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The Saturday routine - a day dedicated to a certain subject.

Two weeks ago it was Italian symphonic day, last week a VDGG day.

And today....

South American day.

Not much credit is given in this site to the music from this part of the world. I hate to refer to it as South American because there is much diversity there and to treat it as one sort of music is humiliating, offensive and disrespectful. But I think in order to get attention to that I think I can allow myself to categorize it as one. I apologize to all those offended.

I would appreciate it if Cesar Inca, Atkingani, ivan_2068 and also Chamberry and Anael. I know Mexico and Puerto Rico is not South America, but you have proven your knowledge here, and I am sure you have many things to contribute. would join us here and give us their recomm's, since I myself am not well versed in this field of prog.

Recommended stuff by country:


AGNUS (already recommende that one if you remember)

AMAGRAMA (that one as well)

BUBU (excellent release they have. A must)




CRUCIS (excellent)






BACAMARTE (Depois do Fim is an essential album)










FLOR DE LOTO (very good prog folk)



(this needs reinforcements)




ANGULART (relatively new band. Check out the interview wth them here in the interview section)



JAIVAS, LOS (the classic prog folk band. Legendary status)

















What about Ecuador, Paraguay and Colombia? Anyone knows bands from there?

Please, take time to explore these. I promise a very rewarding experience.

I won't bother you with my playlist of the day, it consists much of what is mentioned above.

Good day / night to PA forum members.



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Funny, someone just posted a review of Ahvak.

Take a look:

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Thanks for sharing.

Can you elaborate a little please? Who are they, what style of music do they play? what albums did they release, are they currentl;y active , links to their sites, etc.


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Pan Sonic- Kesto       
Stars Of The Lid- Tired Sounds Of Stars Of The Lid
David Sylvian- Snow Borne Sorrow

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Now for something quite different from the above mentioned bands.

The band is AHVAK from Israel who have released so far their self titled album Ahvak in 2004.

Chaotic, emotional, crazy, melancholic - this is some of the array of feelings this band manages to convey in this album. As the reviews here say, tracks 3 and 7 are kind of fillers and unessential, but the others more than make up for it. Vivisection is like music to accompany you to a madman's brain. RIO/Avant-Garde at its best. The music tends to be brutal and eccentric. They know very well what they are doing and play very good, creating hunting "melodies". It is a very good debut album, IMO. As another reviewer stated, the production is very clean and he finds it emotionless. There is merit to this claim, but maybe this is what they were after.

A word of warning - It might be difficult to gt into this initially. It is not meant to be a friendly album. Rather a complex and full of emotions journey that the band members take you through.

Track listing
1. Vivisektia (8:30)
2. Bherta (8:25)
3. Regaim (2:41)
4. Ahvak (16:21)
5. Melet (2:53)
6. Hamef Ahakim (13:32)
7. Pirzool (0:58)

Total Time: 53:20

- Yehuda Kollon / guitars
- Ishay Sommer bass
- Udi Susser / keyboards, woodwinds, vocals, baglama, darbooka
- Roy Yarkoni / keyboards, piano
- Dave Kerman / drums, percussion
- Udi Koomran / computer

Recognize any name? hint - he plays drums and percussions and was in PRESENT, THINKING PLAGUE, 5UU'S and U TOTEM.



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Now, that's what I'm talking about. Discovering new and if possible mostly unknown bands with an original take on music.

Thanks, Les, I will definitely listen to this. You got me curious there.

Don't worry about length of posts. Write what you need, no matter the length.

Anyway, not a recomm, but thoughts I had on my way to work while listening to Metaepitome by OVERHEAD (btw, I got their first release Zumanthum).

I was thinking Overhead's sound is actually modern rock with prog elements and attitude to it with the symphonic genre being its main influence. Than I compared it in my mind to two other contemporary bands - SINKADUS and WOBBLER. (Notice they come from the 3 Scandinavian countries; Overhead is from Finland, Sinkadus from Sweden and Wobbler from Norway). Points for originality here, and for performance as well. THe musical ideas are very good and the music itself is beautiful.

Sinkadus is in the symphonic genre playing music that varies between classic symphonic bits a-la Genesis to King Crimson guitar lead parts and even to sometimes (you're gonna laugh about this I'm sure) parts that sound as if a post rock band decided to play their music while incorporating symphonic elements in it (start laughing ) - the second track in Cirkus has a part like that in the middle of the song for instance (don't remembe the exact time, sorry). They still manage to sound contemporate, even though you hear their influences, and their combniations gives their music an originality. Again I like many of their msucial themes and ideas. Beautiful music, especially Cirkus.

