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OpethGuitarist View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Making a statement...
    Posted: January 16 2007 at 18:15

so now quantity comes before quality


j/k mate, it's an excellent analysis
back from the dead, i will begin posting reviews again and musing through the forums
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Pnoom! View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 16 2007 at 17:21
Perhaps we should give ratings with more words more credit...
So that my Tago Mago review (11 pages, double spaced) will push it back up to first place in Krautrock, where it belongs...Wink
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 26 2006 at 13:09
Noted, zaxx... anyway, all this stuff will be checked/revised in early 2007. Smile

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 26 2006 at 10:54
Ok here it goes (correct me if I'm wrong concerning the weights)...

AGALLOCH "Pale Folklore" reviews (I took a simple example)

Collaborators Reviews (weight = 3)
5* (1)
3* (1)

Guests Reviews (weight = 2)
5* (1)

Ratings Without Reviews (weight = 1)
5* (3)
4* (1)
2* (1)

Total = (5+3)*3 + 5*2 + (3*5+4+2)*1 = 55
Weighted votes = 2*3 + 1*2 + 5*1 = 13

Average rating = 55/13 = 4.23
Rating from PA = 4.33

Note that I calculated the same way the average for "The Mantle" and in that case it's the same as the one given by PA (4.39)... so where's the flaw?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 06 2006 at 06:03
Originally posted by Toccata Toccata wrote:

How come?! PoS Perfect Element managed to jump from 44 to 28 in one month period: 05.10.2006 it has 120 votes with 4,43 rtg and now there's 124 with 4,50.
If it'a a simple calculation, those four voters had to vote giving 6,6 average rtg Wacko
Is it OK?
The same for BMS Darwin!: 05.10.2006 it has 81 votes with 4,35 rtg and now there's 82 with 4,42. One voter had to give 10,1 rtg Shocked. And jumped 17 places up.
Also strange things with PoS Remedy Lane, Deep Purple Made in Japan. And especially with DT Live at Budokan: the same number of voters (76), but rating has changed from 4,39 to 4,35 which eventually thrown them down by 17 places.
There are different weights for "ratings with reviews" and "ratings without reviews". Also, PA Collabs reviews have a greater weight. The issue cannot be solved by simple arythmetics!
Anyway, the algorythm used may have a flaw or a bug.  

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The Whistler View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 06 2006 at 04:09
So you're saying that I could review EVERYTHING ELSE with one star in an attempt to get Under Wraps to the number one slot, eh? Hmm...
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Toccata View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 06 2006 at 03:46
How come?! PoS Perfect Element managed to jump from 44 to 28 in one month period: 05.10.2006 it has 120 votes with 4,43 rtg and now there's 124 with 4,50.
If it'a a simple calculation, those four voters had to vote giving 6,6 average rtg Wacko
Is it OK?
The same for BMS Darwin!: 05.10.2006 it has 81 votes with 4,35 rtg and now there's 82 with 4,42. One voter had to give 10,1 rtg Shocked. And jumped 17 places up.
Also strange things with PoS Remedy Lane, Deep Purple Made in Japan. And especially with DT Live at Budokan: the same number of voters (76), but rating has changed from 4,39 to 4,35 which eventually thrown them down by 17 places.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 22 2006 at 10:10
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

Ratings without reviews are a perennial issue. However, M@x is adamant that they must continue to be allowed, so that the site is accessible to all. He did however agree to the compromise arrangement where the value of such ratings is less than those of ratings with reviews. This lead to a slight increase in reviews which said nothing ("this albums brilliant, is that 50 words yet?"), but Guigo and I are watching for those too.
Perhaps we be able to get M@x to devalue further the influence of ratings without reviews in the future.
You do know how I feel about that don't youSmile
I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT
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Easy Livin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 22 2006 at 09:40
Ratings without reviews are a perennial issue. However, M@x is adamant that they must continue to be allowed, so that the site is accessible to all. He did however agree to the compromise arrangement where the value of such ratings is less than those of ratings with reviews. This lead to a slight increase in reviews which said nothing ("this albums brilliant, is that 50 words yet?"), but Guigo and I are watching for those too.
Perhaps we be able to get M@x to devalue further the influence of ratings without reviews in the future.
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2006 at 13:33
Originally posted by Atkingani Atkingani wrote:

The algorhythm difference among the Top 10 is very close and a half dozen of wannabe manipulators may do the damage, unless we notice it.
Being it so close you have a hard job guys, I respect that a lot.
I believe that these "attacks" come from website fanboyish clubs, be them from Genesis, Yes, Floyd, Tull, etc. They (the attackers) may simply combine and do their raids in a certain day or a couple of days. Some of them, knowing PA rules, write some lines hoping their reviews may count as "valids" and have a greater weight. Sad enough!Confused
A paramilitar fanclub organization creating raids to manipulate information.
Holy sh!t, that's pretty scary. LOL This guys need to get a life, no wonder why people consider Prog fans nerds.

Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - October 21 2006 at 13:34
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2006 at 13:22
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by Atkingani Atkingani wrote:

You're right, Iván... Smile
Due to the amount of reviews and lack of time, Bob and I go generally to the top of the Chart where the attempts of manipulation occur all the time. I can assure you (and others that come here) that the manipulation trend at the the top of the Chart (involving those acronyms you mentioned Big smile) is an everyday issue. I really wonder if the quantity of energy those manipulators waste should be better used!
Amazing to know it's an everyday issue, don't this people have something better to do???? How many ratings they need to alter one place being that ratings alone have a smaller weight among 400 or  500 reviews?
I'm a Genesis fan over Yes by large but honestly  feel more comfortable with CTTE or DSOTM than with SEBTP as a top album, but at the end who cares, I will love Foxtrot, Nursery Cryme, Hybris or Gothic Impressions over most of the usual suspects just the same.
Hybris for example could be a top 5 easily, my opinion about it and even less the real quality won't change if ANGLAGARD are not in the top ten.
I'm used to read charts since the 70's and rarely have seen a Prog album mentioned (Most of the times found Bee Gees, Michael Jackson, Madonna, etc) so why should it be different now if one masterpiece and not another is in the top?
Some people need to grow.
The algorhythm difference among the Top 10 is very close and a half dozen of wannabe manipulators may do the damage, unless we notice it.
I believe that these "attacks" come from website fanboyish clubs, be them from Genesis, Yes, Floyd, Tull, etc. They (the attackers) may simply combine and do their raids in a certain day or a couple of days. Some of them, knowing PA rules, write some lines hoping their reviews may count as "valids" and have a greater weight. Sad enough!Confused

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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2006 at 13:11
Originally posted by Atkingani Atkingani wrote:

You're right, Iván... Smile
Due to the amount of reviews and lack of time, Bob and I go generally to the top of the Chart where the attempts of manipulation occur all the time. I can assure you (and others that come here) that the manipulation trend at the the top of the Chart (involving those acronyms you mentioned Big smile) is an everyday issue. I really wonder if the quantity of energy those manipulators waste should be better used!
Amazing to know it's an everyday issue, don't this people have something better to do???? How many ratings they need to alter one place being that ratings alone have a smaller weight among 400 or  500 reviews?
I'm a Genesis fan over Yes by large but honestly  feel more comfortable with CTTE or DSOTM than with SEBTP as a top album, but at the end who cares, I will love Foxtrot, Nursery Cryme, Hybris or Gothic Impressions over most of the usual suspects just the same.
Hybris for example could be a top 5 easily, my opinion about it and even less the real quality won't change if ANGLAGARD are not in the top ten.
I'm used to read charts since the 70's and rarely have seen a Prog album mentioned (Most of the times found Bee Gees, Michael Jackson, Madonna, etc) so why should it be different now if one masterpiece and not another is in the top?
Some people need to grow.
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Atkingani View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2006 at 12:51
You're right, Iván... Smile
Due to the amount of reviews and lack of time, Bob and I go generally to the top of the Chart where the attempts of manipulation occur all the time. I can assure you (and others that come here) that the manipulation trend at the the top of the Chart (involving those acronyms you mentioned Big smile) is an everyday issue. I really wonder if the quantity of energy those manipulators waste should be better used!

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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2006 at 12:31
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

I had a look Ivan, there's nothing to indicate something suspicious going on. Each of the people (and there were a number of them) who gave 1 star has a decent spread of ratings for different albums. There is nothing to indicate any link between the people.
Knowing you and Guigo  I have no doubt of this Bob, the ratings with reviews are no big issue IMHO, we have created a natural radar due to our works here as adms and in my case as a team member to smell from a mile when something is not 100% correct LOL.
I know you check this out constantly in the case of every band and due to your experience you would discovered a manipulation as we talked some time ago in a determined case you and/or Guigo asked for my opinion.
But that's not the problem, my point is mainly about rating without reviews as a principle, there will be honest persons (The vast majority) but there is also people who rate almost anything they find without having listened the album just for the fun of ratings.
I would even admit ratings without reviews but not count them at all, maybe a parallel indication of this average not counted officially in the top 100 (Even if a top 50 is almost in the same level of a top 10).
If the ratings have reviews, I have absolutely no problem, as you well say it's an opinion and if supported with a review it's easier to notice that.
I should say that I simply don't have time to investigate every instance where someone thinks a band or album has been unfairly treated. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.Wink
I honestly don't believe people would want to manipúlate The Beatles, almost everybody likes them and/or respects them and they are not in the top of our charts, normally the problem is between the usual suspecs CTTE, SEBTP, DSOTM and TAAB (Hate those acronyms, but save time LOL).
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Easy Livin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2006 at 11:03
I had a look Ivan, there's nothing to indicate something suspicious going on. Each of the people (and there were a number of them) who gave 1 star has a decent spread of ratings for different albums. There is nothing to indicate any link between the people.
I should say that I simply don't have time to investigate every instance where someone thinks a band or album has been unfairly treated. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.Wink
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Trickster F. View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2006 at 07:12
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

