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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 08:23
I also have a reputation for making fun of Dream Theater. Just glance at any page in the STC thread...Smile
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 08:18
Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by andu andu wrote:

Keep us informed. Wink

when you hear projectile vomiting.... you'll know I've reached Moonchild LOL

Moonchild is one of my favourite songs on that album as it sums up that whole "not knowing what's going to happen next" feeling - the way the tones just hang there, suspended, like moonbeams, as ghostly coils of sound drift past, painting opaque and dark-blue imagery of clouds obscuring the view temporarily as you watch, hypnotised... 
Man, I feel a review coming on... Wink

ahhhh... in the middle of it speak of the devil.  You are quite right about 'not knowing what is going to happen next' .  I love that in prog.. one problem though for me about Moonchild....

The problem is....  nothing did happen... it didn't GO anywhere. Not for me at least.  As always... I'd love to read your review.  Maybe it will be a roadmap of sorts

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 08:12
MIke... it wasn't my intention to bash..... only express an opinion on why some do see PM .. or DT the way they do.  I'll drop it if you take offense.  This is a nice thread and I don't want to see it descend into mudsligging if people can't accept dissenting opinions ON the topic at hand. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 08:06
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by toolis toolis wrote:

i think that PM is a very important genre and DT a very important - at least - band... without these there would've have been that many prog rock fans in here, including me..

that's very true.... one day I was pissing around the Welcome Newbie section and noticed that 8 posters in a row had listed DT as one of th groups that led them here.

Personally I see DT as the latter day ELP.  On the surface at least... to the unitiated.. or the casual listener.  The focus is on upon shear w**kery and technical skills rather than the music itself.  Anyhow.. for me personally...  I think ELP made it sound incredible..  DT for me just sounds boring.  The difference... ELP was blazing trails and had a heavy interest in bringing classical music to the 'masses' .... the motivation for DT?  Who knows.. selling albums... making magazine covers and top instrumentalists lists. 

I've always been surprised by those, like Ivan, that are surprised that Raff.. and me specifically,  like some prog metal.  I did really like Mastodon and LOVE the hell out of Opeth.  We just don't like DT... but would never damn a whole sub-genre because it's most popular not to our tastes. 

DT will always be one of my all time favorite bands. If you don't like them - fine ... but they've been blazing trails for many of the bands that followed, even including bands like Mastodon and Opeth (even Mikael himself likes DT btw). Their motivation? Well, they're not selling many albums. And music magazine covers ... well, I guess I'll never understand how people who call themselves fans of sophisticated music could possibly bash musicians for being virtuosic. And it doesn't have to exclude musicality and emotion at all. DT write excellent tunes, and they're much more emotional and
musical than ELP ever were IMHO.

I appreciate what you and some others are trying to do here ... promoting prog metal and everything. But you can't really do that and bash one of the pivotal prog metal bands in the process ... DT defined prog metal in the 90s, and the more experimental bands can only make the genre more diverse - but they certainly can't "un-define" what came before.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 08:05
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by andu andu wrote:

Keep us informed. Wink

when you hear projectile vomiting.... you'll know I've reached Moonchild LOL

Moonchild is one of my favourite songs on that album as it sums up that whole "not knowing what's going to happen next" feeling - the way the tones just hang there, suspended, like moonbeams, as ghostly coils of sound drift past, painting opaque and dark-blue imagery of clouds obscuring the view temporarily as you watch, hypnotised... 
Man, I feel a review coming on... Wink
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 07:50
Originally posted by andu andu wrote:

Keep us informed. Wink

when you hear projectile vomiting.... you'll know I've reached Moonchild LOL

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 07:49
Keep us informed. Wink
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 07:41
Originally posted by andu andu wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

I have always felt that King Crimson's 21st Century Schizoid Man was the first prog metal song.

out of curiousity... why....   because it is 'heavy'

 Micky, I've had the same impression, really. There's something really special in the rhythmical interplay of drum, bass and guitar riffs on the heavier songs there which I did not find in any prog of the 70s, but I find it in thrash and prog-metal.

hmmm....  I'll put that on and listen for that .... and wake the neighbors at this early hour hahahhahah.  I honestly haven't listened to it a good while. Not exactly my favorite album from them.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 07:35
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

I have always felt that King Crimson's 21st Century Schizoid Man was the first prog metal song.

out of curiousity... why....   because it is 'heavy'

 Micky, I've had the same impression, really. There's something really special in the rhythmical interplay of drum, bass and guitar riffs on the heavier songs there which I did not find in any prog of the 70s, but I find it in thrash and prog-metal.