And then you have Wobbler. What do we have in here - ELP, Genesis, Gentle Giant to mention some. Vintage symphonic prog. The album Hinterland in itself is very good, no dount about it. The question is, do you want to redo and listen again to stuff that has already been done? I for one do, but others here may not (I think I know at least one here ). So not many points for originality here, although the fourth track - Clair Obscur, is showing them being perhapse more creative. In spite of all of this, I don't think anyone can achieve this level of musical composition and create this excellent symphonic prog release.

So, what d oyou think? 

Do you prefer bands that keep recreating the old sound? Do you appreciate originality and different takes on previous musical achievements? Do you think Hinteland is any less good because of its vintage approach? Do you think Overhead's approach is better than Sinkadus's or the opposite?

I feel posts of "what the hell are you talking about" and "you are an ignorant idiot" are coming after this...

ANyway, A good day/night to all PA members.

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Whoa! Outstanding stuff. I had no idea about the members, just liked the music. Thanks for the insight, its appreciated.

To be prduced by Steven Wilson, huh? That should work, he's done alright with PT and Opeth's stuff, I would have to say.

Got an odd one for the PA community today. This is a little known but deserving piece of work. It is progressive and original in the true sense of the words. Very avante-garde and experimental. This will not be for everyone one, however. It is dark and complex, at times almost tribal, at times a vortex of sound, often electronic, at other times sultry. Most of this stuff is out there a ways. It is very layered with some really odd time signatures.

It features an exceptional Warr guitar player. (If you are not familiar with this instrument, watch for a thread coming soon, to a forum near you!) He plays a 14 string model. Since you only touch the string to the neck on these instruments, both hands are free to play totally different things. (There is no picking.) This basically allows him to be playing an 8 string guitar and a 6 string base at the same time. He does it very well.

There are several people out there that play these types of guitars, of course. Trey Gunn plays only Warr guitars and Tony Levin has been using a stick off and on forever. But I digress. Back to what I started mumbling about 2 paragraphs ago.

The name of the band is 99 Names of god. Their website is: as you would expect. You can see some cheesy videos of them playing on their site. Even thought the sound and visual quality of the videos are bad, you can get an idea of what they are like there. The also have a myspace page which plays some of their music, as well. That is at as you would also expect.

If you are the type who really enjoys some of King Crimson's improv stuff, for example, you really ought to check this band out. It is a Warr guitar player, who also does all of the electronics and loop work, a female vocalist / keys player and a drummer on Roland V drums. They create an amazing amount of sound for a trio. It has an improv feeling to it, but it is all very carefully stuctured. They also sound exactly the same live.

The only place that I am aware of to buy their CD is at Just go there and do a search for 99 names of god. The name of the CD is Interwoven. As far as I know, it is the only one they have out. It is from 2003. Rare piece of work.

Again, this is pretty unusual material. Those who dislike it are likey to stongly dislike it. For those who can get into it, it just keeps getting better with each listen for a long time.

Sorry, didn't mean to write a novel!


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You mentioned Orphaned Land. Mabool is a great album. I love the rest of their stuff as well, but it is more straight death metal with their usual mid-easten/arab influences. They sing in Hebrew, Arabic, English. Mabool is quite different from their previous efforts and rightfully so, since it has been released 7 years after they disbanded and each member went to his own. One became a Microsoft software engineer with a wife and daughter, another went on a spiritual journey to India and one became a religious orthodox and disconnected all previous liasons with them. Then finally 2 of them (Kobi the singer and Yossi from MS) decided to regroup and came up with the idea of creating a background story to the biblical tale of the flood (Mabool means hard heavy pouring rain which usually causes a flood). Then they thought up of the story of Seven (representing God) which has three sons which represent all three major religions and their srtuggles and strifes etc.

Mabool represents a reincarnation of Orphaned Land. Hopefully it will last in the next album to be produced by Steven Wilson.

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Hi Lesovation, good to see/read you

Taal are really great and should not be missed.

I love Yezda as well (have both their albums) and I prefer Boris to Baboon as well.

Have little time now to do a serious recommendation and I have a large list to cover. Plus, I prefer to write about an album while listening to it, so it limits the time possibilities.

Just a short one, though. Been listening to SINKADUS's two releases alot lately (Aurum Nostrum, Cirkus). While they are very good and competent, I can't escape the feeling its been done by others - the older symphonic bands and the new wave of symphonic bands (even some vintage ones like Wobbler). I will post my similar feelings about Hinterland later, since it has much to do with them as well. But for good and well performed symphonic prog music, I think they are more than worth the listen.

Hello and Goodday/night to the PA community!

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Whoa, Avestin, you are on a roll, man! Some very good stuff there. You can't go wrong with a Saturday devoted to Van Der Graaf, either.

While I'm familiar with the first bands you mentioned, TAAL and Overhead are both new to me. I'll have to check 'em out in a bit more detail.

By the way, the above links to threads on prog in other countries are pretty interesting, too. So much music, so little time, (and money).

