize nobody made him leave but he mentioned that for the past couple years he has noticed developments on this site that have caused him to lose interest. Obviously he is not talking about losing interest in prog music, but in this site. I am also in the same boat so to speak. I feel that many things with this site are causing true, die hard symphonic prog fans (and others) to lose interest. I personally used to enjoy submitting new bands for approval as well as sending in mp3�s and writing reviews and rating albums. In the past couple years though, the everyday non-collaborator (and in Erik�s case, even some collabs) has been pushed aside and shunned. As a non-collaborator, my ratings are undervalued and my submissions are a low priority.
Of course Erik is dedicated to the music, but I honestly think most collaborator are keen to the same interest, blending everything with the logic of the site (which is not perfect, but is better off improved collectively). I'm not sure how Erik was forced to leave, it was his decision, though, sure, it came after some disagreements and misunderstandings.
If I'd be fair, I'd mention exactly why I think Erik left, because it happened minutes after a dissapointing argument. But better to leave things how he said it: "he doesn't feel the passion and the motivation". It happens. It could be because of some arguments and disagreements, but definitely not entirely.
And that definitely doesn't make the site entirely flawed.
I think the dissapointments towards how this site works don't really come only from "die-hard symphonic rock fans", as you've said it. A bit hard to think symphonic rock fans are mis-treated, in a site and a community where everything can have its pros and cons, in the views of many, many fans.
About shunning and being pushed away, you're gonna have to speak louder up with the right people, in the right places. I personally don't know exactly what you mean, can't comment.
Also, all the new genres are ridiculous. Why can�t the Moody Blues or Supertramp just be Progressive Pop-Rock? Why �Crossover Prog�? What is that? Nobody except for those at this site would know what Crossover Prog means. That�s just one example of the new genres being way too difficult to understand. Eclectic prog? Again, it�s a made-up title that means nothing to anybody, even progressive rock veterans unless they go and read the definition and even then, it�s up for interpretation, even among the admins! I understand that if you have only a few genres that you will have thousands of bands under one genre that may be different sounding than another but even VDGG sounds different than Gentle Giant though they are both considered �Eclectic Prog�.
Well genres like Crossover Prog, Heavy Prog and Crossover Prog were created to split Art Rock, I wonder if you thought Art Rock was okay as a genre, when in fact it was a filthy incoherent mess, burdened with tons of music of different styles and totally different progressive music/directions. Other than that, I think you (and all others who feel the same) could find answers when putting questions. We have thoroughly discussed all the new genres, up until we decided they make sense.
My first suggestion is to not think too semantically, nor too individually. Thus, don't think Moody Blues are Crossover Prog and not Progressive (Pop-Rock) and also don't think Moody Blues are everything Crossover Prog is all about. Instead, just think naturally, Moody Blues are progressive, by being in a full-prog genre, and are best-fitted in Crossover, which is a genre of more mainstream or lesser pure progressive music.
About Eclectic, the name is actually as clear as many others (though some could argue); as far as the content goes, it's even better (though you are right, it is a genre with a heavy, difficult range): pure-progressive music, with some qualitative characteristics of what the old Art Rock was, comprising bands with many styles (in and out) or with a complex or artistic chemistry. Sounds good, sounds even wonderful (but, okay, that's me being an Eclectic fan ).
Every genre has definitions, nobody is totally counting on them when listening to a music, nevertheless you can't put pop where there's rock, jazz, avant-garde, etc. The Eclectic definition is short and concrete, while the music database tries to talk for itself.
Again, it's not in the names. Music is taken at a high price, style defines a bit of the community, the quality of prog become very rewarding.
Lastly, if somebody was to send in a request for a band submission and has to choose the bands genre, it�s very difficult to choose which is correct. If the admins disagree with the submitter (and many times even themselves), WHY do you REJECT the submission just because you disagree with the requested genre!?!?! Can�t you just accept the submission under a genre of the admins choice instead of total rejection? I understand if you think the band is not prog in any way, but if you decide they are prog but not in the requested genre, the band should be accepted into a genre of the admins choice. Not simply rejected.
Here's where you exaggerate, I'm sorry. First of all, the admins can only decide what band is accepted into Prog Related. We have bunch of collaborators, each signed to one or more teams, they handle, appreciated and decide.
"WHY do you reject the submission just because you disagree with the requested genre?!" BECAUSE WE DISAGREE WITH THE REQUESTED GENRE. It's not fit for that genre. Occasionally, it's not prog rock either.
Com'on, the way things should go with additions and appreciations is becoming old-rooted. Person X suggests a band for inclusion, many times he suggests a genre, then Team X appreciates the music, accepting or rejecting to that genre.
