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Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 16:45 |
I have to listen to it deeply... but from the first impression I can say is enough original, good and pleasant. An interesting balkanian flavour blended with heavy rock but also with good touches of strings...
Thanks for the recommendation, Seyo.
On about my next purchases: I will search for the recent remastered reissues of Bijelo Dugme's classic repertoire.
What is "sheperd rock"? Does the expression define Bitanga i Princeza or only the previous works?
Edited by Andrea Cortese - December 28 2007 at 16:48
Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 21 2007 at 16:42 |
Yep, it looks ok, now.
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Posted: December 21 2007 at 16:30 |
Andrea Cortese wrote:
A part of database has been lost...
Just take a look to Aerodrom page...
Don't even imagine what else... |
It looks ok now, maybe Max has fixed it...
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Posted: December 21 2007 at 16:12 |
Andrea Cortese wrote:
M@x fortunately had a back up copy of the database so the homepage and the reviews are safe now.
BTW I have just re-loaded (I've done yesterday but the hack attack canceled it) a new cover for Indexi's Modra Rijeka.
That's because now covers' illustrations are larger and the effect was low due to the low definition.
In this blog you can find maaany covers in excellent format. I suppose also free downloadable mp3 but I don't think it's legal...
The cover is this:
That is excellent site with many rare old Yugo vinyl albums available for download. I dont see any legal problem because most of them are not possible to buy anywhere...
Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 21 2007 at 07:11 |
A part of database has been lost...
Just take a look to Aerodrom page...
Don't even imagine what else...
Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 21 2007 at 01:20 |
M@x fortunately had a back up copy of the database so the homepage and the reviews are safe now.
BTW I have just re-loaded (I've done yesterday but the hack attack canceled it) a new cover for Indexi's Modra Rijeka.
That's because now covers' illustrations are larger and the effect was low due to the low definition.
In this blog you can find maaany covers in excellent format. I suppose also free downloadable mp3 but I don't think it's legal...
The cover is this:
Edited by Andrea Cortese - December 21 2007 at 01:23
Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 20 2007 at 17:16 |
I had just posted a review on Indexi's Modra Rijeka and the homepage has been hacked!!!
I will post it here tomorrow when it's all safe (let's hope M@x knows what to do with this guy...).
P.S. I also posted a review on Leb i Sol this week... great band!
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Posted: December 18 2007 at 08:29 |
^^ hmm judging by these several mp3 samples put here, I am not too impressed.
But, on the other hand, I am not a big prog metal lover I guess...
Anyway I will leave Alogia to prog metal experts to evaluate them.
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Posted: December 16 2007 at 08:22 |
Alogia - definitive prog metal band from Eastern Europe...
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Posted: December 16 2007 at 07:18 |
 go for it! Tako is great, but did not hear Phoenix yet..
Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 15 2007 at 07:48 |
Two wonderful items arrived today:
1. Tako - s/t debut (finally)!!!!

2. Phoenix - Cantafabule (from Romania)
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Posted: December 13 2007 at 03:38 |
Take care and I hope to share with you opinion on this album...
Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 13 2007 at 00:12 |
I hope more people be involved in this excellent prog scene, Seyo. I was mesmerized when listened to Leb i Sol and, in particular, to Indexi's Modra Rijeka.
All the prog listeners should be have that one!
I've ordered my copy of Bijelo Dugme's Bitanga i Princeza right now, early in the morning just before going off to Padua for the exams...
See you soon.
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Posted: December 12 2007 at 10:33 |
Andrea Cortese wrote:
I've read your recent interesting reviews on Bijelo Dugme, Seyo.
Very interesting records from what I've read. I will certainly search for Šta bi dao da si na mom mjestu and Bitanga i Princeza .
How about their last works? More folk (balkanian) oriented?
Thanks Andrea! 
I would definitely recommend these two above  .
If you like them, then try to hear also "Kad bi bio Bijelo dugme" and "Eto! Bas hocu"...
If you mean their latest works from the 1980s, IMO they are horrible, avoid at all costs! Cheap balkan folksy/popy garbage mostly due to poor vocals (singers were Tifa and Islamovic, not Bebek) and banal lyrics touching the political kitsch  !
(I am glad you are discovering some great old Yugoslav stuff...) 