Just one recomendation for today, which many are likely to be aware of, even thought you don't hear a lot about them. They are in the ProgArchives, too. This one is straight up Old School '70s prog...the band is Yezda Urfa. They have two out, Boris from '75 and Sacred Baboon from '89 as far as I know. Of the two, I kinda perfer Boris, but both are pretty interesting.

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I usually don't do this and also don't encourage others to do so, but I was quite impressed at the first, second and third listens that I decided to bring to attention this band.

They are OVERHEAD and the album I am refering to is their second release from 2005 Metaepitome. It is a release combning some sympg influences in it while adding their own touch and mark to it. There are occasional song that remond more of the neo-prog bands, but in a good way. This is evidently this bands direction and inclination - A modern sound of symphonic prog that still keeps the original sounds but adds in their own ideas and thoughts of how it should sound and also adding a modern rock feel into the music. I suggest you read this review by Gatot Widayanto, and this one by Erik Neuteboom which give a very good idea on this release.  

Their first release Zumanthum is from 2002 and it is also highly rated here in PA.

You can hear samples through their website:

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The band I mentioned a while ago I wanted to recommend is TAAL. They have two releases out, Mister Green from 2000 and Skymind from 2003.

This is a French band. Their music is taking elements from several genres creating an excellent combination of prog with symph, some metal, jazz, classic and some weird folky-violin lead parts. The result is excellent RIO style albums. The songs are built such that they shift and change moods or speed to keep things interesting, and they make the listening much more enjoyable.

The first album is more rock and jazz based than the second. It has some excellent lengthy tracks like the opener Barbituricus, the second Coornibus and the two last Aspartamus and Super Flat Moon. The music itself is beautiful and what needs to be accustomed to is the quirkiness and the strange parts of music intervals and the sometimes strange vocal parts. The singing itself is in English and the French accent is a but evident and disturbing here since it interferes with flow of the songs. Not all tracks are songs though.

In whole this album is less focused than the following release as it has tracks that apparently have nothing to do with each other (Barbituricus and Ragtime and Mr. Green). I don’t particularly like the title song and its follow-up, they sound as if the band was just fooling around and doing a joke. But tracks 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 make this album a worthwhile album to have.

The second album – Skymind. Well, that is another thing. In the opening you hear someone changing stations in a radio and in some stations you hear some songs from the previous record. As if to make us realize that the band have progressed from that stage and they now are ready to move forward. Which they are. Skymind is more focused, more experimental IMO and even more brutal. The opener Skymind and some other tracks have a near metal bits to them. The violin still plays an important part and the guitars are loose to play their wild riffs. The vocals are not so different but now they are more in tune with the overall sound and there are the male and female vocals. The female part has a deep sensual and mysterious sound but the accent is still very much noticeable. There is even a line in Blind Child which sounds as though she sings this in French and not English (Sets it in motion to dust…, sounds like C’est une …).

The second and third tracks have terrific music, quirky folk and circus like that makes you want to dance.

All in all, an excellent release.

They are working on a third album to be released this year.

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In the tradition of Saturday specials, I decided to dedicate this day to Van Der Graaf Generator:

The playlist includes:



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Received many things to listen this week so I reckon I'll have many more things to recommend...
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Originally posted by Young Young wrote:

Hey, Avestin, Wake Up! What about other suggestions? You didn't abandon the sinking ship, did you?

Sorry, not much time this week for new recomm's even though I have many things to recommend.

I still have the debt of a few posts ago, stating I will recomm another one of the two bands I really enjoy listening lately and I will take the challenge of In The Woods raised by Mr. Young.

BTW, been immersing myself lately with really good metal with prog tendencies which not many will find to be their taste but still I think some will like them if not already know them.

These bands are Neurosis, which I have already mentioned at the first post in this thread. Isis and Pelican are the other bands. Isis is already here on PA and I am not sure Pelican is or whether it will be added in the near future.

Another thing - If you feel like relaxing and listening to something soothing I suggest an album already mentioned here - Moon safari - A Doorway To Summer.

A good weekend to all the PA community!

Oh, one more thing. If you haven't done so already, you should really have a look in the excellent threads recommending prog by countries (US, Russian, Japan and Hungary as well as Belgian, French and Spain).

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Originally posted by Young Young wrote:

 I am not familiar with Canvus Solaris, but knowing Gordian Knot, this can't be bad.

When did Cairo and Under the sun operate or are they still active?

I've been listening to Canvus Solaris quite a bit lately. Very tight and complex. If you like Sean Malone's stuff with Cynic and Gordian Knot, you should definately check them out. (Actually, I'm literally listening to Cynic as I type this. If, on the slight chance you have not yet heard Cynic, you really should make a point of it. Excellent, hard to believe its 14 years old!)  

