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AtLossForWords View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 18:52
I love TFK.  Their ability to make longer compositions is one of the things about them I find to be so impressive.  They can just extend a tune, and keep going in different directions, but also bring a tune back into focus when it needs to be establishing an identity for the song.  The Flower Kings just don't meander around on their intstruments, they give a song a very defined structure, but it's open enough a listener has difficult predicting what's around the corner, even a veterean listener doesn't know the structure of many of their epics.

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richardh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 18:18
I saw them about 5 or 6 years ago at the Whitchurch festival.They arrived on stage and then proceeded to do a 30 minute soundcheck which ,seeing as it was getting late,would have resulted in most of the crowd storming the stage at anything other than a prog gigShocked.Anyway they got the gig underway eventually and by the end I was reasonably impressed enough to get 'Stardust We Are'.Following that I acquired Space Revolver,Unfold The Future and Adam and Eve.Even got the double DVD 'Meet The Flower Kings'.I think it was about this time I started to get bored with them.Investing all that money in the CD's and DVD but then getting bored isn't clever but this was a band that I really wanted to like.The fact that they are 'Retro' isn't a problem at all to me.They have long complex peices with tons of melody and quality musicanship.It should be a no brainer to like them.But sad to say I got bored with them.So why is that?? I think for a few reasons.
Firstly there is no real character or 'personality' to their music.Its bland.I probably should have realised that before buying 4 CD's and a DVDEmbarrassed
Secondly the long peices don't seem to actually go anywhere.Think of the beauty in a peice of music like Awaken or Gates Of Delirium in the way those works are constructed almost like great achictecture.The Flower Kings music by comparison just seem to be endless graffiti scrawled on walls that go on forever and ever.Compositionally their music goes no where.
Finally they never seem to really 'go for it' at any point in their performances either live or studio wise.Just far too laid back for my taste.They are almost like cool surfer dudes playing prog.I know they have an expressed intention to be upbeat all the time but occasionally I'd like to hear them get angry.It might actually make their music exciting.
Oh well you did askEmbarrassed
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 12:59
They are very good and I don't care if they are considered Retro.

Much better being this way than being like porcupine tree that is now a alternative rock band with scarce prog influences.
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Philéas View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 12:29
I used to like them for a short while, but I now find their music pretty uninteresting. That's just my personal opinion though. They are good musicians, their music is just not my taste. But anyone who likes them is free to do so.
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el böthy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 12:26
I know very little about them, but I know they will not be one of my ultimate favorite bands, cuase in the end they sound too happy jejeje, yes! Thats the truth, and many like it and I think its great, but its not particulary my cup of tea. Yet I have nothing agains them and would happily buy some of their albums, if they wouldnt be so indreidibly expensive here!Confused
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Norbert View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 10:01
I kind of like them but they are surely not in my "Big 25".
I saw them once in 2003. Guest vocalist Daniel Gildenlöw was great and so was Zoltán  Csörsz of courseWink, and Jonas Reingold played wonderfully, too.
The sound didn't help Tomas Bodin a lot, and I'm not really overwhelmed by Roine Stolt as a frontman.
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iguana View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 09:55
opinions, eh? they are, after all, like arseholes. everyone has one and,
at times, to most others, they stink...
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johnobvious View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 09:51
PA is chock full of Godspeed you Black Emperor and other post rock lovers but no one ever bashes them.  And there are other non-melodic, less mainstream genres that you hear praised but rarely bashed.  I hate post rock and a lot of Krautrock and other goofy areas are not my cup of tea.  But hey, if you do, bless your heart.  So why is it the popular, more traditional bands like TFK and SB continually get thrown under the bus by snobby types who only like 70's stuff or think proliferation (2CD's and long albums) is the height of pretentiousness and these bands would be better to have less output?  These artists are far more talented than the bashers and to have someone like Roine Stolt's output dismissed as the work of a hack is sad.

And I just love the people who say, "I hate all of (a certain band's) albums.  If I hear an album by a band that I hate, I don't go seeking out their other stuff.  I move on.
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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 08:13
^ after, unfortunately ... I would have loved to see the original SB on stage. But they're doing great without him, and they played many of the classics, including Go the Way You Go, The Doorway and The Light.Big smile
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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 08:03
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ I saw both in concert - The Flower Kings delivered a musically flawless gig but lacked emotion a *little* bit, SB were very enthusiastic and emotional but a *tiny* but less awesome musically. I would recommend both bands without any hesitation!
This SB concert was before of after Morse left them?
 He was a big part of their live show. Haven't seen them since he left.
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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 07:49
^ I saw both in concert - The Flower Kings delivered a musically flawless gig but lacked emotion a *little* bit, SB were very enthusiastic and emotional but a *tiny* but less awesome musically. I would recommend both bands without any hesitation!
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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 07:46
Pinch Shocked Aaron replied before I did, so I will have to be careful not saying they stunk live Wink
The main reason why I do not appreciate TFK as some other retro-prog groups is that on the few albums I heard every single second sounds borrowed from other groups. In Retropolis or Stardust, Stolte sounded like Wetton and the group was making constant references to ancient group (Retropolis track to sub-ELP, the next two as sub-UK etc....). TFK also does long tracks foir the sake of making long tracks and would gain much more by being more concise.
Not that "Angladöten" are that much different in making references to ancient groups, but Anglagard mixed Yes, Genesis, Crimson within one minute (not one group per full track, as TFK does) and if Crimson is the main Anekdoten influence, they are much more than that.
And I have much less compassion for double offenders like Sinkadus and Wobbler which are retro-retro-progWink
BTW, I have a more leniant attitude for Spock's Beard, although I find that they share many flaws of TFK, but not the endless meanderings. (actually this was one of my bigger complaint from their third, fourth and fifth album: no longer tracks.) and SB gives a good concert Tongue 
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eddietrooper View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 07:35
They are a very good and enjoyable band. Their albums are not masterpieces, though, and they would be better if they selected better their stuff and make single disc albums instead of double albums full of overlong jamming.
But I quite enjoy them.