Andrea Cortese
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Posted: December 07 2007 at 11:15 |
I've read your recent interesting reviews on Bijelo Dugme, Seyo.
Very interesting records from what I've read. I will certainly search for Šta bi dao da si na mom mjestu and Bitanga i Princeza .
How about their last works? More folk (balkanian) oriented?
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Posted: November 22 2007 at 02:58 |
I agree, Bregovic is not the only one who shamelessly copied the work of others. It is widespread in the Balkans... I can only mention Prljavo kazaliste in they heydays...
But I am reluctant to use the straitforward word "plagiarism", because I presume it is hard to prove. It is always tricky to say who influenced whom in music or art in general.
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Posted: November 21 2007 at 00:47 |
Seyo wrote:
zicIy wrote:
many of their greatest hits lyrics ( from "Tako ti je mala moja kad ljubi Bosanac" to "Sanjao sam nocas da te nemam"), wrote one Bosnjak, talented hobby poetry guy from Sarajevo, and Bregovic give to him just little a money for writting of those lyrics, and for the rights to put his, Bregovic name, in the liner notes at those albums jackets, as writter (music he has been taking from other side). thats true and sad story. this guy is still living in Sarajevo. Mr. Goran Bregovic owned a lot for his later "world music" succes story to film director Emir Kusturica, making the music for his movies, but Emir Kusturica fired Bregovic from that job few years ago, coz of - plagiarism! btw, i like Zeljko Bebek voice so much, he was a very best rock singer in ex-Yugoslavia, no doubt.
Bregovic's "plagiarism" is almost the biggest urban legend in exYU countries. But I must admit I never heard of this fact. On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised either, if it is true.
In my album reviews (including those of BD) posted here, I always try to provide as objectively as possible the circumstances surrounding the particular recording. Of course, I have my own personal preferences... 
Seyo, I respect your opinion about Bijelo Dugme. they made many nice albums (all together with, at that time in ex-YU, revolutionary design of the album jackets delivered by Mr. Dragan Stefanovic), but plagiarism WAS the way of Mr.Goran Bregovic´s work. no doubt, not "urban legend(s)". i forget now the title of Dugme song (after Bebek era) with lyrics "...dok sa andjelima beres tresnje...", you know the title of this song i presume, a very nice song, but !, lets compare this song with Yes´ song "Owner of the Lonely Heart". this is just one of the examples how Mr. Bregovic did do a copy paste very easy. futhermore, i had a very old compact cassette, one friend of mine gived it to me to listen, issued as bootleg in Belgrade so many years ago, where every track, greatest hits by Dugme from their glory days, is following by some "belong" English rock song which Mr. Bregovic were steal without a shame. more or less, his music were an act of plagiarism. Goran Bregovic is not only guy who did it, for example, the song by serbian "rock hero" Bora Corba, his relatively new hit "Pare, Pare" is the plagiarism of the old song by The Who, composed by John Entwistle, "Boris is The Spider", from their pre-Tommy era - but i dont expect from Mr. Bora Corba to be able to make a plagiarism of some more complex The Who song from ´70s. btw, and this is a very last time i mentioned Mr. Bregovic and his work over here, i presume that you saw Bijelo Dugme live on the stage; i presume you heard how Bregovic "play" solo guitar on their gig, thats a real comedy! hey, one kid who just founded his "blues" band in his dady´s garage in my street (and that kid wasnt born as a guitar genius, i´m sure) is playing his guitar better than ex-YU rock star No.1 Goran Bregovic; the other members of Dugme (especialy Mr. Zeljko Bebek,imho) held all their gigs. Prog, or proto prog, or prog related band with the guy who never learn to play a lead guitar at even avarage rank? no way, IMHO. so, anyway...after all, i respect Bijelo Dugme, with all of their glory days & events as ´Hajducka cesma´ in Belgrade 1977, as one VERY important (and very nice!) sociological phenomena in ex-Yugoslavia and in that Tito´s opera-like kind of communism, and i strongly disagree with people who are always readdy to say that "Bijelo Dugme were destroyed yugoslav rock scene"- thats non sense.
| |
Edited by zicIy - November 21 2007 at 01:56
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Posted: November 20 2007 at 06:55 |
zicIy wrote:
many of their greatest hits lyrics ( from "Tako ti je mala moja kad ljubi Bosanac" to "Sanjao sam nocas da te nemam"), wrote one Bosnjak, talented hobby poetry guy from Sarajevo, and Bregovic give to him just little a money for writting of those lyrics, and for the rights to put his, Bregovic name, in the liner notes at those albums jackets, as writter (music he has been taking from other side). thats true and sad story. this guy is still living in Sarajevo. Mr. Goran Bregovic owned a lot for his later "world music" succes story to film director Emir Kusturica, making the music for his movies, but Emir Kusturica fired Bregovic from that job few years ago, coz of - plagiarism! btw, i like Zeljko Bebek voice so much, he was a very best rock singer in ex-Yugoslavia, no doubt.
