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Queen By-Tor
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Topic: What is most you like from Rush different periods Posted: November 24 2008 at 11:09 |
progrocker2244 wrote:
in your opinion, maybe
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Posted: November 24 2008 at 09:20 |
1st or 2nd period.
1st-I like Caress of Steel and 2112 a lot from the first era, but the rest is a lot less proggy.
2nd- Moving Pictures and Permanent waves are great, but neither grabbed me like 2112... however their music is more consistent in the second era.
Queen By-Tor
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Posted: November 23 2008 at 13:10 |
rushfan4 wrote:
To be honest, I kind of think that they started a
fifth period with Vapor Trails. I think that both Vapor Trails and
Snakes and Arrows have a more metallic feel than their previous period. |
Agreed. I've always thought that since VP is a heeeeeeeeell of a lot
different than T4E, RTB or Counterparts. I just didn't write it like
that in my response for... unknown reasons
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Posted: November 22 2008 at 21:31 |
To be honest, I kind of think that they started a fifth period with Vapor Trails. I think that both Vapor Trails and Snakes and Arrows have a more metallic feel than their previous period.
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Posted: November 22 2008 at 21:27 |
So, just out of curiosity, do you all think that if they make another album the fourth period will continue or do you think they'll begin a fifth period? If they go with the second option what would you guess it would be like?
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Posted: November 22 2008 at 21:17 |
The second period is my favorite, but the third period is way underrated.
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Posted: November 21 2008 at 15:05 |
Well, in that case, I don't really have as good of an answer as Mike for which period is my favorite or why I like Rush. I really do like all of their albums, including the debut with John Rutsey. I've always been infatuated with their lyrics and Neil Peart's drumming, but I also have an appreciation for Geddy's bass and keyboard playing and Alex's guitar playing and sense of humor. Geddy's voice took some getting used to, but being used to it I grew to enjoy it. I'm not as keen on his higher pitched squeals from the first and second periods, but as I said I've heard them enough that I am used to them. I like the tempo changes. And I also am just as appreciative of their songs with ballad structures such as Closer to the Heart, Ghost of a Chance, or Touch of the Heart, as I am of their rockers.
The first album that I purchased from them was Caress of Steel, and I immediately loved songs like Bastille Day and Lakeside Park. Necromancer and Fountain of Lamneth were songs that took awhile to appreciate, and to be honest I think that I appreciate them more now, than I ever did previously.
The first album that I purchased new when it was released was Presto. That was when I was becoming a fan. For many people, it is one of their least liked albums, but it is one of my favorite albums from them, because of that special place it has for me.
The first songs that I probably heard from them were Tom Sawyer and Limelight, and quite frankly I hated them. At the time, I was probably 12 years old, and I was listening to Top 40 radio, where these songs showed up, and stuck out like sore thumbs with the rest of the music of the time. Of course, now I love both of those songs, and despite their "overplayed" status, I still enjoy them everytime I hear them.
I generally think of Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures as my favorite two albums from them, so I guess that based on that their 2nd period is probably my favorite, but that is like saying that I prefer the cherry red sports car (i.e. Red Barchetta) over the Rolls Royce. I find almost everything that they have done to be high quality and worth my time to listen to from beginning to end every time. Yes, the lyrics to Dog Years made me cringe the first 50 times I heard it, but they don't bother me so much now, and the music is still pretty good.
So to that effect or affect (I always forget the correct word there), they are my favorite band, and I do prefer them over any other band that they could be compared to. But, as I said in each of those polls, I also love The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and Pink Floyd so the fact that I prefer Rush, does absolutely nothing to belittle the brilliance of these other bands, it just so happens that I prefer the fab three from Canada.
Queen By-Tor
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Posted: November 21 2008 at 14:42 |
 Well, we appreciate it
Alberto Muņoz
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Posted: November 21 2008 at 14:41 |
King By-Tor wrote:
Alberto Muņoz wrote:
King By-Tor wrote:
Depends on what day of the week you catch me on. |
And tell me on a week, how distribute the periods?
just curious...  |
Ooooooh man. I wanted to avoid this post because it blatantly shows how much I love the band, but here it goes. If you want to know what I love about each of Rush's periods, why and when, then just tune in.
