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Topic: Why dont many girls like prog? Posted: July 22 2017 at 04:54 |
lostrom wrote:
I've met some. Well, they would have to stop pretend they must be against everything men like, I don't think they'll manage that - what then will they do with their lives. |
And therein is the essence of women should be into prog. It is very arguable, very controversial and stirs up feelings. It has everything a woman wants. Initiate Drama to induce Talk.
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Posted: July 22 2017 at 03:55 |
Karen loves her some Phideaux. Oh and I believe Eleonora is very big on Amon Düül ll.
Why don't many men like showtunes????!?!?!!!?? What's the difference between an orange? It neither flies. What's the difference between a duck? It neither wears a tie.
I knitted a mascot out of foam and gorgonzola together with four feminist ice cream vendors from Bavaria in order to realise the truth: all women live on earth.
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Posted: July 22 2017 at 03:44 |
I've met some. Well, they would have to stop pretend they must be against everything men like, I don't think they'll manage that - what then will they do with their lives.
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Posted: July 13 2017 at 07:30 |
DreamTechPlus wrote:
That's very interesting. Every single one of my friends who listens to prog, not one of them is male.
Maybe it's regional. |
I also live in Australia. Is it Brenda and Sheila, those matching moles from Ipswich?
Edited by ExittheLemming - July 14 2017 at 07:57
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Posted: July 13 2017 at 06:57 |
That's very interesting. Every single one of my friends who listens to prog, not one of them is male.
Maybe it's regional.
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Posted: July 10 2017 at 05:45 |
This is getting amusing. So a piece of music, prog, or say a classical work might be quite lengthy. And this is "immature" yet a top 20 pop tune of 1.5 minutes (extended to 3.5) is mature.
It's all about your social environment and demand. Women have something men want. Women therefore do not waste time and money on listening to Beethoven symphonies while they can get some guy to squire her to the concert or opera (not a prog concert obviously); the social cache gets increased. Instead they watch movies and TV to have something to talk about among other women. For the same reason guys are into sports. Conversation pieces.
Women can get into serious music of course they do but only in tme becuase they have a busier social schedule.
Of course there is no excuse for feeble headed guys into the most hideous pop content (sampled material some of my favourite hates). But as the western world has become more feminized culturally then the musical emphasis will be more on the briefer, yet repetitive audio wall paper. And the associated dudes are playing catch up as opposed to finding a new world (Dvorak or anything prog rock).
Essentially it's too time consumptive for too many.
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Posted: July 08 2017 at 18:04 |
The Sloth wrote:
An incredible amount of bending over backwards in here to save feelings. It's simple: men make things. Tall buildings, prog rock, an endless supply of excuses for women (I kid...but seriously). Women are more practical than men. Progressive Rock is something that men made in their free time that impresses other men (because the amount of work that went in is obvious), but to most (yes, most) women a 20 minute song seems self-indulgent and immature, when they can get everything they want out of music in 3.5 minutes. |
A month since the penultimate post on this thread. You've certainly earned your username and women, they're always late aren't they?
The Sloth
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Posted: July 08 2017 at 17:43 |
An incredible amount of bending over backwards in here to save feelings. It's simple: men make things. Tall buildings, prog rock, an endless supply of excuses for women (I kid...but seriously). Women are more practical than men. Progressive Rock is something that men made in their free time that impresses other men (because the amount of work that went in is obvious), but to most (yes, most) women a 20 minute song seems self-indulgent and immature, when they can get everything they want out of music in 3.5 minutes.
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Posted: June 09 2017 at 08:34 |
I think the stereotypes hold due to cultural inertia, plus the fact that not everyone has the energy to fight stereotypes all day when they're trying to do a thing. For a long time online I remember it being like this big shock when someone would "reveal" that they were female, as if we aren't half the population or something to begin with. The assumption that females don't (or worse, shouldn't) exist in certain fora tends to drive a lot of otherwise interested participants away. I tend to see such situations as a challenge, personally, but I can understand why some would just not want to bother.