Bregovic's "plagiarism" is almost the biggest urban legend in exYU countries. But I must admit I never heard of this fact. On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised either, if it is true.
In my album reviews (including those of BD) posted here, I always try to provide as objectively as possible the circumstances surrounding the particular recording. Of course, I have my own personal preferences... I will strongly oppose my taste here...I really like Serbian and Croatian new wave bands (Šarlo Akrobata, EKV, Haustor and Idoli are geniuses, Šarlo even RIO/prog), but I can't stand Azra.
i HATE Idoli! but i like Haustor, and Sarlo.
I like almost ALL OF exYU punk/new wave, except Pankrti. The music of my teens... |
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Posted: November 20 2007 at 06:41 |
^^ Hmmm, Zicly raised an interesting observation about prog in exYU. And while many of his assessments are probably too harsh, I think I understand his point.
It is true that, strictly speaking, there were hardly any "pure" prog bands in this scene, according to the "definition" of what is "prog rock". I personally have a problem with these definitions and especially with ever growing number of so-called "sub-genres", but let it be. 
Definitely, most of the yugo bands added here can easily be put in many different sub-genres, without having strictly developed style of their music.
Sociologically speaking, there are reasons for that and Zicly mentioned his opinion which is a valid one. (I am personally doing a sort of wider background research on exYugo popular music, particularly during the Tito's era, so I understand some of Zicly's arguments).
But, of course, given the scope of this site, I tend to be more inclusive and try to add any band/artist that had even remotely been influenced by classic "progressive rock" of the late 60s/early 70s. 
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Posted: November 20 2007 at 01:54 |
clarke2001 wrote:
zicIy wrote:
yes, back to english.. just mentioned some songs and some bands from ex-Yugoslavia wich i like.
as Serbian one, i wanna say (IMHO) that in Socialistic Republic of Yugoslavia ( ex-Yugoslavia) were very few of rock bands (or artists) without (full of) plagiarism. furthermore, very few were/are serious in their work, (IMHO). furthermore AGAIN, there were NEVER one rock band concern as Prog by that audience at that time, except Galija, although they have a lot of a crap stuff, (their recent album is awesome for our local standards, btw), and Tako (they never get some larger audience, and 99,9% of people at that place never heard for them, unfortunately). "TIME" - only their debut (s/t album ) was Prog.
It's true, I never heard of Tako while talking to some seems they are appreciated much more on the West than in ex-Yu... I agree that prog bands were only occasionally prog, and I agree that, unfortunately there was (is!) a lot of plagiarism, although I wouldn't say everything is plagiarism. not everything of course, but many of bands were doing that. one of possible reasons for that is, although that rock music was some kind of mainstream in the major cities in ex- Yugoslavia, in those cities a real club scene practicaly dont existed untill late 80´s. lot of those bands obviosly were coming from garages immediatly to the studios of goverment owned companies as Jugoton, PGP RTB, etc., supported by their moms and dads or cousins in communist party. many talented youngsters were must adopted in their band, for example, an untalented a drummer coz of that guy had some nice conection with communist party for a band to go in a studio. most of them werent going into that hard work trough bars and clubs before they recorded an album....on the other side, i wanna say that straight, the folk musicians (in ex-Yugoslavia) were doing that hard work, a real showbiz, not something as hobby. in the case of those folk musicians it was a real world without a pity, before the studios ( as you know, in a million of "kafana(s) " they were working for their living, not just for recording a debut single or/and an album and than get the girls); that was very hard work for them anyway. and , IMHO, thats one of the major reasons because that folk, now in fusion with low profile of pop, and even a rock, are miles above in its popularity than rock music today. todays rock musicians, fans and journalists obviosly are going to blame only the war as the reason of that. of course that war lifted up that folk music, but folk music was already strong enough to blow away the rock music in that moment by above mentioned reason too, imho. today, so many of rock musicians are play on the albums of the folk stars.(i would not to blame them for that, of course).