Period 1 (Rush - 2112)
Rush's early works are great when you're looking for something to rock out to. Whether that be my namesake, Anthem, What You're Doing, Lakeside Park, Something For Nothing, or any other combination of songs - in this era you can hear Rush's attempts to break into the scene with a style which was not yet their 'classic' sound, but something they were passionate about none the less. 2112 in particular shows a band on a meanstreak with a "who even gives a damn" attitude thanks to the fact that they were about to be dumped by their label after the 'flop' of Caress Of Steel which the band themselves thought was the style they should go into.
You'll find me listening to this era if I'm in a very good mood and need to headbang to something. My favorite song of the era would be hard to pick, but By-Tor and In The End would probably have to fight it to the death. While Fly By Night is not an album I recommend to everyone, it's my favorite of the era.
Period 2 (A Farewell To Kings - Moving Pictures)
This is considered Rush's classic era in the prog world. Multiple epics and a discovery in the 'swords & shields' style of their music saw Rush at a creative zenith. While there are some days where I don't even want to hear these albums I do get incredibly nostalgic about them when I put them on, being that they were the foundation of my highschool years.
You'll find me in this era if I really want to PROG OUT and put on Hemispheres or Permanent Waves. My favorite song from this era is a two way tie between the two megalodons of my favorite song list, Jacob's Ladder and The Camera Eye, two songs that send shivers down my spine just typing the name. The lush and full sound from Geddy's slightly developed synths make for a very warm feeling era.
Period 3 (Signals - Presto)
Rush's synth era moves between light and darkness in terms of tone, there's dark albums like Grace Under Pressure and light hearted stuff with a hint of melancholy like on Presto. The New Wave influences are really a treat for those who can handle them and while this is deinfitely not Rush's best period there are months at a time where this is all that I'll listen to. The songs are a lot more complex that they appear at first sight which makes them great to listen to mulitple times. Listen to the bass riff on The BIg Money and you'll know what I mean. This era is more defined by emotion than attempted musicianship, because at this point Rush KNEW they were great musicians and didn't need to prove it to anyone.
You'll find me listening to this era on different occasions. If I need to rawk out to something that has a lush feel then I'll put on GUP, if I need something drifty and emotional then I'll put on HYF. A varied and experiemental period which is ultimately wonderful, but an aquired taste. My favorite album from this era is Grace Under Pressure followed very closely by Signals, my favorite song is a tie between the chilling The Body Electric and the heartwarming Prime Mover.
Period 4 (Roll The Bones - Snakes & Arrows)
Rush's modern era is defined by experimentalism with new sounds along with old ones. Albums like Roll The Bones are very experimental and lean towards contemporary musicianship for their times while Snakes & Arrows is a combination of the old and the new. There's no more epics, but the songs are still highly impressive and it seems that the band gets heavier and heavier with each release. Vapor Trails, while bashed by some, shows a reinvigorated band that was itching to get back in the studio and kick ass after a 10 year hiatus.
I listen to this era likely the most often. The combination of various styles makes for a very mean grouping of albums. There's enough here to appeal to all my tastes. My favorite album in this era is Counterparts followed closely by Snakes & Arrows. Favorite song is once again a two way tie, this time between Animate and the amazing Armor & Sword.
so there you go 
This originally was intended for you and Rushfan4 and NaturalScience and Movingpictures 07.
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Posted: November 21 2008 at 14:04 |
from the first era I have their eponymous debut album and 2112, from the second Hemispheres, Permanent Waves, and Moving Pictures, from the third Power Windows, and from the fourth Roll the Bones, Test For Echo, Vapor Trails, the Rush in Rio DVD, and Snakes and Arrows, so I can only base what I say on those albums.