These discussions aren't rigid, sometimes both the person and the Team can revise or debate their choices.
"Can�t you just accept the submission under a genre of the admins choice instead of total rejection?" Tell me, please, good reasons why a band should go through being appreciated through 13 genres of this site, if it plays seemingly music of just one genre, still it isn't good enough to be accepted under that genre? From what I understand, if Symphonic Team rejects band X (suggested by Person X), that band X should further be submitted to Post-Rock, Avant-Rock, Indo, Electronic, maybe Crossover, eh what the heck Eclectic too, just to not get rejected.
Finally, if a band is prog, but not for a genre, there are chances it can be prog into another genre. In that case, the debate goes on.
"The band should be accepted in a genre of the "admin"'s choice. Not be rejected"
Well this kind of "acceptancy" is usually the case of a Team approving a band for a genre. If it's rejected, it mostly mean it isn't fit for that genre. If it can go into another genre, it can be further suggested. If not, not.
Ever since Erik left on January 8th, there has not been ONE post on this thread about a new and unknown prog bands and his old thread about symphonic prog has all but disappeared. It�s a shame. | Erik was indeed the heart of his thread(s), but he made a lot of friends.
Can't some of these friends continue his work? 
Are you blaming the death of this thread on someone - or was Erik the only one who was able to post and suggest new and unknown prog bands? I think not, people with interest could try to promote new bands, both symphonic and "lesser known, new" ones.
"It's up to you, symphoniacs." No?
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Posted: January 24 2008 at 15:29 |
Thanks Rico for replying. First of all, I have many points I would like to make but I know this is not the correct thread to address them all.
My main point is that something is very wrong with the site and/or with some collaborators and/or administrators if Erik is forced off the site. In my opinion, he is dedicated to the MUSIC and NOT this site. Nothing wrong with being dedicated to the site but I think some admins are overdoing it with many aspects of this site. I realize nobody made him leave but he mentioned that for the past couple years he has noticed developments on this site that have caused him to lose interest. Obviously he is not talking about losing interest in prog music, but in this site. I am also in the same boat so to speak. I feel that many things with this site are causing true, die hard symphonic prog fans (and others) to lose interest. I personally used to enjoy submitting new bands for approval as well as sending in mp3’s and writing reviews and rating albums. In the past couple years though, the everyday non-collaborator (and in Erik’s case, even some collabs) has been pushed aside and shunned. As a non-collaborator, my ratings are undervalued and my submissions are a low priority.
Also, all the new genres are ridiculous. Why can’t the Moody Blues or Supertramp just be Progressive Pop-Rock? Why “Crossover Prog”? What is that? Nobody except for those at this site would know what Crossover Prog means. That’s just one example of the new genres being way too difficult to understand. Eclectic prog? Again, it’s a made-up title that means nothing to anybody, even progressive rock veterans unless they go and read the definition and even then, it’s up for interpretation, even among the admins! I understand that if you have only a few genres that you will have thousands of bands under one genre that may be different sounding than another but even VDGG sounds different than Gentle Giant though they are both considered “Eclectic Prog”.
Lastly, if somebody was to send in a request for a band submission and has to choose the bands genre, it’s very difficult to choose which is correct. If the admins disagree with the submitter (and many times even themselves), WHY do you REJECT the submission just because you disagree with the requested genre!?!?! Can’t you just accept the submission under a genre of the admins choice instead of total rejection? I understand if you think the band is not prog in any way, but if you decide they are prog but not in the requested genre, the band should be accepted into a genre of the admins choice. Not simply rejected.
Ever since Erik left on January 8th, there has not been ONE post on this thread about a new and unknown prog bands and his old thread about symphonic prog has all but disappeared. It’s a shame.
Best of 2006 that I've heard:
PFM-Stati Di Immaginazione
Zenit-Surrender (Best "unknown" album)
Oaksenham - Conquest of Pacific
Phideaux - Doomsday Afternoon
La Torre Del Alchimista - Neo
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Posted: January 24 2008 at 13:04 |
dalt99 wrote:
Angelo wrote:
^That's crap - but if it's necessary, take a break. Enjoy it! I'll see you on Feb 2, and I'll be tracking the inclusion of the bands we discussed until all are dealt with in whatever way things move. |
Not surprised. This site has been becoming the Post-rock, Post-Metal, prog-metal, expiremental/RIO focused site since 2006. When Kayo Dot won "Best album of the Year" for 2006 by the administrators, I knew there was a SERIOUS problem with the people running this site. All these genres are overdone. Eclectic prog?? Tech/Extreme Metal?? Crossover prog??!?!? Seriously? Guys, this site is about the MUSIC. If I am into the Moody Blues, there is NO WAY I would tell someone that they are "Crossover Prog".