Edited by eddietrooper - October 25 2006 at 07:36
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russellk View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 07:29
Fascinating. Some people speak as though not to be original is a crime. I reserve no special respect for innovators: the vast majority of so-called 'original' stuff is awful, doomed to die, just like the vast majority of mutations in the natural world. Occasionally something sticks and we all copy it, and improve upon the original. I'd honestly rather listen to the copies, which are almost invariably better than the original. Or perhaps humans should have stayed exactly as they were when the first one dropped out of the tree?
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salmacis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 06:44
I really liked 'Paradox Hotel' which saw a far, far greater focus than any previous album of theirs I owned, even though it's a double. I don't take to 'The Rainmaker' or even less 'Unfold The Future'- they are full of long, long jazzy ambles that just don't register in my memory bank no matter how much I play them.
And there's the rub. For me it's not the lyrics (which were never the genre's strong point for many old bands either) or the fact they are very derivative. I personally think their whole career can be summed up by two albums- TFTO and 'Focus III'. Both Yes and Focus are obvious influences but it's those two albums with all their slothfulness that seem to form the basis of The Flower Kings sound. That issue aside, myself I very much like that 70s style of symphonic prog. (I however would have rather turned to the 80s neo prog bands than either these or Spock's Beard.)
The biggest problem for me was always the songwriting- there's too few hooks to latch upon and too much noodling. I love solos but not gratuitous ones. And it's THIS band, more than any other of the symphonic acts then and now, that have songs that exist solely for soloing. Most of their albums seem to have long winded, almost jam like instrumentals that don't show great skill to me but rather a sheer lack of quality control, imho.
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Prog-jester View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 06:23
I just don't like them(as well as Spock's Beard),they're pretty boring and each album sound almost the same as others.There are hundreds of other Retro-Prog bands which are more talented and less PRed - Matthew Parmenter's DISCIPLINE, SINKADUS, SIMON SAYS etc
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iguana View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 05:48
Well, talking about arrogance and acting as a headmaster etc.... what about Mr. Fripp ???


That's not a reason to like/hate the music.l

probably not ––– but el frippo is a true originator and still a visionary artist
who pushes boundaries and has done more than enough to reinvent the
way the guitar is played. one certainly cannot say that about mr. stolt,
although he is by all means a gifted player. but what is the point? i'm sorry,
but playing relatively mundane guitar and acting like it is manna from
above does in fact influence my opinion on the music.

ah, mustn't grumble, let's not dwell on that... good on yer, roine, keep
playing, because after all it is important that this is kind of music is played!
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lovecraft View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 05:45
They are just outrageously cheesy.
It hurts me to listen to them....I physically recoil at the thought.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 05:14
Iguana said:
"saw roine stolt with transatlantic five years ago and the guy's arrogant
"headmaster of prog lecturing the ignorant" stance on stage plus some of
the stuff he says in interviews completely turns me off. "
Well, talking about arrogance and acting as a headmaster etc.... what about Mr. Fripp ???
That's not a reason to like/hate the music.l
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fuxi View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2006 at 05:03
Hi the T,

I've been enjoying symphonic prog since 1975, and I'm very glad that bands such as the Flower Kings exist. Even though they are often derivative, I admire the fact that they are trying to (re-)create the thrills that only prog can give you. Some of their pieces, 'Stardust we are', for example, I find really exciting.

But let's try to find an honest way to answer your question. One thing that often irritates me about TFK is their lyrics, and the way they are sung. As far as I can tell, most of their lyrics are full of echoes from old Yes and Genesis material, used in a rather inept way. Try as he might, Roine Stolt just isn't Peter Gabriel. Part of the problem is that he's not a native speaker of English. Part is that he keeps spouting the most annoying flower power nonsense. As for his singing, at first I was impressed by his voice (Wow, someone who sounds like John Wetton!) and I can imagine that he carries you away when you see him live. But on CD his never-ending ENTHUSIASM quickly gets on my nerves. (I've got exactly the same problem with Neal Morse.) Some moderation (and a hired lyricist) might do TFK good.

I understand you're a huge fan, so please don't feel offended by this. You asked the question, and I tried to answer it. Meanwhile, I'm definitely going to keep watching TFK's career!
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