What I like about the first one is that they just rock. Yes, they might have been trying a bit too hard to be Led Zeppelin,but it was still good, fun music. 2112 shares a few of those characteristics but you can tell they were growing away from that and into something else. That growth reached its peak on albums like Hemispheres, where they still had the shorter, bluesy rocking songs, but more so focused on writing epics. One thing I noticed as time progressed was that the epics became more cohesive. For example, Hemispheres I find flows together as a piece much better than 2112, which seems more to be composed of several shorter songs pieced together by segways. I can't say much about the third period because all I know from it is from Power Windows and the "Chronicles" compilation album and DVD. I like it, but it took a while to grow on me. Upon first listen I dismissed it as being merely typical 80's pop, but further listens revealed them to be deeper than that, and though they had turned away from epics they were still writing great songs. With the newer albums, I like the organic approach they take, and though the songs aren't epic or complex in nature, they're well written songs that have an earnest feel, and that's really what matters. I don't find that complex means better, so I can appreciate all the periods. If I had to pick a favourite album I'd probably go with Hemispheres or Permanent Waves.
songs in particular that I'd call my favourites: Working Man, Anthem, 2112, Something for Nothing, Hemispheres, La Villa Strangiato, Natural Science, Jacob's Ladder, The Camera Eye, Subdivisions, Red Sector A, Bravado, Dreamline, Driven, Resist, Earthshine, Secret Touch, Armor and Sword, Far Cry, The Main Monkey Business
Yes, I really like them all, but that's two or three from each album that I'd pick out as highlights if I had to.
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Posted: November 21 2008 at 12:33 |
Awesome response Mike.
Queen By-Tor
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Posted: November 21 2008 at 12:29 |
Alberto Muņoz wrote:
King By-Tor wrote:
Depends on what day of the week you catch me on. |
And tell me on a week, how distribute the periods?
just curious...  |
Ooooooh man. I wanted to avoid this post because it blatantly shows how much I love the band, but here it goes. If you want to know what I love about each of Rush's periods, why and when, then just tune in. Period 1 (Rush - 2112)
Rush's early works are great when you're looking for something to rock out to. Whether that be my namesake, Anthem, What You're Doing, Lakeside Park, Something For Nothing, or any other combination of songs - in this era you can hear Rush's attempts to break into the scene with a style which was not yet their 'classic' sound, but something they were passionate about none the less. 2112 in particular shows a band on a meanstreak with a "who even gives a damn" attitude thanks to the fact that they were about to be dumped by their label after the 'flop' of Caress Of Steel which the band themselves thought was the style they should go into. You'll find me listening to this era if I'm in a very good mood and need to headbang to something. My favorite song of the era would be hard to pick, but By-Tor and In The End would probably have to fight it to the death. While Fly By Night is not an album I recommend to everyone, it's my favorite of the era. Period 2 (A Farewell To Kings - Moving Pictures)
This is considered Rush's classic era in the prog world. Multiple epics and a discovery in the 'swords & shields' style of their music saw Rush at a creative zenith. While there are some days where I don't even want to hear these albums I do get incredibly nostalgic about them when I put them on, being that they were the foundation of my highschool years. You'll find me in this era if I really want to PROG OUT and put on Hemispheres or Permanent Waves. My favorite song from this era is a two way tie between the two megalodons of my favorite song list, Jacob's Ladder and The Camera Eye, two songs that send shivers down my spine just typing the name. The lush and full sound from Geddy's slightly developed synths make for a very warm feeling era. Period 3 (Signals - Presto)
Rush's synth era moves between light and darkness in terms of tone, there's dark albums like Grace Under Pressure and light hearted stuff with a hint of melancholy like on Presto. The New Wave influences are really a treat for those who can handle them and while this is deinfitely not Rush's best period there are months at a time where this is all that I'll listen to. The songs are a lot more complex that they appear at first sight which makes them great to listen to mulitple times. Listen to the bass riff on The BIg Money and you'll know what I mean. This era is more defined by emotion than attempted musicianship, because at this point Rush KNEW they were great musicians and didn't need to prove it to anyone. You'll find me listening to this era on different occasions. If I need to rawk out to something that has a lush feel then I'll put on GUP, if I need something drifty and emotional then I'll put on HYF. A varied and experiemental period which is ultimately wonderful, but an aquired taste. My favorite album from this era is Grace Under Pressure followed very closely by Signals, my favorite song is a tie between the chilling The Body Electric and the heartwarming Prime Mover. Period 4 (Roll The Bones - Snakes & Arrows)
Rush's modern era is defined by experimentalism with new sounds along with old ones. Albums like Roll The Bones are very experimental and lean towards contemporary musicianship for their times while Snakes & Arrows is a combination of the old and the new. There's no more epics, but the songs are still highly impressive and it seems that the band gets heavier and heavier with each release. Vapor Trails, while bashed by some, shows a reinvigorated band that was itching to get back in the studio and kick ass after a 10 year hiatus. I listen to this era likely the most often. The combination of various styles makes for a very mean grouping of albums. There's enough here to appeal to all my tastes. My favorite album in this era is Counterparts followed closely by Snakes & Arrows. Favorite song is once again a two way tie, this time between Animate and the amazing Armor & Sword. so there you go
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Posted: November 21 2008 at 11:58 |
I would say 77-81 period, hands down.......but then Snakes and Arrows came out and got me into their recent stuff.