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Posted: June 09 2017 at 00:23 |
Yes, didn't mention it specifically because she is the engineer cousin I mentioned a few lines before that.
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Posted: June 08 2017 at 23:07 |
rogerthat wrote:
CorwinA wrote:
Ok - I honestly find it kind of hilarious that *yet another* one of my interests has been deemed Boy Stuff. I mean, I'm used to it by now given I grew up being into space Lego and Star Wars and video games and whatnot; by the time I got to college (majoring in electrical engineering) I was so accustomed to being surrounded by dudes that encountering another female in my chosen territory often actively weirded me out.
That said...I think all this discussion of "why aren't more women into prog" is essentially the same conversation that happens when people start speculating on why more women aren't STEM majors / engineers/ etc. And the answer is the same: "it's complicated". Honestly, I think a lot of it is down to a feedback loop: way back in the day, before birth control and such, women were often relegated to a life of baby-having and domestic duties from a fairly young age. Now, even in first-world situations where we have more of a choice regarding such things, and where there is generally a built-in egalitarian expectation surrounding domestic labor proliferated throughout mainstream culture, little kids still get bombarded from all sides with expectations of gender-role performance. Even if it isn't overt or shoved down throats, so to speak, most children pick up and absorb a ton of ideas from their society and family groups, and are compelled, consciously or not, to behave accordingly. There *may* be a biological component to some of this, but I would assert it is minuscule compared to social feedback loops. I mean i have literally seen people try to claim that girls are drawn to pink because cave-women used to forage for red berries, which is just absurd, especially considering until around the 1930s or thereabouts, blue was considered a girl color and pink was for boys.
But in any event - I think that the women in modern first-world countries who end up getting into prog are going to be those who have, by virtue of early experiences, family environment, and possibly neurological makeup, managed to like what they like regardless of what the mainstream culture expects of girls. In my case I had a father who was into prog, plus I am on the autism spectrum, so maybe those things contributed. I never really felt beholden to acting like a "girl", Iat least in the sense of gravitation toward or away from particular interests based on gender role stuff. |
Well said. I find it strange that people still discuss not enough women in STEM in a "maybe women are not so logical etc" kind of light. One of my cousin sisters is an engineer, another is studying engineering. A friend of mine studied engineering and now works in Germany (I am from India). I know or know about so many women studying or working in such fields so why these gender stereotypes still hold so stubbornly is a mystery to me. Another cousin of mine is only just getting into college and has already devoured those forbidding tomes written by Russian authors (you know which ones I am talking about) and has discussed last year's presidential elections (she lives in the US) as well as AI among many other 'manly' topics with me. By the by, nowhere near as many men are interested in stuff like sci-fi, D&D or Tolkien as men like to believe. It's just that men seem to dominate this minority but it's a minority still. Yeah, yeah, I do know Star Wars or LOTR were hits and that's not what I am talking about. People who are hardcore into it are a minority so it's not at all clear that it's a man thing, more that it's a weird thing, just like prog. |
Isn't your cousin's sister also your cousin?
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Posted: June 08 2017 at 10:14 |
CorwinA wrote:
Ok - I honestly find it kind of hilarious that *yet another* one of my interests has been deemed Boy Stuff. I mean, I'm used to it by now given I grew up being into space Lego and Star Wars and video games and whatnot; by the time I got to college (majoring in electrical engineering) I was so accustomed to being surrounded by dudes that encountering another female in my chosen territory often actively weirded me out.
That said...I think all this discussion of "why aren't more women into prog" is essentially the same conversation that happens when people start speculating on why more women aren't STEM majors / engineers/ etc. And the answer is the same: "it's complicated". Honestly, I think a lot of it is down to a feedback loop: way back in the day, before birth control and such, women were often relegated to a life of baby-having and domestic duties from a fairly young age. Now, even in first-world situations where we have more of a choice regarding such things, and where there is generally a built-in egalitarian expectation surrounding domestic labor proliferated throughout mainstream culture, little kids still get bombarded from all sides with expectations of gender-role performance. Even if it isn't overt or shoved down throats, so to speak, most children pick up and absorb a ton of ideas from their society and family groups, and are compelled, consciously or not, to behave accordingly. There *may* be a biological component to some of this, but I would assert it is minuscule compared to social feedback loops. I mean i have literally seen people try to claim that girls are drawn to pink because cave-women used to forage for red berries, which is just absurd, especially considering until around the 1930s or thereabouts, blue was considered a girl color and pink was for boys.