Cairo has three out, '95, '98, and 2001. Suggest you seek out Conflict & Dreams from '98, if interested. Great stuff. Oh, by the way they have more players than I thought, 4 and a singer, not 3. My mistake. I think they are still around.

Under The Sun has one out from 2000. Really nice original prog. They also have a new one out, 2005, (live, I think,) but I haven't heard, or seen it, yet.  It's called Schematism, On Stage with Under The Sun,  (I think).  Since they have a new one out, they must still be out there, too, huh? 

Two other suggestions come to mind as well. The first is Arcturus, from Norway, a super group of black metal stars, they have 5 CDs out. You are probably aware of them. The first 3 CDs are highly progressive symphonic black metal and the last two are more like progressive space metal. All are very good.

For something really different check into Orphaned Land. The only album of theirs that I'm familiar with is Mabool. They are a progressive death metal oriented band with complex Middle Eastern infuences, instruments and vocals. Very unique material. They are from Israel, so the sound is the real deal.

That's it for now. Outta time.



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Originally posted by lesovation lesovation wrote:

Opps...sorry. My bad, Avestin. I'll try to pay more attention! You do have a good thread going, by the way.

I shall now attempt to redeem myself in some small part...(emphasis on the "small".)

Some bands you are probably already aware on the more metal side of things...

Canvus Solaris - They have three CDs out, most recently - Penumbra Diffuse (kind of Jazz Metal, a heaviier from of Gordian Knot, if you will.)

Solefald - Extremely Avante-garde metal, occasional sax, layered vocals, they have four CDs out, each one very different from the others.

Ephel Duath - Three out, Painter's Pallette is the one most familiar to me. They are out there a ways, kind of Acid Jazz meets Black Metal. Odd, unpredicable time changes. Very unique stuff.

Farmakon - Opeth soaked in jazz (?) kind of thing.

Those into metal are probably already aware of those bands, but you never know. My tastes are pretty varied. On the more straight up prog rock side of things, a few more you proabably know...

Cairo - At lease 3 or 4 CDs, kind of ELP-ish in a way. Three man band, heavy keys.

Under The Sun - Thier self titled CD is the only on I'm aware of. Good stuff, kind of different.

Or to travel way out there...

Maudlin of the Well - Who has recently changed their name to Kayo Dot - They have at least 3 or 4  CDs out there. All are very Avante-Garde, experimental works. Excellent musicianship, but highly unpredictable and all over the place.

Hope one or two of those might be useful to someone out there.

Of the metal ones you mentioned I know Ephel, Farmakonand Solefald, all of which I find to be great bands. I am not familiar with Canvus Solaris, but knowing Gordian Knot, this can't be bad.

When did Cairo and Under the sun operate or are they still active?

Maudlin and Kayo dot are splendid!


Hey, Avestin, Wake Up! What about other suggestions? You didn't abandon the sinking ship, did you?


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Hi, Lesovation

Good recommendations there. I forgot about Farmakon, very good stuff.

No time to post a recomm right now (man whyis there always work to do at your workplace?), but I'll do some tonight and tomorrow, and maybe I'll expand some of your suggestions as they are indeed worthy additions.

Good day / night to all PA community

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Opps...sorry. My bad, Avestin. I'll try to pay more attention! You do have a good thread going, by the way.

I shall now attempt to redeem myself in some small part...(emphasis on the "small".)

Some bands you are probably already aware on the more metal side of things...

Canvus Solaris - They have three CDs out, most recently - Penumbra Diffuse (kind of Jazz Metal, a heaviier from of Gordian Knot, if you will.)

Solefald - Extremely Avante-garde metal, occasional sax, layered vocals, they have four CDs out, each one very different from the others.

Ephel Duath - Three out, Painter's Pallette is the one most familiar to me. They are out there a ways, kind of Acid Jazz meets Black Metal. Odd, unpredicable time changes. Very unique stuff.

Farmakon - Opeth soaked in jazz (?) kind of thing.

Those into metal are probably already aware of those bands, but you never know. My tastes are pretty varied. On the more straight up prog rock side of things, a few more you proabably know...

Cairo - At lease 3 or 4 CDs, kind of ELP-ish in a way. Three man band, heavy keys.

Under The Sun - Thier self titled CD is the only on I'm aware of. Good stuff, kind of different.

Or to travel way out there...

Maudlin of the Well - Who has recently changed their name to Kayo Dot - They have at least 3 or 4  CDs out there. All are very Avante-Garde, experimental works. Excellent musicianship, but highly unpredictable and all over the place.

Hope one or two of those might be useful to someone out there.









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Hi, nice thread.

I would suggest a good and interesting metal Avantgarde band - In The Woods. You probably know it. But I have no time now so I'll do it later, or you could do it Avestin  

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