zicIy wrote:
LEB I SOL were/are awesome - jazz-rock.
zicIy wrote:
SMAK were nice blues band at first time, leaded by REALLY great guitarist Radomir "The Wheel" Mihailovic who was playing in Bruxelles pubs in 60s TOGETHER with Hendrix when he was fired from U.S. Air Force base in Belgium. BUT NOTHING OF PROG WITH SMAK!
I do not agree, they have some very good and very complex prog moments from the beginning to the Crna Dama.
Crna Dama, IMHO, is one great album, great production and lovely recorded. but, imho, too much mixed by genres from one track to another... IMHO, "Plava Pesma" is only one pure Prog song at the album, and this is an awesome piece, no doubt. "Tegoba", an instrumental piece is a great jazz rock piece. "Crna dama" the song is hard rock, as "Daire" as well, etc. next SMAK´s album after Crna Dama, a forget the title, sorry, i´m lazy to google it now, were Prog, but sh*tt at all, IMHO. i think that Crna Dama the album was the first (one of the few, i´m sure) one album recorded in ex-Ýugoslavia which were issued officialy in UK at 1979, titled "Black Lady". their singer, Boris, use to live for years in Australia so he has been able to singing those tracks in english without any strange accent. but, english rock magazines were ranking that album very low, call that as plagiarism of music of Taste, etc.
zicIy wrote:
BIJELO DUGME was 100% of plagiarism. but, Goran Bregovic is great manager in the same time.
Surely he was a great manager...there's a story he payed Vlatko Stefanovski quite a lot of money to publish "Uspavanka za Radmilu M." under his (Bregović's) name  I don't agree Dugme was 100% plagarism ,it's a harsh thing to say, but true is Bregović remains most controversial person on a scene, plagiarism-wise.
many of their greatest hits lyrics ( from "Tako ti je mala moja kad ljubi Bosanac" to "Sanjao sam nocas da te nemam"), wrote one Bosnjak, talented hobby poetry guy from Sarajevo, and Bregovic give to him just little a money for writting of those lyrics, and for the rights to put his, Bregovic name, in the liner notes at those albums jackets, as writter (music he has been taking from other side). thats true and sad story. this guy is still living in Sarajevo. Mr. Goran Bregovic owned a lot for his later "world music" succes story to film director Emir Kusturica, making the music for his movies, but Emir Kusturica fired Bregovic from that job few years ago, coz of - plagiarism! btw, i like Zeljko Bebek voice so much, he was a very best rock singer in ex-Yugoslavia, no doubt.
Belgrade band EKATARINA VELIKA ("EKV") were Art Rock at all, awesome but not Prog. ALL THE BAND DIED BY HEROIN OVERDOSE IN FEW YEARS. that´s shame.
Yes, that's a shame. Great band. All dead. They lived rock 'n'roll until the end...
zicIy wrote:
| I will strongly oppose my taste here...I really like Serbian and Croatian new wave bands (Šarlo Akrobata, EKV, Haustor and Idoli are geniuses, Šarlo even RIO/prog), but I can't stand Azra.
i HATE Idoli! but i like Haustor, and Sarlo.
zicIy wrote:
an interresting artist was Oliver Mandic from Serbia, who was recorded his last album (only as bootleg now, shame again) with guests as Chick Corea, for example. but its not Prog, some kind of "soul", let say.
| I'm not familar with that. What I've heard of Mandić, he was high quality pop, even ahead of his time.
yes, he was, before he loose his mind by booze. Baby Doll, a woman pop singer with great jazzy voice is the best in that genre in Serbia today.
zicIy wrote:
so, forget about Prog from whole ex- Yugoslavia (IMHO). |
No way . We have here listed more then 30 bands from ex-Yugoslavia, and our special collaborator Seyo is planning to add loads more of ex-Yu artists. I'm also submitting new addition of bands from former Yu republics.
So, I won't say there's no prog here...
well, in that time, in one communist East Europe country, that WAS great, i agree. greetz!
Edited by zicIy - November 20 2007 at 04:31