Ever since 2006 I have found less and less interest in coming to this site. When you can run Erik off of this site, you guys should really look at yourselves and wonder what is wrong. Something needs to change at this site. It's going downhill. |
Hope you got a point in what you mean, cause all I see is a bit of rage coming from Erik, who you admire and like, leaving...  If you're unsatisfied - about Kayo Dot being the Collaborators Best Album in 2006 (?!) - about genres being overdone - about the existence of Eclectic Prog - about the existence of Tech/Extreme Metal (what about the other Metal genres?!) - about the existence of Crossover Prog - about how music is thought in relation to genres - that Erik's leave is the collaborator's fault (!) - about what direction the site has I suggest you properly express and turn them up for debate. Otherwise, other colleagues,as you can see, have "dealt" much more calmly with Erik's announcement, without even a word of spontaneously errupted criticism.
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Posted: January 24 2008 at 12:48 |
Angelo wrote:
^That's crap - but if it's necessary, take a break. Enjoy it! I'll see you on Feb 2, and I'll be tracking the inclusion of the bands we discussed until all are dealt with in whatever way things move. |
Not surprised. This site has been becoming the Post-rock, Post-Metal, prog-metal, expiremental/RIO focused site since 2006. When Kayo Dot won "Best album of the Year" for 2006 by the administrators, I knew there was a SERIOUS problem with the people running this site. All these genres are overdone. Eclectic prog?? Tech/Extreme Metal?? Crossover prog??!?!? Seriously? Guys, this site is about the MUSIC. If I am into the Moody Blues, there is NO WAY I would tell someone that they are "Crossover Prog".
Ever since 2006 I have found less and less interest in coming to this site. When you can run Erik off of this site, you guys should really look at yourselves and wonder what is wrong. Something needs to change at this site. It's going downhill.
Best of 2006 that I've heard:
PFM-Stati Di Immaginazione
Zenit-Surrender (Best "unknown" album)
Oaksenham - Conquest of Pacific
Phideaux - Doomsday Afternoon
La Torre Del Alchimista - Neo
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Posted: January 09 2008 at 14:07 |
erik neuteboom wrote:
Due to several developments on Prog Archives the last two years, I have decided to stop my activities for Prog Archives for some time, at this moment I miss the motivation to be active on the Forum and to write reviews, perhaps this will change after a break, I don't know, good luck and thanks for supporting my threads and for the compliments for my reviews  |
Sorry to hear that Erik, I've really enjoyed your contributions here. I hope it's just a temporary thing and you come back with renewed enthusiasm in the future.
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Posted: January 08 2008 at 20:09 |
erik neuteboom wrote:
Due to several developments on Prog Archives the last two years, I have decided to stop my activities for Prog Archives for some time, at this moment I miss the motivation to be active on the Forum and to write reviews, perhaps this will change after a break, I don't know, good luck and thanks for supporting my threads and for the compliments for my reviews  |
I hope you'll get back soon, fellow... maybe in two or three days, that's my hope! 
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Posted: January 08 2008 at 18:06 |
I hope, you'll read my PM, Erik
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Posted: January 08 2008 at 17:10 |
^That's crap - but if it's necessary, take a break. Enjoy it! I'll see you on Feb 2, and I'll be tracking the inclusion of the bands we discussed until all are dealt with in whatever way things move.
Edited by Angelo - January 08 2008 at 17:10
erik neuteboom
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Posted: January 08 2008 at 16:55 |
Due to several developments on Prog Archives the last two years, I have decided to stop my activities for Prog Archives for some time, at this moment I miss the motivation to be active on the Forum and to write reviews, perhaps this will change after a break, I don't know, good luck and thanks for supporting my threads and for the compliments for my reviews
Edited by erik neuteboom - January 08 2008 at 16:56
erik neuteboom
Prog Reviewer
Joined: July 27 2005
Location: Netherlands
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Posted: January 04 2008 at 10:34 |
Well Norbert, I just received the parcel from Progwalhalla Hans and ... this evening I will watch two DVD's by your fellow countrymen from Solaris entitled Archiv Videok and Nostradamus (CD/DVD) Live In Mexico (2004). Unfortunately their website doesn't function so I cannot add these DVD's to Prog Archives, I have no information about the tracklists of both DVD's ...
Edited by erik neuteboom - January 04 2008 at 10:35
Forum Senior Member
Joined: October 20 2005
Location: Hungary
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Posted: January 04 2008 at 08:53 |
The Magrathea cover is rather ugly, hope that the music isn't so.