I have checked out the Beatles and Landberk.
There is no evidence of manipulation for either, the ratings appear to be genuine. They are not necessarily by the same person in each case. I won't take action simply because someone disagrees with someone else's opinion.
The case highlighted previously, which extended well beyond just the two bands mentioned, was a clear case of systematic abuse.
Remember I expressed apprehension about Death reviews? Did that get anywhere? Each of their releases, even the obscure ones you can't even find for download anymore, has at least 2 1-star ratings. Looks like some potentional manipulation here.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2006 at 07:09
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

IMO the review gives you the idea about the album, the rating is only a visual aid and the expression of like or dislike of the author, valid exclusively as a complementary information.


This is the crux of the problem with ratings. The PA rating is only a very rough guide, yet it is wrongly turned into something completely different when applied to the Charts. IMO ratings for charts need to be much more detailed, eg  1-100 comprised of 5 blocks of 20 points for facets of the album like complexity, musicianship, Prog-ness, recording quality, enjoyment factor - I've just made these up on the spur of the moment but using them as an example:

BJH - Welcome To The Show

complexity - 3/20
musicianship - 15/20
Prog-ness - 6/20
recording quality - 19/20
enjoyment factor - 16/20

Total rating - 59

Just a thought

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2006 at 02:08
All of my ratings have reviews, and albeit some of the reviews arent good in my opinion, but they are there nonetheless.

I plan to continue it that way, as I somewhat enjoy writing reviews(otherwise I wouldn't do it) and hope that I can somehow help someone out.
back from the dead, i will begin posting reviews again and musing through the forums
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2006 at 00:39
Originally posted by bhikkhu bhikkhu wrote:

    I do believe that you shouldn't be able to rate without a review. This is mainly because, if you are able to rate it, you should be able to review it. The reviews are what are supposed to be used to get an idea about an album. Without that, it's really of no use.
I always believed in that, there's nothing more frustrating that adding a band with 30 albums after a long research and tedious work (Adding discography is extremely tedious, not only for the downloading, scanning and uploading but also because you find albums with repeated names or bootlegs almost official you have to ignoore, etc), just to end, make your first review and find some lurker has rated it with one start (In this precise case the guy rated everything with one or two stars except Puink Floyd).
I like arguing and accept low ratings reviews, everybody who knows me is concious of that, but with a review without rating youdon't even know if the guy ever heard the album.
During our cleaning work we find reviews copied from Amazon or Allmusic, but in this case you can notice it.
IMO the review gives you the idea about the album, the rating is only a visual aid and the expression of like or dislike of the author, valid exclusively as a complementary information.

I was objective when I reviewed the Beatles catalogue. I didn't rate any of the early ones over three stars (and it almost killed me ). I took it from a prog collection viewpoint. If it was just straight reviewing, nothing would get under four stars from me (excluding compilations, and live releases).
Also agree with that, according to PA guidelines a lollypop album like Meet The Beatles is not a great addition for a collection unless you're specifically interested in that kind of music, but of course I believe Abbey Road and Sgt Peppers deserve 4 stars.
If I see a good review of "Help" that gives one or 5 stars I would disagree (in both cases) but at least I can understand why the guy rated it low or high, with the ratings alone, you're lost. 

I don't like Dream Theater, but I doubt I would give anything I have heard less than two ( and I would have to think it was really bad to rate it that low).
I don't like 90% of Dream Theater, so why would I rate theoir albums? I only rate albums low when I like at least part of their discography but specially if I'm able to review it in the most objective way I'm capable and I'm not objective with DT.

Just the same, I would be writing a review to tell the reader what I thought about it.
Never rated an album without a review and I never will, when the rules changed two or three of my reviews were not added because of lack of lenght but that's a mistake I never made again.


Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - October 21 2006 at 02:10
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 20 2006 at 23:37
    I do believe that you shouldn't be able to rate without a review. This is mainly because, if you are able to rate it, you should be able to review it. The reviews are what are supposed to be used to get an idea about an album. Without that, it's really of no use.

I was objective when I reviewed the Beatles catalogue. I didn't rate any of the early ones over three stars (and it almost killed me ). I took it from a prog collection viewpoint. If it was just straight reviewing, nothing would get under four stars from me (excluding compilations, and live releases).

I don't like Dream Theater, but I doubt I would give anything I have heard less than two ( and I would have to think it was really bad to rate it that low).

Just the same, I would be writing a review to tell the reader what I thought about it.


Edited by bhikkhu - October 20 2006 at 23:37
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