Edited by andu - October 09 2007 at 07:36
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 07:25
Originally posted by Trickster F. Trickster F. wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

I have always felt that King Crimson's 21st Century Schizoid Man was the first prog metal song.

out of curiousity... why....   because it is 'heavy'
I always considered Black Sabbath's Symptom of the Universe to be the first (proto-)Prog Metal song.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 07:19
Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

The main issue I have, as I know others also have, is that I find it hard to hear the progressiveness in Prog Metal.
Yes, many Prog metal artists get better in terms of playing techniques.
Yes, the music may change from album to album - but most albums are pretty homogenous.
The main issue I have is that every Prog metal album I've ever heard, without exception, is an excercise in tarting up the old song formula.
And FORM is the most important thing to me when I listen to Progressive Rock.
This doesn't make Prog Metal lesser or anything like that - although I've yet to hear any that really tickles my taste buds.
What it does is to set it apart from Progressive Rock (or rather, early Progressive Rock) which was about structured improvisation as much as it was about using exotic techniques and instrumentation.
Because the essence is so different, I think that is what causes the divides - between people who are looking for the essence of early prog (and not finding it), and those who simply enjoy Prog Metal for what it is.
Both camps are right, so this will never be resolved.

nothing to be resolved Mark....  Clap  As far as liking it.. it is simply a matter of taste.  As far as the progressive quotient.   That again is in the eye of the beholder.. for those.. like you and me..  prog is not as much a genre defined by complexity and technical skills  which has exactly become what you said.. a formulamatic musical genre based on those things.  Not 'progresive' in the least.   Others though... it is defined by those base musical elements... it might not be progressive in the LEAST.. but it is still prog.

This came up in an interview James did with a modern Italian group.. his thoughts on the albums sum up to me ..what prog is. 

There are two things about the new album that make it so stunning. First, the sense that "anything can happen" when you listen. It is not strangled by convention. It is wide open, sonically spacious, adventurous, and free. You are swept under the spell in the first song and held in anticipation until the end.

that in a nutshell is what prog is about...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 07:17
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

I have always felt that King Crimson's 21st Century Schizoid Man was the first prog metal song.

out of curiousity... why....   because it is 'heavy'
I always considered Black Sabbath's Symptom of the Universe to be the first (proto-)Prog Metal song.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 07:12
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

I have always felt that King Crimson's 21st Century Schizoid Man was the first prog metal song.

out of curiousity... why....   because it is 'heavy'
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 07:07
Originally posted by toolis toolis wrote:

i think that PM is a very important genre and DT a very important - at least - band... without these there would've have been that many prog rock fans in here, including me..

that's very true.... one day I was pissing around the Welcome Newbie section and noticed that 8 posters in a row had listed DT as one of th groups that led them here.

Personally I see DT as the latter day ELP.  On the surface at least... to the unitiated.. or the casual listener.  The focus is on upon shear w**kery and technical skills rather than the music itself.  Anyhow.. for me personally...  I think ELP made it sound incredible..  DT for me just sounds boring.  The difference... ELP was blazing trails and had a heavy interest in bringing classical music to the 'masses' .... the motivation for DT?  Who knows.. selling albums... making magazine covers and top instrumentalists lists. 

I've always been surprised by those, like Ivan, that are surprised that Raff.. and me specifically,  like some prog metal.  I did really like Mastodon and LOVE the hell out of Opeth.  We just don't like DT... but would never damn a whole sub-genre because it's most popular not to our tastes. 

Edited by micky - October 09 2007 at 07:08
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 06:53

i think that PM is a very important genre and DT a very important - at least - band... without these there would've have been that many prog rock fans in here, including me..
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 06:40
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

I have always felt that King Crimson's 21st Century Schizoid Man was the first prog metal song.
Maybe because it is also considered the fist real progressive rock song.Wink

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 06:34

Very well said madam.  Smile


There is indeed more to Prog Metal than Dream Theater, but thanks to them, the genre remained alive, kicking and accessible. I know few people who get turned off to the whole genre because of thier negative bias with Dream Theater. Yes, they maybe cheesy at times and overly famous among (stereotyped) youngsters ( one reason why I think some veer away from DT's music is because they do not want to associate themselves with the fans ), but it does not change thier influnce to other bands and to the whole sub genre itself. I myself learned to shut up about the artists and music that doesn't interest me, so I'm hoping others too will learn to be sensitive and just be quiet about some things that don't appel to them.DT have done something good in my listening habits and the way I appreciate music in general, so that must be something.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 06:24
I have always felt that King Crimson's 21st Century Schizoid Man was the first prog metal song.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 04:03
The main issue I have, as I know others also have, is that I find it hard to hear the progressiveness in Prog Metal.
Yes, many Prog metal artists get better in terms of playing techniques.
Yes, the music may change from album to album - but most albums are pretty homogenous.
The main issue I have is that every Prog metal album I've ever heard, without exception, is an excercise in tarting up the old song formula.
And FORM is the most important thing to me when I listen to Progressive Rock.
This doesn't make Prog Metal lesser or anything like that - although I've yet to hear any that really tickles my taste buds.
What it does is to set it apart from Progressive Rock (or rather, early Progressive Rock) which was about structured improvisation as much as it was about using exotic techniques and instrumentation.
Because the essence is so different, I think that is what causes the divides - between people who are looking for the essence of early prog (and not finding it), and those who simply enjoy Prog Metal for what it is.
Both camps are right, so this will never be resolved.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2007 at 03:39
Originally posted by FruMp FruMp wrote:

The main problem with people's perception of prog metal is in my view Dream Theatre -  they are a love them or hate them band and they happen to be the most well known prog metal band. I personally despise them because they are way too cheesy for my tastes and there are many people who feel the same but who dismiss the entire prog-metal genre because of it.

In my opinion, this is at least in part true. However, as I stated in my initial post, the real problem lies in that small, seemingly inoffensive 'metal' word. I am quite sure most of the people who slam PM on this board have never really listened to anything but perhaps DT, but still feel entitled to say it doesn't belong here - which of course is extremely offensive to those people who work hard in order to find new, interesting, innovative bands to add to our DB.
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