When Rutsey died earlier this year I went back and listened to the first album for about 2 weeks straight, and I fell back into loving the earlier period.
So as of now, no favorite period of Rush as they are all great to me. Maybe I'm on the "depends on what day of the week" wagon?
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Posted: November 21 2008 at 11:37 |
3rd Period for me. The 80's stuff just speaks to me; Power Windows, GUP, Hold Your Fire, and Signals are my Rush's top four.Geddy really gets into a groove during that time, on both keyboards and bass(especially bass on HYF). Don't get me wrong, I love and know all the classics, but I always go back to to the 80's.
Alberto Muņoz
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Posted: November 21 2008 at 10:30 |
King By-Tor wrote:
Depends on what day of the week you catch me on. |
And tell me on a week, how distribute the periods?
just curious... 
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Posted: November 21 2008 at 04:37 |
'77 - 81 for me. This era produced their two best albums, imo; Moving Pictures & Permenant Waves.
But, as Natural Science points out there is great music to be found in all their eras. Their first era produced 'Caress of Steel' which I would say takes third place overall, after MP and PW, for me.
Edited by Blacksword - November 21 2008 at 12:04
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Posted: November 21 2008 at 02:58 |
The second period. Hemispheres and Moving Pictures are two of my favourites. From the other periods I like Signals and Caress of Steel the most.
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Posted: November 21 2008 at 02:53 |
depends what day you are rushing too....
Period one - 2112 for me but still getting into the first three albums
Period 2 - Moving Pictures - Vital Signs
Period 3 - Power Windows - Territories
Period 4 - What can I say? So much to discover and enjoy, all good quality even one I used to rip to shreds ' Test For Echo' but my current favourite is Counterparts for ' Cut To The Chase' and ' Leave That Thing Alone'. ' Bravado' off Roll The Bones too!
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Posted: November 21 2008 at 01:43 |
But wasn't the question what's your favourite stuff from each period, not what's your favourite period?
From the first period, Caress of Steel is my favourite album, and The Fountain of Lamneth is my favourite track. Of course the other albums got some excellent stuff too. 2112 actually isn't one of my biggest faves, though it's fine of course.
From the second, A Farewell To Kings and Moving Pictures are pretty much perfect albums throughout. Other tracks I love are La Villa Strangiato, Jacob's Ladder and Natural Science. Hemispheres is nice but too long.
From the third period, Signals is a definite standout album, again pretty much perfect throughout, but I've come to appreciate Power Windows and Hold Your Fire a lot more than I used to, and they're actually also pretty much perfect in their own way. But I have to be in the mood for those. Grace Under Pressure has some excellent tracks (Red Sector A, Between The Wheels).
From the fourth, Snakes & Arrows is my favourite album overall. I also love the title track, Driven, Time & Motion and Limbo from Test For Echo. Counterparts has some great stuff, e.g. Double Agent. Favourite track from Vapor Trails is probably Ghost Rider.
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Posted: November 20 2008 at 20:00 |
I don't know , Since I am a BIG LZ fan I'd probably go with their first. But the second is their most progressive , and those albums from synth rush started to grow on me. (Specially Power Windows)
So I can't make up my mind.