But in any event - I think that the women in modern first-world countries who end up getting into prog are going to be those who have, by virtue of early experiences, family environment, and possibly neurological makeup, managed to like what they like regardless of what the mainstream culture expects of girls. In my case I had a father who was into prog, plus I am on the autism spectrum, so maybe those things contributed. I never really felt beholden to acting like a "girl", Iat least in the sense of gravitation toward or away from particular interests based on gender role stuff. |
Well said. I find it strange that people still discuss not enough women in STEM in a "maybe women are not so logical etc" kind of light. One of my cousin sisters is an engineer, another is studying engineering. A friend of mine studied engineering and now works in Germany (I am from India). I know or know about so many women studying or working in such fields so why these gender stereotypes still hold so stubbornly is a mystery to me. Another cousin of mine is only just getting into college and has already devoured those forbidding tomes written by Russian authors (you know which ones I am talking about) and has discussed last year's presidential elections (she lives in the US) as well as AI among many other 'manly' topics with me. By the by, nowhere near as many men are interested in stuff like sci-fi, D&D or Tolkien as men like to believe. It's just that men seem to dominate this minority but it's a minority still. Yeah, yeah, I do know Star Wars or LOTR were hits and that's not what I am talking about. People who are hardcore into it are a minority so it's not at all clear that it's a man thing, more that it's a weird thing, just like prog.
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Posted: June 08 2017 at 08:56 |
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Posted: June 08 2017 at 08:49 |
There's been a lot of rubbish posted in the thread but that's like blaming the paint factory for the graffiti. i think the topic thought provoking and worthwhile but have no idea how the historical British Empire equates to an 'old reich run by women'. Jon Anderson might actually make more sense than you do?
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Posted: June 08 2017 at 08:35 |
ExittheLemming wrote:
The T wrote:
Why do so few men run countries in Europe |
because out of 28 member states there are 5 female presidents and 4 female prime ministers which clearly indicate that either pesky arithmetic or character references from your guy are the culprit
My post was rubbish, in the spirit of this thread 
Having said that, look at your old empire, or the old Reich, currently run by women. That should give wart-swamped misogynists headaches even though, dammit, women don't like Jon Anderson's nonsense in the same rates as men.
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Posted: June 08 2017 at 08:19 |
The T wrote:
Why do so few men run countries in Europe |
because out of 28 member states there are 5 female presidents and 4 female prime ministers which clearly indicate that either pesky arithmetic or character references from your guy are the culprit
Edited by ExittheLemming - June 08 2017 at 08:23
The T
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Posted: June 08 2017 at 07:44 |
Why do so few men run countries in Europe
Sean Trane
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Posted: June 08 2017 at 06:52 |
Kepler62 wrote:
Maybe she just gave up like I'm about to. I mean 12 pages of this nonsense? |
Are you still here??  WE I thought you slammed the door a few days ago!!  (we were hoping you'd keep your word)  just to make sure you do (exit for good), we'll keep this thread alive for another 12 pages  =============== ThreeFates (Linda) was quite a character and sort of left in the third or fourth year of existence of the site's forum. She got married and didn't want her new hubbie to find out she loved prog (grounds for an instantaneous divorce with un-proggy husbands)
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Posted: June 08 2017 at 05:31 |
Maybe she just gave up like I'm about to. I mean 12 pages of this nonsense?
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Posted: June 08 2017 at 02:32 |
Big Ears wrote:
There was a girl on this site, called threefates, who was a big ELP fan. I am not sure what happened to her, but one of the PA stalwarts might know. | There's been numerous female members of this forum. In remember Threefates quite well. I think she used to actually know ELP.
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